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Royale with Cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. There are more than those two threads. I guess you missed when Coleman made the same gesture in the Seattle game before catching that second pass. He did the same thing. Also, if they already talked about it before, a simple hand gesture will suffice so they don’t need to talk about it again. That means they are on the same page. Have at it if you want to be 1 of the 2 people who finds this an issue.
  2. You are talking about reading comprehension when the reply wasn’t towards you. Not only that, you are saying that this gesture was disrespectful towards Allen in front of a home crowd and then saying you’re not making this anything. You are creating a conflict between two players when there isn’t a conflict.
  3. Coleman walked back to the huddle and told Allen he’d make the play for six points if he gave him another shot. “We miscued on the first one,” Coleman said. “I told him, just put it even higher and give me another shot at it. He gave me another shot and I went up there and made the play.” https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2024/10/what-bills-keon-coleman-told-josh-allen-after-miscue-that-led-to-td-2-plays-later.html?outputType=amp Coleman has told Allen this now twice? Another diva we need to trade.
  4. The vast majority doesn’t see this as an issue at all. This thread was created 6+ hours after the game and if it was as big an issue as you are making it, it would have been talked about immediately during and after the game. This was forgotten about until 2 hours ago.
  5. Im pretty sure Allen knows every throw he misses, he isn’t completely oblivious. So basically, you can’t ever give feedback to him….ever.
  6. I think you are really reaching here. Its like you don’t believe feedback should ever exist.
  7. The NFL Gameday highlight host, I think Chris Rose showed the clip where Rodgers threw it low to that one WR….Rose said “Rodgers I guess is y🤪mad at the WR for not catching it with his feet” 😂
  8. Its not disrespectful to tell a teammate something that would help the play. He didn’t scream at him or sulk…he just gestured to throw it higher. That’s it. It’s looking for potential conflict that’s not there. If a hitter in baseball pulls his shoulder out on the swing and the guy on deck reminds and gestures to keep that shoulder in…is he disrespecting the hitter? If an NBA player shoots a free throw and misses because he shot it flat, his teammate gestures to him to put some more arc on it, is he disrespecting the shooter? If a catcher catches a ball that was too far over the plate and gestures to the pitcher to get it more out, is he disrespecting the pitcher? You are painting Allen as an entitled teammate that no one should dare give him feedback.
  9. Oh Austin Jackson would be a nightmare!
  10. Is Austin Johnson struggling or injured? Surprised he is inactive but maybe I shouldn’t be.
  11. LOL I think the main reason is Dion Dawkins
  12. Chris Jones has a calf injury, the easiest muscle to aggravate again. It’s worth it to trot him out there in cold weather for a meaningless game? The only thing that can happen next week is injuring a starter. Nothing is gained by winning that game. Denver is playing for their playoff lives so they are going to play hard….
  13. Not concerned about the offense….worried about our 3rd down defense right now.
  14. This post isn’t real.
  15. A team in position to take a stud draft pick that’s a pass rusher usually isn’t going to give that up. Everyone knows how valuable they are and why give that up for later round picks? I think the success rate for pass stud rushers outside of the top 12 is very low.
  16. Yep. He outweighs that defender by 50 lbs…just go north.
  17. He has been off pretty much since week 4. He has had a disappointing second year.
  18. I agree. The flaws are really starting to show. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bengals beat them by 20 next week.
  19. They played today with Pickens and they scored less than their last two games. They look like they are going to lose to the Bengals next week which means they will finish the season losing 5 out of their last 7 games. Im sorry, that’s not a good team. Tomlin is a good coach but it seems he cannot cover up with for Wilson’s flaws anymore.
  20. Lol. They aren’t scoring and giving up a lot. You are so sensitive towards me and will argue just to argue ever since the Houston game.
  21. Want to talk about a terrible take? 13 ppg offense 30 ppg defense In their last 3 games. You are right, that definitely sounds like a pretty good team. Geezus.
  22. They have lost their last 3 all by double digits while averaging 13 points per game. Yeah, that’s not a bad team lol, they are a pretty good flawed team.
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