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Royale with Cheese

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Posts posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. I agree. Thought it was pretty obvious when the Bills got Dennison as the OC that the intention was to keep Taylor and hit the ground running.


    Of course that's not a fact, I'm just using logic to create a reasonable opinion :flirt:

    A reasonable and logical opinion would also indicate that since it took two days before deadline and Tyrod stating his agent was having light discussions (aka tampering) with other teams....Tyrod was looking for a better deal. It wasn't that he took the Bills pay cut because he loves the Bills so much, it was because he didn't get the value on the market he thought he would.

    He even stated that they both agreed that the Bills new contract was the best option....keyword option.


    Yeah... because if you find it on the Internet, it must have been so.



    Here's a very simple question: Can you find a direct quote from Whaley/McDermott/Pegula/Dennison or ANYONE who worked for OBD from January to March of 2017 who said that Taylor needed to take a pay cut or he would be cut?


    If you can't find any direct quote of the sort, IT WAS NOT A FORGONE CONCLUSION...





    That's not me being angry... simply me making what should be the final point on the subject :thumbsup:



    Nope, you're wrong. I'm not saying it's not true. But it absolutely is NOT a forgone conclusion that Taylor was going to be cut.


    Keep saying it if you want, but saying it doesn't make it so.



    Google works just fine. You apparently aren't using it correctly. Find a direct quote from someone involved at OBD that Taylor would have been cut if he didn't take a pay cut.


    I'll wait...

    There is no way anyone from OBD would go to he public about what their intentions were on Tyrod, especially since he was brought back. Come on Trans....that's your focal point in this debate? No one went to the media to tell the NFL world what the behind the scenes discussions were? Seriously?

  3. Right so you dont like mike argument and you choose to find two of the highest paid players at their position to pop for substance abuse. Thats a lazy comparison.


    On e again i havent condone the use of other drugs or alcohol. You keep bringing that up as if it serves ANY purpose. It doesnt.


    I never said you condone it but you keep thinking it for some reason.


    You keep bringing up hypotheticals that a franchise QB could get severely hurt because the guy protecting him is high and that would be a concern if weed was allowed. It's not any different than other drugs. You went even as far as saying it doesn't matter if it's tree bark, it shouldn't be allowed if puts players on the field in danger. Well then you should be against alcohol and pills. It's a double standard.


    Do you finally get it?

  4. This is how they always work. Nepotism is not against the rules.

    I work for a large engineering company and it works like this 75% of the time. If a new Plant Manager or GM is hired at a plant...they bring people with them they know and trust. They are comfortable working with them....

  5. Someone wanted someone who he has already worked with....no way that never happens.


    does it really matter when none of them even came back for a 2nd interview and were basically just interviewed for the hell of it

    Since you're an expert on hiring processes for executive level NFL positions....what should they have done?

  6. Well if they wont refrain from using it to feed their faimily but they are going to refrain from using it because they are in a game. Read that aloud and realize how incredibly short sighted it is.

    Feed their families LOL. I'm sure Dareus and Laveon Bell are on food stamps right now.


    But still the fundamental problem with your argument is they still have easy access to other drugs and they can still use them any time they want....but we can't allow weed.

    "If they allow it, QB's could get hurt because the tackles are high!"

  7. That saddens me.....you're so close to the wonderuful Canadian beers I grew up on. I can go into places here that literally have 150 beers available. When I ask if they have any Canadian beers, they look at me like I have a third eye. :(

    Drinking too much Bud Light will grow a third eye....and testicle.

  8. Nice spin off!

    Does Tyrod even have a house in WNY?? If so, is he only renting and is his permanent residence in Virginia?

    Does he have Blue Cheese in his refrigerator or is it only Ranch?

    These are the things that are important.

    Bleu Cheese is disgusting...it better be ranch or I want Peterman to start.

  9. Yup.


    The thing is, It's so readily available anyway, and yet guys aren't getting high before games.

    from what I understand players are only tested like once a year or something like that, unless they are in the drug program. So I am sure plenty of guys are smoking it already. I've seen estimates of 50% or more of NFL players smoke.


    So the only real difference I see with it being legal is that 1) guys wouldn't be getting suspended for an entire year for a more/less harmless substance with many therapeutic effects. And 2) it would be able to help cut down on the amount of opiates given out in the NFL, which is a fantastic thing.


    Opiates are much much much more dangerous than pot is. It's not even close. Opiates are one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Oh, and they can get you much "higher" than pot can, too. They can have an extremely strong narcotic effect, to the point where you literally can't even keep your eyes open (aka "nodding"). They can make it so you can hardly function. In fact, they can make you stop breathing and die, from repressing your nervous system so much.

    I never liked pills....it just made me sit and do nothing. I just sold them to friends. A guy I knew in high school fell asleep and never woke back up after taking Vicodin.


    It's as easy to get weed as it is to get beer. Legal or not...people are lighting up.


    If a player has pain after a game, it's crazy to think he can't take a couple of hits to feel better. But we can prescribe them pills which is 100 times more hard on the body.

    The NFL needs to take the same stance as MLB and NBA....they don't care about it.

  10. It can be detected in a drug test for up to 1 month after use, depending on the person.


    Just because they failed a drug test doesn't mean that they were getting high before games.

    Players show up to games hours early. They'd basically have to be using it right in the locker room to actually be "high" during a game.

    I can't imagine that would ever happen.


    Look, alcohol is legal and lots of players drink in their free time, yet they don't get drunk before games.

    Highs are generally 45 or so minutes long so by kickoff....they would be normal. With the adrenaline...the high would probably be like 25 minutes long.

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