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Royale with Cheese

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Posts posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. Rollouts and moving pockets are all well and good. Once and a while. But you can't design an offense around that scheme as roll outs and moving pockets severely limit the amount of space available to attack, making it much easier for defenses to defend, especially at this level. TT needs to be able to utilize the entire field at will in the passing game and that means operating from a pocket between the tackles.

    Excellent post.

  2. is it really coachable like he says?

    I want to believe him but I'm not sure if it is. It seems like it's more of an internal make up of the player that's really hard to break.


    Did you hear the WGR segment with Sam Wyche coaching Bledsoe to get the ball out quicker? Using the blown horn as the alarm. Didn't help at all. I forgot about those days.

  3. It would be nice to have other discussions than just quarterback. However, there are a significant portion of fans that have their mind made up that Tyrod is not the answer and it would be a monumental task on his part to wins those folks over.

    I'm not very confident in him but he could easily win me over if he does step up.


    All of the first paragraph is what a lot of you guys base your entire argument on:


    The Bills were going to release Taylor if he didn't take a pay cut!


    ​I respect your opinion, but I disagree. And it's an opinion, certainly not fact. And it's pure arrogance to call it fact.


    I've laid out my position on this before so I'm not going to type it again. You've heard it before. I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that your assumptions are anything more than speculation.


    Just remember... the Bills had ALL the control in that situation. All they had to do was exercise an option on a contract Taylor was already under to keep him.

    So in your opinion, Tyrod doesn't cave, the Bills would have kept Tyrod on his original extension?

  5. How are they risking losing him?


    Taylor is our's for the next 4 years if he's playing to the level where the Bills want to franchise him. This is the best contract the Bills could ask for.


    Shaw thinks this contract is a win for Taylor based on what his agent friend said. And while I respect his opinion and credibility and do think Taylor is "betting on himself" to a certain degree, I think Taylor wanted to stay with the Bills more than some folks are willing to accept (because pro athletes go where the most money is!) and he showed his hand the moment he opened himself to restructuring on clean out day. It's the whole art of the deal thing... once he showed any level of willingness, of course McDermott is going to try to get him to take less money if he can free up money at other positions of need. It's not like he's built a significant relationship with Taylor that can't be repaired.



    Sorry, but that's just what I think happened. And it's reasonable even if you disagree. Your opinion is reasonable, too, even though I disagree. What's irritating is when posters say that an opinion is unarguable when, in fact, it's merely speculation.


    How did they risk losing him? Because the Bills slashed his contract just 8 months after signing it. He had the option of not accepting the new restructured contract and pursue other opportunities once the FA period began. The ball was in Tyrod's court and he could have easily said "no" and became a free agent. It was discussed between Tyrod and his agent and they both agreed the Bills option was the best to take just two days before the deadline....those are Tyrod's words.


    McDermott knows the importance of the QB position, he's said it. And with this position of importance, he is paying our starter one of the lowest in the league for veteran starters.


    He said he was opening to restructuring but never said paycut....they are different. Charles Clay restructured but didn't take a paycut. Tyrod did both. Why do you think it took so long to agree to this if he just really wanted to be in Buffalo? Why was his agent having early discussions (that is tampering) at the combine with other teams if he just wanted to be in Buffalo?


    The only way Tyrod is our QB for the next 4 years is if he lights it up on the field. If he plays like he did the last 2 years, they aren't picking up the remaining years of the contract. They've given themselves room to walk away....again.

  6. I have no doubt McDermott thinks Tyrod is the best option NOW and bringing in an OC he knows (not McDermott's 1st choice it has to be said) is largely about setting Tyrod up to be comfortable and succeed. That is equally inarguable and I have never doubted that he will start this year or argued that Peterman is suddenly going to beat him out or any of that. Others might have. I haven't. Tyrod Taylor is the Bills starting Quarterback in 2017 and, barring a dramatic regression, going into 2018 too.


    But you have to accept that if McDermott really believed he was the Quarterback of the future "the guy" who is going to lead us to Championships he would not have slashed his contract in half and cut his pay for the duration of that contract by $10m. That just doesn't make sense.


    There are essentially the 3 scenarios I laid out. The actions of the Bills this offseason absolutely chime with a team that believes option A while keeping a residual hope that option B transpires.

    Yep....exactly how I see it too. It makes the most logical sense. McD wanted Taylor over the likes of a Josh McCown and Brian Hoyer...basically his options if Taylor left. If you ask a player to take a cut as much as they asked Taylor, especially when he just signed the new contract just 8 months prior, you understand you run the risk of that guy of losing him. McD was willing to risk it.

  7. Per WGR app


    I agree with Sal. These guys have worked together before and are on the same page....which is why Beane was hired.

    CAPACCIO: When it comes to QB, Bills talk - and actions - are calculated


    McDermott and Beane know exactly what they're saying




    MAY 16, 2017 - 2:40 PM

    CATEGORIES: Bills News NFL Our Opinions Top Stories

    So, a lot is being made of Bills GM Brandon Beane's - and for that matter head coach Sean McDermott's - comments regarding Tyrod Taylor and the team's quarterback situation overall heading into 2017. Heck, I even wrote about them after Beane was on WGR Monday morning. That was the second round of "interesting" that day. The first was a joint interview both did with Peter King in TheMMQB.com.


    By now you've probably read or heard at least the abbreviated versions of what was said. If not, it basically goes like this:


    Neither McDermott nor Beane have come out and said Taylor will definitely be the team's starting QB come opening day, or even once training camp opens, for that matter. Both have used the word "competition" several times, referring to the entire roster, not just the QB position.


    The closest either came to stamping Taylor under center is Beane saying "If we walked out there today I would say Tyrods probably the starter." But that's it. And that's what's leaving a lot to interpretation by fans, as well as local and national media.


    So here's my interpretation, trying to put what's been said into context.


    First, both of these men intentionally measure their words carefully. It's part of the reason they were chosen for their current positions. They think before they speak. Everything they say is thoughtful. Even calculated. They both know they can declare Tyrod the unquestioned starter for 2017 and even beyond at any time. But neither has, which means there's a reason for that.


    That reason isn't because either expects someone to beat out Taylor as the Bills' starter in 2017. I'm confident they both believe he'll be the one getting almost all the first-team reps at camp (aside from just giving the backups snaps for insurance purposes) and ultimately running the offense once the regular season begins.


    But both also know they may very well move on from Taylor following this coming season. And as two young faces putting their names and reputations on the line for the first time for what they hope will be many years, why hitch their wagons to one that may be pulling out of town in less than 12 months?


    Sure, Taylor will get every opportunity to be the QB of the future of the Buffalo Bills. He'll have the chance to be that franchise guy. And I believe it will be genuine. Not just window-dressing. The door is open for that to happen. If he pushes through it and emerges on the other side with the Bills in the playoffs and/or a terrific individual season (however that can be defined), McDermott and Beane will either keep him and his $18 million salary cap hit around in 2018 or maybe even sign him to an extension to lower that figure.


    But let's go back to April 27. Draft night. The Bills swung a deal with the Kansas City Chiefs to drop down 17 spots and pick up an extra first round pick next year. I stated right away that it was apparent to me the two teams did it to grab franchise QBs. The Chiefs to get theirs in 2017, which turned out to be Patrick Mahomes, and the Bills to get theirs in 2018, having more ammunition to move up in what's regarded as a loaded QB class. Just as McDermott's and Beane's words are calculated, so was that deal, orchestrated by the new head coach.


    Fast-forward three weeks. I'm now even more confident that was the case then, and is still the case now.


    So just as we were headed into last season, Tyod Taylor will be playing to prove he deserves to be the franchise QB of the Buffalo Bills. And he will get the chance to do that in 2017, despite a lack of complete endorsement in public.


    But as he's doing that, the computers in the brains of the new heads of Bills' football will just continue to do what they have already been doing all offseason.



  8. the only people that love applebees are the executives at toilet paper companies.

    No lie....I worked for a company that made the machines, parts and maintenance for the machines that make toilet paper. Other types of paper too but toilet paper was one of them. I worked for them for 5 years.

  9. Question for all of you baseball fans, what's the best MLB park you've been to?


    Mine is Camden Yards, followed closely by PNC Park.


    As far as structure, Chase Field.


    As far as atmosphere, Dodger Stadium. Palm trees and the mountain in the scenery behind the back drop. I like the only having the bleachers in the outfield instead of double out there.

    I saw a Dodger fan pouring his beer on a Giants fan in front of him. There wasn't any trash talking prior to that, I don't even think they even made eye contact. The Dodger fan just really wanted to pour his beer.


    No, it's so sad that this is what you resort to. What you said about me regarding the whole "fairly intelligent person" with the "bias" qualifier applies completely to you, as well.



    I'm going to give you a hint, you're wrong about your perception of me, I'm MUCH more in the middle than you think I am, but because you're seemingly so far in left field with Crusher and Old School and their ilk, you take anyone who's in the middle who says something that has potentially positive connotations about Taylor as a Taylor homer.


    McDermott is telling the truth in both of those situations, to a degree.


    It's an open competition in the sense that he's open to starting one of the other QBs if they really WOW him and/or Taylor struggles mightily




    McDermott, having studied the tape on Taylor from the previous 2 seasons and watched and interacted with Taylor so far, believes Taylor is the QB of the future, which is why that was his immediate response in the MMQB interview.



    Both. Are. True.


    Read above...



    I'm not the only who just saw this double standard you just applied. Others just in this thread have commented on it...more than just Crusher and I. It was as clear as day but you just can't admit it....you're too stubborn.


    You're not in the middle, you never were or are. Just because you say you are, your actions speak something else. I'm not the only one who sees it....not by a long shot. Two different message boards have pointed this out.

  11. Pretty sure TT job is safe for 2017. If Peterman is the gem in the draft that everyone thinks he is, 2018 could be different. I hope he is a gem, because we will have the long term starter. But I still like TT for now.


    As I stated earlier, I think TT is penciled in as the starter. I think Beane was telling the truth that if the season started today, it would be Taylor.

    I think that Taylor will clearly be the #1 in camp, he won't be splitting much reps with the other QB's. He will some but not anywhere close to an equal split.

    If Taylor starts slipping or if Peterman just knocks it out of the park early on....then it'll be a "true" competition.

    Basically its Taylor's job now but he can lose it.

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