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Everything posted by BillsfanAZ

  1. I like McD and think he will learn from his mistakes. I like the culture change. I like the stockpile of draft picks they have. I am looking forward to seeing how the draft goes and who they get in free agency.
  2. I think you have to wait to see. Watson would not be the same player here in Buffalo as he is in Houston. Houston has talented and fast receivers. If the KC pick is a solid starter or you use that pick to move up and get one of the better QB's in the draft then it was worth it. I like White and think he was a steal for where the Bills picked him.
  3. Is that the math you keep talking about? The win percentage went down a whopping 2%. This a crap version of win %. Did you notice there was no change in % when Peterman left the game?
  4. I would say Peterman but I think they will go with Taylor. Peterman makes throws that Taylor doesnt. Peterman hit WR's in the hands which should have been caught. I think Peterman has a long ways to go but I would like to see him play more.
  5. You keep eluding to this math but havent shown anything. There are no percentages that factor in weather, field conditions, and what players are available.
  6. I think you are just digging in your heels. The defense has a better chance of getting a stop on a long field than they do on a short field. It is less likely for a team to drive 80 yards than it is for a team to drive 35 yards.
  7. Would you feel better about your defenses chances to get a stop with the other team having to drive on a long field or get a stop with other team with a short field?
  8. My choice is based on my personality and my job not relying on it. IF they didnt make it, it doesnt reflect badly on me. In his shoes with getting feed back from the guys playing the game, not sure I would have gone for it.
  9. How come you over look that 3 of the 5 INT's were not really his fault?
  10. Can you tell me how punting the ball instead of going for it on 4th and 1 in those conditions lessens your chances of winning with almost 4 min to go? If they go for it and dont get it, most likely the game is over since the Colts take over around the 40. Then everyone hates that decision. I wanted them to go for it but my opinion was based on me being a risk taker. When the punt team went out I thought it was him being safe.
  11. Why do you say that? He is right. There are no statistical probabilities for 6" of snow, Starting LT inactive, 3rd string QB, and the game being a must win to stay in the playoff hunt. When you find those stats please let me know. And just to be clear I thought the Bills should have gone for it but I understand why they didnt.
  12. I would have gone for it but I get why he didnt. In perfect weather and he doesnt go for it I would be on your side. Maybe then you can show me your math
  13. Hard to lay blame with the conditions today. In a normal game, those passes should have been caught. Ball hits you in the palms within your catch radius, you bring that catch in. I am glad there wasnt a Colt behind Clay because of the way it bounced off his hands it would have been an easy INT
  14. Why do you keep saying this? You havent produced any math. There wont be anymore decisions like this because they will probably never be under those circumstances again.
  15. The Colts ran the ball because of the snow and they were deep in their own end so they were not taking chances. The Colts running plays from their 40 the Bills defense has to defend a lot more than just the run. You are so stuck on the 14 yards and I am not sure why.
  16. You do realize that it is easier to defend a team running plays deep in their own zone than a team running plays from their own 40 right?
  17. What math is that? It is a matter of opinion. There is no science or math that takes into account playing in OT, Cant lose game, 6" of snow on the ground, and a 3rd string QB.
  18. Why cant you understand that the Colts plays on their own 10 play more conservative than playing at their own 40? Gore had almost as many yards as Shady.
  19. Turning the ball over on downs closer to the 40, the Colts are calling plays differently than deep in their own end. If they stuffed the Bills they just needed a couple good runs to get into possible field goal range.
  20. I have already said that the Bills were punting decently all game and chances were low that the Colts would go the whole field on run plays. With the field conditions there is lower probability they convert a 4th and 1 when the Colts would have basically used a goalline formation. Just because it wasnt what you or I would have done, doesnt make him wrong.
  21. Seriously? On McCoys run the LBS were 5 yards off the LOS
  22. This is what I dont get. Is it what I would have done? No. I would have gone for it. If the Colts would have stuffed the Bills and been able to make a few runs to kick a field goal then people on here would say that was the wrong decision. Either way he goes he is facing criticism. For fans to sit here and say it is the wrong decision makes no sense. You can have an opinion but I bet there are a lot of coaches that would have done the same thing.
  23. Because there are different ways to look at it. I would have gone for it but he proved that his way worked too. Obviously you still want to grill him for doing something you didnt like. It worked out how he thought it would....grill away.
  24. I dont think you are taking into consideration playcalling changes from being deep in your own end to being past the 25. You cant base that on the plays the Colts ran because they were deep in their own end. If the Bills got stuffed on 4th and 1 then the Colts would have been closer to mid field than their own goal line.
  25. actually I am not so sure he does. The Bills punted decently all game and sometimes it is harder to gain one yard when everyone in the stadium knows your running the ball.
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