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Everything posted by BillsfanAZ

  1. Pilots may fly the planes but the CEO decides what kind of pilots should represent the airlines. A CEO doesnt need to know how to fly to determine character, safety record, work ethic, ect. As far as talent goes, he can leave it to other people to tell him of a pilots skills.
  2. So now if the Bills pick a QB at 10 it will be because of the owner meddling?
  3. I dont think any QB is worth trading up for in this QB class. I think the Bills wait to see who is there at 10 and enterain offers to move back if multiple players are there that they like.
  4. You own a billion dollar company and you just fired an expensive manager that you made the mistake of hiring against your GM's wishes. You have loyal customers but you may be only a year or two away from fracturing that customer base. You have a new manager and are looking for a new product to sell to the customers. Wouldnt you want to be involved with that search? Even just hearing the pros and cons of each product?
  5. I think there are better weapons to be had with the 10th pick. That being said, I like that the Bills are doing their homework. Makes me feel better that who ever they go with in the first round was the best value for the Bills at that time.
  6. I dont understand how you can see this as a negative. IF the Bills go QB at 10, that QB is likely to be the face of the franchise soon. If I was Pegula, I would want to be involved with who is selected to be the face of my company.
  7. I am sure Pegula is there to watch and get a feel for the young man. Let McDermott and crew determine his football IQ and Pegula can get a feel for what kind of person he is. Some people will put down Pegula for going but how else is he going to broaden his football horizons? Pegula will never be a scout or a coach, he doesnt need to be, but getting an understanding of what coaches are looking for goes a long ways in making decisions.
  8. I dont think the Bills can pass of Hooker or Adams. Bills need help in covering TE's. Hopefully Hooker's injuries will allow him to slide a little bit in the first round.
  9. I agree with you that if the Bills staff think there is a franchise QB then pick him. Since we dont have access to the the Bills info, we have to go by what the "draft experts" say while watching highlights on our own. Lately it seems interest on the top QB's is waining so maybe the Bills think someone they like will be there in the second round. My opinion is to draft an immediate starter with the tenth pick. Find a QB in other rounds.
  10. There isnt one draft site that has Mahomes as the top QB. What makes you so confident he will transition to the pro game so well that you are willing to spend a top ten pick on him?
  11. Trade back for sure. By most accounts this is a weak QB class and none are ready to play yet. If one of the top safties drops you take him at 10.
  12. Why is this such a worry this season? It has been like this for the past ten years. Your not going to stop the Pats from scoring, just try to score more than they do. Split the series with them and I am a happy camper.
  13. Why does Pegula have to explain himself to anyone? He doesnt have to disclose how things work behind closed doors. An owner doest have to know as much about football as a coach or about players as a GM to still be involved in decisions. He can have an opinion based on what options and supporting info is presented to him. We dont even know for sure how much Pegula is involved with signing players. Obviously he signed off on Incognito but second and third tier free agents I am guessing he is just informed that they are going to sign them.
  14. People spend their money on their priorities. People without the means dont go to games now so they wont in the future. People with the means will cut back on other spending if Bills tickets are a priority. Yes people will complain as they do about everything else but in the end tickets are purchased.
  15. Who cares about any of this? If McD and Whaley can work together to build a roster suited for McD's schemes then fantastic. If McD tells Pegula with all the teams he has been around that Whaley is not a good GM, then Whaley will be looking for a new job after the season. I doubt anything happens this season unless Whaley resigns. It is Whaleys job to get players so that McD can be successful but it wont happen in one off season. I need more sentences in the quote so I can read between the lines
  16. If there is a top safety there at #10 that should be the pick or Lattimore. I was hoping for Davis so if Sammy gets hurt there is some talent that can step up. I would be ok with Foster as well.
  17. I hope he can turn his career around. Maybe a change of scenery and a new scheme will do him good
  18. I agree with this. You make great points. GM's cant control what schemes the coach runs....like an overly complicated defense. Whaley also cant control injuries. I think he did a good job of bringing in people off the streets to help plug inury holes. The only one that seemed like a back fire was Harvin but then again Whaley didnt have many choices. I think Whaley should be given this season to see what his draft picks can do in different systems under a disciplined coach
  19. Goodwin had injury problems but I thought he played pretty well this past season. Nothing spectacular but he was a solid WR for the Bills and made some tough catches.
  20. Dont go QB at 10. I think Mahommes will be there in round 2. The Bills need an impact player at 10.
  21. So you are questioning a financial move made by a guy who developed The Harbor Center? Pegula has bought and sold a ton of real estate. Tax assessment has nothing to do with actual property value. He sold assets from his oil and gas business to shell for 4.7B and then he sold more assets to another company for almost 2B. He still retains oil and gas rights in several states as well as Bills, Sabres, American, Bandits, Harbor Center, and a country music production company. Their cash flow is strong.
  22. Teams that are contenders that would be interested in Cutler on a reasonable back up contract? Seattle, Denver, Falcons, Giants, and KC. Teams that Cutler can sign with that he may have a shot at starting....Cleveland, Jets, SF, Texans, and Broncos.
  23. I have read and heard from several places that CK plays better at LT because a previous knee injury hampers him at RT. Does anyone know if this is a fact or not? Seems to me if an NFL player has lingering effects from an injury that reduces his strength in going a certain direction then he would be replaced by someone who has no issues. It isnt like he is an All Pro veteran that even at 75% he is better than most players at his position. Am I wrong?
  24. No way Cutler signs somewhere to be a back up and if he was to sign as a back up for a lower salary, I am sure there are better teams than Buffalo that would want him.
  25. I would like to see Brown back with the Bills. Let the best LB's fight it out in camp to start. wouldnt surprise me to see Preston Brown on the depth chart.
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