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Everything posted by BillsfanAZ

  1. I am on board with Cousins. He is only 29 and he can put up some good numbers. He has experience so there is no rookie learning curve. He has some issues but if you can use all your draft picks and some free agents to put talent around him, the Bills become a lot better a lot quicker.
  2. Lets see what the Bills do in Free Agency. Lets see who hits the open market. Will NE resign both Burkehead and Lewis? Will the 49ers do anything with Hyde? I would take all three of those guys to run behind Shady. The Bills need QB, OL, DL, and LB's in this draft.
  3. No stats keep track of that but by watching other games, Taylor seems to do it more often than other QB's. There are other factors that go into this but Taylor would rather complete a dump off pass well short of the stick rather than try to fit it into a tight window or throw a 50/50 ball.
  4. We will see how the things shake out closer to draft day but dont be shocked if all the top QB prospects are off the board already. The should not trade up to get one either. The Bills cannot waste the draft capital for one player. There are free agent QB's that will be available that can win games. The Bills have too many needs so they need all their draft picks to add talent and depth.
  5. Where are the stats for how many times he checks down instead of throwing to the sticks? Where are the stats of the passes he doesnt throw because he is too conservative? Where are the stats where he runs 15 yards backwards and takes a sack instead of throwing the ball away?
  6. I get tired of bashing Taylor.....I like Taylor but he is just average and the Bills need better.
  7. I love how fans are so football smart they can look at a player in his rookie season and know if he is a bust. The majority of WRs and RB's do not have a great rookie year. How are Corey Davis and Mike Williams doing this season. Both of those players have better QB's than the Bills. my wife is a 49ers fan so I have watched the games. Hoyer and Garoppollo are way more accurate than Taylor. Goodwin is having a good season but it could be better because he has dropped balls that hit him in the chest.
  8. I didnt pick the Bills to win. When they got the pick 6 I started thinking maybe they can pull something off here. Then it was business as usual for the offense kicking field goals.
  9. Lets get a little perspective here. Zay has dropped balls he should have caught but there were a ton of passes thrown his way that would have been highlight catches if he was able to pull the ball in. Other throws were not even worth trying for. This website shows that only 63% of the passes thrown Jone's way were catchable. https://www.playerprofiler.com/nfl/zay-jones/. You can put in random WR's names and see just about all of them are 70% or higher. Watching Taylor throw the ball at Olearys feet on 4th down is all I need to see of Taylor.
  10. There have been a few times that it wasnt on Taylor.....a Few times. The Oline is inconsistent but there are WR's open by NFL standards and Taylor doesnt throw it. Other QB's complete throws to 3rd and 4th string nobody receivers. He would rather run around and even when everyone in the stadium knows the defense has him, he wont try to throw the ball away until it is already considered a sack. I was at the first Pats game and could see plays he is missing. Taylor makes some good throws and then misses plays. 4th and 10, he throws it on the ground a few feet in front of Oleary. Why? Who cares if it get picked. Give him a chance to catch the ball.
  11. I like Gillislee but lets not pretend that the Bills would have won more games if he was on the team. A lot of his TD's this season are short yardage TD's. Most of those work because you have Brady and Gronk. Ex Bills are talented but it takes the right mix of scheme and players around them.
  12. I would take all those QBs over Taylor. They will throw the ball, take a chance, or let the WR's make a play. I would even settle for hitting a WR in stride instead of off target passes that the WR has to basically end the play to catch.
  13. Because the Bills have not had a strong QB in a very long time. The Bills have gone to a running team to make up for the fact of having mediocre QB. When players go to other teams, they play in different systems. With the 49ers before Garropollo the 49ers threw the ball a lot because they were behind. Rams are just a good team with a good QB and offensive system.
  14. If kicking field goals won playoff games, the Bills would be champs
  15. Taylor wasnt the only issue but he was an issue. Clay dropped a good throw by Taylor but also Clay was wide open so Taylor threw it. Taylor has no timing on his throws. Romo pointed out multiple times of when he needed to throw the ball but didnt. Also he had Benjamin multiple times with one on one coverage but didnt throw his way. Even on the TD that was called back, why is he throwing to the corner of the end zone and not a jump ball or a high back shoulder throw? Taylor takes a lot of sacks losing major yardage and will only consider throwing it away when he is already falling down. Other QB's know it isnt there and throw it away.
  16. You are right it goes beyond Taylor. Clay dropped an easy TD. They took away the Benjamin score. The defense couldnt slow down the Pats. There was no pass rush. Taylor looked decent to start and then he went back to his old habits....holding on to the ball too long, rolling out of the pocket to take a sack, and not seeing open WR's. When he was waiting for a dump pass on the other side of the field to McCoy to open up you can see two open WR's standing there. Benjamin didnt have a defender within 5 yards of him. Romo pointed out multiple times where Taylor was late to throw the ball. He even pointed to a Bills WR running up the sideline with a step on his man saying "this is the NFL, that receiver is open"
  17. I was off the mark because I only thought the Bills would win 5 or 6 games this season. I didnt think they would tank, I just didnt think they had the offensive talent to put up points.....that line of thinking I wasnt too far off on but they have done enough to win some games. I was fine with the moves the Bills made because of the draft picks they received and I like the Benjamin trade. I like McD/Beane and the direction they seem to be heading in. As far as fans being negative about the Bills, some people are just waiting for a let down that has come every year. They would rather not get their hopes up. They see the offense struggle and throw up their hands. I also think that the offense being so conservative doesnt help....boring sometimes. This is where I might get flamed but there are a good number of negative people in Buffalo in general. Just in my family I can name several people who are negative about almost everything. Last time I was flying to Buffalo I got to my connecting gate and I heard two different people complaining in louder voices about different subjects.....I knew I was at the right gate.
  18. I think you are in minority. The majority of people think it is stupid. Evveryone has fun in their own way. Since you said you could get swept up in the moment, I was just curious if you have kids and a family that depend on you? A lot of my hard party ways evaporated when "I got older" so to speak
  19. How does breaking tables and setting yourself on fire equate to being a passionate fan? Lets call it what it is.....a bunch of people drinking trying to mimic or one up videos they see online.
  20. I am sure when Gronk catches the ball there will be a little bit more intensity in the hits he receives. Refs will be looking for retaliation on him and will flag anything considered close. The Bills cannot afford 15 yard penalties against the Pats. Instead of trying to hurt him, take away his impact on the game. Beat him on the scoreboard. 20 yrs ago I would have said punch him in the throat.
  21. Yes they are trying. When I went to the Pats game, cops were all over the RV lot. I talked to mounted patrol and they said they have kicked a couple people out for jumping on tables and disorderly conduct. There isnt enough police to watch everyone but eventually nature deals with stupid people.
  22. Good point. To me a great game by a QB is where he shreds a defense no matter what they try to do. He is able to move the ball consistently. He throws multiple TD's and puts the game away when he needs to. I dont care if it is for 250 yards or 400 yards. I dont think we will see a game like that from Taylor.
  23. QB takes a lot of the blame and a lot of the credit for how the team plays. Taylor was terrible against the Jets, Saints, Panthers, NE, Bengals, ect. Those losses are not all on Taylor but he did not play well. The problem I have with Taylor is his consistency. He plays good in some games and terrible in others. I dont remember Taylor ever having a great game though. The Bills need more talent on both sides of the ball.
  24. I think the Pats game is a game where the Bills pass rush needs to show up. Hughes gets some pressure but lately he has been getting handled. The Bills need to pressure Brady.
  25. The Bills will have options. They can move up in the first round if they want to but there are too many QB needy teams that will be picking in the top 5. It would be too costly for the Bills to move up when the Bills need to hit on the first four rounds of the draft to add some talent and depth to this team. I know Beane doesnt like to make a big splash in free agency but he may need to solidy the right side of the line in free agency.
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