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Royale with Cheese

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Posts posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. Not that Taylor is but that McDermott believes he is...


    Tell me... which of those 2 statements do you think are more true?


    If you think I believe if Taylor struggles a lot this summer he's still penciled in as the starter, I don't. Others have provided very good explanations for what kind of a competition this will likely be, and it's not as a truly "open" one the way it was between EJ, Tyrod, and Cassel. That I agree with.


    I'm human. I'm biased. You clearly are, too. That doesn't mean it blinds me.


    Okay then....you believe McDermott isn't telling the truth about the competition.


    There is bias and then there are extreme bias....you're the latter.

  2. i agree that they are. At the same time, I think are in a tough spot with the QB situation here being very unique. They can't be overly conmitted to TT until they see him in this offense and even then I think they know enough to think he's probably good enough for now, but probably not good enough forever...and they plan to draft their franchise QB next year but they can't say that.


    I think this is spot on.

    I think there are 2 meanings to the word future here. The first one meaning the 2017 season and the other meaning long term.


    I can agree with this.

  3. This is pretty funny... painfully so


    New Bills Bosses Are Sending Tyrod Taylor a Mixed Message Loud and Clear


    Boy.....this really is interesting. They are talking out of both sides of their mouths.



    In other words, Taylor must win the job from a super-raw second-year player with 19 regular-season snaps (per Pro Football Focus), a fifth-round pick and pro football's pluckiest fourth-stringer. That's significantly different from "quarterback of the future," guys. But it gets nuttier.

    "Can we guarantee he is on our roster right now?," McDermott asked, rhetorically. "That remains to be seen and that is true at a lot of positions on our roster."

    Whoa. That was a sudden nosedive from starter-with-a-future to the roster bubble. You have to admire a coach and general manager who aren't afraid to ask themselves the tough questions. It's a good thing King didn't ask these guys what is on their MP3 players.

  4. Of course things aren't what they seem to be...?


    Here's the exact question AND McDermott's immediate response.


    MMQB: Is Buffalos quarterback of the future on the roster now?

    McDermott: He is, in Tyrod Taylor.


    What kind of twisting am I doing there?



    But keep finding a way to personally insult me. You're really showing how much of a winner you are :thumbsup:


    So you think McDermott is telling the truth Taylor is the future QB but lying about the open competition?

    I'm sorry... that's an unreasonable interpretation?


    Did you click the link and read that part of the interview?


    You explain how you interpreted Beane's inter

    I think it's really reaching and I don't think you know what reasonable is because your bias. I think you're a fairly intelligent person but your ability to reason struggles because your biased views.



    So every coach, let me get this straight without laughing.... who doesn't TURN AROUND a horrible team, must be a horrible coach?



    How did the genius Phil Jackson do when Kwame was his stud? How is Phil going to turn around the Knicks with his genius?


    Or Bowman when he tried to put a decent Sabres team together?


    Maybe you should read this again. I never said he was a horrible coach....like ever. Never even alluded to it.


    You said he failed because he was given terrible teams. So I asked two questions about why he couldn't turn them around and why didn't another team give him a chance...fairly reasonable questions. Then you put words in my mouth.


    Not only that but Kwame Brown was never Phil Jackson's stud. He only played 3 seasons under Jackson and was a part time starter. Their "studs" were Kobe Bryant and Lamar Odom who in 2008, went to the NBA finals.


    Lets also add that Phil Jackson isn't the coach of the Knicks and hasn't been since being with the organization. So I guess we just from coaching to Front Office roles LOL.


    My god Row....


    The main reason Ted failed because his only options were terrible teams.


    It's a lot easier when you are handed (for example) Jordan/Kobe/Shaq in their prime.


    Or you are handed the defending champion Habs and their 70s dynasty which anyone could have coached to success.


    Why couldn't he turn around these terrible teams? Why wasn't he given better options after the stint with Washington?

  7. paraphrasing -- "I thought it was a good decision to bring him back to allow him to keep competing"

    "Obviously there's Petermann"

    "It's a QB driven league so we'll definitely have our eyes on there".


    I still think Taylor is our starter opening day but he has to secure it and keep it. It's not a true "open" competition where they will split first team reps like in 2015 but it's open enough where Tyrod could lose it.


    I just read an article in which Beane's first statement at his introductory press conference was "Obviously Tyrod's going to be the starter". He's kinda walked back from that statement and has been more non-committal since.


    We're better off getting rid of anyone who actually needs that type of training.



    That and many times, the people who are really good at something are unable to teach it. Think of the incredible coaching career of Wayne Gretzky.

    I think the best coaches are the ones who were below average players. They can understand the struggles of not having elite level talent and working through it.


    I can't remember who it was but there was a guy who either played for Ted Williams or played with Ted Williams. Anyway, he said the reason Ted failed as a coach because he couldn't understand how to work with guys who weren't as talented as him. It was like a "I can do it, why can't you? It's easy". What's easy for Teddy Ballgame isn't easy for Johnny LessTalent.

  9. Doesn't seem like coach speak to me... if anything it seems like Beane almost made him walk back his enthusiasm right after that response and McDermott's response right after that was the diplomatic one


    Sure seemed like genuine enthusiasm as his initial response.


    But to each his own.



    I absolutely do not think McDermott will hesitate moving on from Taylor if he's disappointed in his 2017 season. But it sure doesn't seem like this is the open competition some believed was being advertised.

    Of course you believe this.

  10. on a slightly side note, would you go to a really out of shape physician?

    Overweight because he's older? Yeah I could.

    Younger guy....probably not.


    I worked for a healthcare company years ago. In order to bring on a new patient, we have to have our nurse evaluate them. This one patient lived on the second floor of an apartment complex. It was roughly 15 steps. She had to take a break halfway up because it was too tough for her....she was obese. It was so embarrassing because the patients daughter was watching. Took about a solid minute for her to walk up the stairs and we were going to be providing services for her mother.


    I got into a car accident about 10 years ago and a cop showed up. He was writing a ticket to the other guy for following to closely. The cop was morbidly obese. He dropped his pen and couldn't pick it up without dropping to his knee. Then it took him 10 seconds to stand back up. It was so embarrassing to look at being that this guy protects citizens but couldn't run after an old man with a walker if he had to.

  11. Ragland doesn't have the classic range required to play MLB or WLB in a 4-3 at the pro level. Lawson is a small 4-3 DE or a slow 4-3 SLB.


    Not saying these guys can't make the transition. If they turn out to be elite players then they can play in any system. But they were drafted as "fits" for a completely different system than the one they are now being asked to play in.

    6"3 and 270 lbs is not a small DE in a 4-3. That's ideal size.

  12. i haven't read through the entire thread, but i know where you're coming from boyst. I'm 39, and once i hit the mid-30s, it became harder to be really lean. on top of that, I married a woman 9 years younger, so there's a bit of pressure to stay fit.


    honestly...i've just changed how i've eaten. i don't do apps when i go out to dinner. i don't snack at all. i don't eat after 8 pm. drink tons of water, and for me, i think the biggest help was not drinking during the week. not that it was out of control, but i would have either a couple of glasses of wine or a couple of beers after work daily. i cut that out, and i think it's what put me over the top.


    i do go to the gym 3-4 days a week to do weights, but i really don't do cardio. i should for bp/cholesterol issues, but i hate doing it, and use time as an excuse not to.



    I'm 35 and I eat appetizers every time I eat out. If it's Mexican, I'll eat a months worth of chips and salsa before dinner. I snack every night, I eat until I go to sleep and I drink during the week ....probably 5 days a week. I married a girl 6 years younger than me. I'm pretty lean. Just wanted to pile that on along with my $2,600 a year property tax.




    For the most part it is a sales position. They are able to prey on people overwhelmed by joining a gym and/or riding out a quick wave of motivation to 'get in shape'. I wouldn't allow myself or anyone I know be 'trained' by anyone in a 'chain' gym for the most part. Basically, a nutritionist would be a better route to go, and just find a physical activity that you find enjoyable. Anyone who wants in-depth information could just browse through the forums on bodybuilding.com.


    On a side note, some of what I see people doing and getting seriously injured in this 'crossfit' stuff give me the shivers.


    Crossfit....it's huge here in Atlanta. I've got a friend who competes at a high level and has been on ESPN. Gyms here are $200 a month...no way I'm paying that.

    I've seen some of those videos of people getting seriously hurt doing their workouts.

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