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Royale with Cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. I'm going with Aaron Hernandez....followed by Gronk. Then I would say Edelman.
  2. I'm sorry you go through depression, my ex did and I know how bad it can be. There are and have been research on mental illness/depression. I'm sure they will keep enhancing the medication. However, everyone has a right to be angry over this, mental illness or not. Innocent people should not lose their lives, children especially, because of it.
  3. Need to have sympathy for the criminal/murderer....I guess.
  4. Or he's simply evil. Why can't people be evil anymore?
  5. I find it more amazing at the guys who don't work hard. You have been given one of the greatest gifts, to play professional sports and making millions....and you blow it.
  6. Then you eat something with salt on it and stings like a B word.
  7. I wonder if the coaching staff will have him or Ford with the opening 1st team in camp.
  8. Especially the ones you bite too deep...those suck suck.
  9. Mostly stopped chewing my nails but still will catch myself doing it here and there. I stopped about 10 years ago after I chipped my tooth doing it. I used to dip but that was easy. I literally just started hating it and just quit.
  10. There's going to be some serious competition at LG.
  11. Yeah, I do agree that social media is adding to the flame but 22 is the biggest reason. It makes him look like a serial sexual predator like Cosby. For him to have that many suits against him, the public is going to have a hard time forgiving him IMO.
  12. He did, charges dropped and done. 22, just the number is really bad. Watson's career in jeopardy. Bryant was tarnished for a bit but then came back up and became loved again. It isn't looking good for Watson but this hasn't played all the way out yet.
  13. I believe Bryant had one accuser and she dropped the charges? Watson has 22 women...this is Bill Cosby territory.
  14. This could be the biggest fall from grace from any athlete in my lifetime. These are just allegations so he is innocent now but it's not looking good.
  15. If you saw both of us working out together shirtless, you wouldn’t be able to tell a difference.
  16. Was Oliver playing out of position a lot last year or is he just under performing as a top 10 pick?
  17. I always thought LB with single digits looked good.
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