First, this is why they watch film. Several hours of film.
Secondly, this isn’t Tecmo Bowl where the defense lines up and stays still. They constantly move, shift and disguise before pre-snap…not to mention they don’t run the same game plan each week and it changes mid game too. You don’t have a solid platform to use.
You are talking about taking all human instincts out of the game which is ludicrous.
No need to study film, you will just have a live software spitting out percentages telling Josh what to do. I’m sure he’s going to love his ear piece while the playclock is running down.
”Josh there in base, 78% chance a run play to the left will work. No wait, scratch that, the DL shifted now run play right…that works 91% of the time. Uh oh, the Mike shifted right…I don’t like that percentage. Lets go slants left. *****! The Mike moved back…that’s only 48% successful. Back to run right!”