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Royale with Cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. Thats why its a mystery. I believe the casing stones they used to build the pyramids weren’t native to Egypt either. Scientists can’t figure out how they moved these massive stones several hundred miles.
  2. You can't always box score scout. You are only seeing the broadcast view and you don't know what's happening when the ball is in the air because it's not on the screen. If you can get a UDFA small LB with speed for league minimum, then every team would only do that. Why aren't they? Tyler Matkevich is getting a higher salary because he's a good special teams guy. If he was only a 3rd string linebacker and average special teammer, then he wouldn't make that much. Did Brad Lamb make as much as Steve Tasker? You generally pay more for a better player. Matthew Slater has been extended 3 times by the Pats. He's literally only a Special Teams guy. He has one catch in his 13 year career. For some reason, we aren't allowed to use him as an example. The Patriots went on the greatest run in NFL history and they always focused on special teams....but we can't use them as an example.
  3. I got the year mixed up. 2018, we were 14th with a non-rookie kicker. Matakevich and Roberts both play other positions. Roberts was our 6th WR and Matkevich is a 3rd string linebacker. That where they are listed. Most 3rd string players don't make the team if they can't special teams. For whatever reason, fans have problems with us doing it when every single NFL team does.
  4. Matt....you don't have to leave Buffalo. The people there are good. You've made enough money. You and your wife can be Spin Instructors in Orchard Park.
  5. Dude threw for like 240 yards with Zay Jones, Kelvin Benjamin and Deonte Thompson as WR in a game. He's all right in my book.
  6. Do you ever ponder why they call it a serial killer? Like you just don't understand how multiple murders and breakfast food go together for that term?
  7. I've known him for years on these and the old BBMB days....I think he made it up.
  8. He won it in 1997 I believe. When did the Patriots win Super Bowls? Did you not see where I was going with that?
  9. I'm allergic to penicillin.
  10. Seriously.... What would be a bigger shocker? When Ted Nolan came back to the Sabres or Sammy Watkins coming back to the Bills (hypothetically)?
  11. If you put an L after the C.....I'm definitely afraid of that.
  12. He's so drunk and high that he thinks it's 2015. "We got a white QB now? Why is Diggs wearing my number? Where is Sanjay??"
  13. I believe he's referring to Taiwan, Tyler M and Roberts last year. All those guys can play other positions, they are just last on your depth chart.
  14. You’re agreeing with a guy that said a 25 year old running back is old. How difficult is it to understand that Taiwan Jones is also a running back. He’s a 3rd string RB and the many, if not most play special teams as well. You just never see him in the backfield because how often do both backs go down in a game? He’s your guy that can get you through a pinch. You’re having a toddler temper tantrum over something so small.
  15. The Patriots didn’t win Super Bowls 25 years ago...they won them recently.
  16. You only have one job the rest of your life Brittany...
  17. We can't use the Patriots. We can't use the dollar amount spent. What can we use?
  18. The top 2 two teams in ST spending in 2020 were the Saints and Ravens. Combined record.....23-9.
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