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Royale with Cheese

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Posts posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. you realize people will read this and realize that this isn't the case at all. you were calling posters who didn't agree with drafting mahomes, "loser fans". we had a short back and forth, and i thought this was over, but this post is just dishonest. i honestly feel bad i was ever a part of this nonsense.


    also, for the record, i never call you my, "little B word".


    Good thing you can fix teeth right? I mean you might be missing some soon.

    Would you have the courage to wait about a week before fixing it? Try the hillbilly look for a bit?

  2. If you cut out all carbs for a week, you'll see a dramatic decrease in your weight. Not healthy but it would work for a short term solution.


    Cook something you know how to cook really well so you don't stress about making the meal....you know how to prepare it with your eyes closed.


    Overall if you want to get your sexylicious body back. You gotta do more than cardio...incorporate strength training. Also incorporate interval training...short bursts, rest and repeat. That burns more fat. Continuous pace workouts doesn't burn as much fat.

  3. It depends. How am I dying?


    I heard extremely hard but that was from Gug.


    So your meal depends on your execution style huh?


    Okay give me a meal for the following:

    - hanging

    - chair

    - stoned

    - shot

    - burned at the stake

    i've thought of this before, and i really have no answer. how much notice do you have to give before you make a decision? for instance, if i'm being offed on saturday, do i let them know saturday morning, friday, what? I might make it mood dependent.


    maybe chicken french

    maybe a nice filet with brussel sprouts with pancetta, and a lobster mac n cheese side

    you can never go wrong with pizza and beer.

    hell, maybe i'll be in the mood to only have appetizers. don't pigeon hole me.


    I thought you might go with Korean BBQ.

  4. Yes...very bad. Go watch the first season and then come back and answer the question about the war. Tony Soprano ran a tight crew and was well respected.


    With the loss of Sonny, I'd say Sopranos would kick Corleone's ass but it would take a few weeks.

    If it ever comes to Netflix, I'll watch.

  5. I would take the Corleone's as well. Michael was a great leader whereas Liotta got into cocaine and pills so his mind was !@#$ed up.


    Now if you want o have a war between Corleone's and the Soprano family...that would be interesting.




    Is it bad I never watched a single episode of the Soprano's?

  6. The whole point of this is The Bills and Dolphins were smart enough to draft these guys in the first round. It changed there franchise for the good. This why me and Jeff keep trying to show why what the Bills have been doing is wrong. Draft Mahomes or Watson and you know have changed the course of your team. Draft a corner and we stay losers and miss the playoffs.




    If you don't think those guys are going to be good, then don't draft them.

    If you think they'll end up being another Manuel or Losman...what's the point?

    If you just take a QB for the sake of taking a QB...you end up with Manuel, Ponder and other reaches.


    Time will tell if the Bills were wrong with not taking a high round QB this year.


    Yes, Carson Wentz and Jared Goff were overrated. Just as Josh Allen will be if he comes out.

    Is this not your list? Is this you saying you had Wentz #1?



    One person I know had this QB board last year:


    1. Carson Wentz

    2. Dak Prescott

    3. Jacoby Brissett

  7. Im pretty sure jim jelly was drafted 12th and Dan Marino 26th in the first round. Mahomes was drafted 10th for a boat load of draft picks. I rest my case





    They also weren't considered generational prospects.

    I think you confuse good prospects and generational prospects.


    You might want to reopen this case because your closing sucks.


    So what? No, many of the don't draft Mahomes crowd don't think Mahomes is a good prospect. Period. I believe you were in that camp.


    And indeed, many people say wait till next year. That argument has been shredded over and over here. If Mahomes is a very good prospect on your board there is no excuse for a franchise like Buffalo to punt.

    Okay so I guess you'll just continue to inappropriately respond to a post just because you want to give your opinion again.


    How many generational prospects have there been? Last can't miss prospects were Andrew Luck, Eli Manning. But if you wait for a generational prospect you will never get a top QB. Derek Carr was a very good QB prospect that fell because teams didn't like that he played in a gimmicky spread offense plus his brother failed. Aaron Rodgers was considered to have top 3 talent when he came out but fell on draft day because teams didn't want to draft a Tedford system QB.


    Patrick Mahomes was also a very good prospect that I think should have gone top 3 in the draft but I also said before the draft he would SLIP a bit because many of the same NFL teams make the same mistakes over and over. I believe in drafting very good NFL prospects and Mahomes has the ability to be a top 3 QB in the NFL and be a SPECIAL player. I run to the podium for such a prospect.


    You are welcome to wait till Greg Cosell and Mel Kiper tell you the coast is clear. I am not in that camp.

    That wasn't his point at all.


    He didn't say you don't wait for a generational player.


    He was simply saying Mahomes isn't generational talent/prospect like billsareback keeps saying....that's it.


    Once again. "Generational QBs" do not fall to #10. The "best player in the draft" does not fall to #10. If Mahomes were so likely to be so great, Cleveland would have just taken him #1. Or SF would have taken him #2. Or Chicago would have taken him over Trubisky. At the very least the Jets would have taken him #6. "Those teams are just idiots" is not a persuasive argument.

    Generational talents as far as prospects are Andrew Luck and John Elway and Peyton Manning...they didn't fall to #10.
  11. You're on death row...what would you request for your last meal?


    I'm going with NY strip med rare, BBQ ribs and a lobster tail.

    A slice of raspberry and chocolate cheesecake for dessert.

    I would also have a good German Hefenweizen with it. Paulaner would be a good choice.

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