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Everything posted by Success

  1. What a memory! I was in a sports bar in Boston. I can recall every key play vividly. Those were awesome days. It feels like we'll finally have more of them now.
  2. Some guys are just supposed to be Bills. Allen for sure. I didn't think Diggs would be one when we got him - but I was wrong. He's a Bill through & through.
  3. Agree w/ those who think this is premature. I'm just waiting for the same reaction when Josh has his 1st sub-par game. It's too much of a hot take. Jackson is an excellent QB - he may not repeat what he did last year, but he's gonna win a lot of games in his career.
  4. Kind of fun for me - it slipped my mind that we had him. Can't wait to see him in the line up.
  5. Not proud at all, but just before that throw, I was telling the room that the game was over. I was in "old Bills" mode. Allen is such a winner. He wills this team to victories in situations like that. I have to get used to it.
  6. Plenty. It works. No regrets.
  7. It really says something about how far a division opponent has fallen when I have no hate for them at all anymore. I genuinely just feel bad for the Jets & their fans. Probably how Pats fans felt about us for years, actually. But it's weird to think that I used to hate the Jets.
  8. It HAD to be called. I can see overlooking incidental contact. This contact prevented Davis from breaking inside. That ball would have been on the money if he had been able to break inside. That's why we have the rules. To me, it's the same as if he had tackled Davis.
  9. I get that it's just 3 games - but he's tearing up the league in the same way Mahomes did in his breakout year. We're far enough into the season to at least realize that he has taken that next step. His accuracy is the nicest surprise - he's over 70% and has been on the money eye-test wise. But man is he clutch. It's been awhile since we had a QB that I had such faith in for a drive like the last one yesterday.
  10. The D has been weird. At times looking like its old self, but at others (like the entire 2nd half), looking like a liability. The personnel are there. The only player who I think we miss is Star. I think the D gets better & more reliable as the season goes on.
  11. I love the Pats new offense. Brady ruined us for decades - one dime after another. Almost impossible to defend at times. Cam is very good, but he has none of that "it doesn't matter what we do" quality that Brady had. He makes mistakes, he relies on his legs, he can be inaccurate. The Raiders had their shots to win yesterday, but made too many mistakes (granted, teams seem to do that when they face the Pats). Bring 'em on this year. If we get beat by Burkhead, then it's simply never meant to be.
  12. I don't know why Rams fans are making a fuss about that DPI. For starters, they benefitted from one of the worst calls in NFL playoff history. But beyond that, as many have said, it was the correct call. Contact was WELL beyond the allowed 5 yards. And the refs might have let it go if the DB didn't raise his arms & look like he got caught w/ his hands in the cookie jar.
  13. It would have been a horrible feeling right now losing that game and thinking about that INT call. We got it back at the end - that was technically PI, but refs don't usually call in that situation.
  14. Who would have thought that COVID season would be the most fun in decades?
  15. Didn't know Yoda was a Bills fan....
  16. One thing I know - Allen is not ruffled right now. He's probably stoked.
  17. Well, thank goodness. 3rd quarter Bills are done. 4th quarter Bills have been much better.
  18. Long drive for a score here. Time to put this one away.
  19. I'm not sure if I deserve this team.
  20. Now, I just need the Pats to go 1-15 again, and I'll be complete.
  21. I love this team. I'd marry this team if I could.
  22. The Bills haven't had a WR corps like this in 30 years. Not even Moulds/Price.
  23. When everyone is healthy, we're as good as anyone on D.
  24. We have waited decades for this team. It is awesome.
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