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Everything posted by BillsfanAZ

  1. I agree that they should not rush him but let him show when he is ready to start. Maybe it will be in preseason, half way through the season, or next season. If he is as smart and competitive as reported then I think it will be sooner than later. That being said, he will make mistakes and throw INT's. I think the fan base will jump on him for not being ready until he gets through the learning curve that only comes when he is on the field.
  2. How quickly we forget after the season is over. Zay did drop some good passes by Taylor. There were also bad passes by Taylor that he caught. Lets not forget that over 35% of the passes thrown his way were uncatchable.
  3. I think he will improve. He doesnt have Taylor throwing him the ball. Yes Zay dropped passes he should have caught but he also had a bunch of crap passes thrown his way.
  4. I remember watching the Texans on Hard Knox and Cushing didnt seem like a team first guy. He seemed like an Ahole.
  5. I think you make a good point. Even if we are just talking about 20-30 yard passes down the field, it seemed Taylor needed a bigger window to throw it into than his WR's could provide. Then when he had WR's open, he sometimes didnt see them. From watching Allen's game tapes it looks like he has no problem seeing guys or trying to fit it into tight windows. That might get him in trouble more often in the NFL but he will make some throws that a lot of guys cant make....especially when he is on the move. If Wyoming WR's can catch Allens balls, the Bills WR's should have no issues.
  6. I dont think it is drinking the Kool-Aid. A lot of drat guys were high on Allen, some on Rosen. I wonder how many of those guys actually sat down and talked to both of them. Probably not many since the NFL scouts and GMs were doing that. I dount most draft guys talked to former teammates and coaches either. I thought the Bills would have picked Rosen as well. That being said, I am willing to give Allen a couple seasons to see what McBeane sees in him. I dont think anyone on here had the info that McBeane did in making the choice, most people on here are just going off of scouting reports and watching a couple games.
  7. I dont understand how you are thinking. You would rather not have a top LB so you can have another pick in the 3rd round? How does that make any sense?
  8. It is obvious you are not a Beane fan but what has he done that hasnt been a good move? So the Colts decided to trade with the Jets to move back to #6 instead of the Bills at 12. How do you know the Bills havent had a deal in place the whole time with the Giants if the board falls the right way? Or the Browns at 4?
  9. Everything will depend on who the Browns pick at 1. If they pick Mayfield then the Bills dont have to move up as high to get a QB. They can get Rosen or Darnold in a trade with the Browns at 4. If Cleveland picks Darnold or Rosen at 1 then the Bills might have to move up to #2.
  10. If Rosen is the only answer for the Bills, wouldnt he also be the only answer for the Browns? What if the Browns take him #1?
  11. I think Murph is just going off gut feeling. I doubt the Bills draft room talks to the media guys about their plan. I like the McBeane run a tight ship and not much gets leaked out.
  12. The Bills may not view him as a top QB or even a first round pick. Rosen, Mayfield, Darnold, Rudolph, and Jackson all had much better production than Allen. Even Lauletta and White had much better production. The buzz about Allen is potential. Big guy with a strong arm. That doesnt always translate into NFL star.
  13. Lets not forget about his girlfriend posting pics of the Ravens owner and Ray Lewis as master and slave. That always goes over well with future employers
  14. I dont think that is true. Lets not mix things up. You are allowed to protest free from persecution but that doesnt mean you wont get fired for doing it on company time. If you say bad things about the company you work for, it is your right. You wont get arrested but you will get fired.
  15. Lets not forget that Kap opted out of his contract and just wasnt signed by another team. So talking about someone being fired for something does not pertain to Kap. You can argue that he would have been cut, but a lot of players get cut.
  16. I trust that McBeane will find a QB that will be best suited for what they want. If that is over paying some to move up to get the guy they want, fine, just do it so the sting of losing draft picks can ease already. If they cant move up then use the picks for the BPA. I would be ok with a QB somewhere in the first or second round if he is accurate on his short to mid range throws. Deep passes are nice but most throws are within 10 yards. Only McBeane knows what the offense will look like next year and what kind of QB they need to run it. I like that they run a tight ship without a lot of info leaking out.
  17. I think they have to find a replacement for Miller. I dont want him starting just because Incognito is gone. If they can hold on to their second round picks, I see them using one on Oline.
  18. So if the Bills cant get a deal done to move up to get Darnold or Rosen then they failed? That makes no sense. IF the Giants are interested in a QB, why would they trade out of that spot? Especially if the 2019 draft class does not look good for QB's. I think Beane already knows he will have to pay a premium to be able to take one of the top QB's. There is such a thing as too high of a price tag. If the Bills stay at 12, I dont think it will be due to a lack of trying to move up.
  19. Only way I see a rookie QB playing is if AJ gets hurt or he really sucks. Even if he plays just ok then he will continue to play until the Bills feel the new QB is ready. The Bills picking a rookie QB isnt about next season, it is about the future. The Bills will not have the top pick next year. Both the Rams and Eagles gave up multiple high round picks from two drafts to move up. Seems to have worked out for them. Saying its a Bills thing to happen makes no sense. Completely different people running the show.
  20. Exactly this. Beane would not be doing his job if they did not do their homework on players that may be available if a trade up doesnt work out.
  21. I am not whining about anything. If his pick pans out, then we have our franchise guy. If he isnt a good NFL QB then it will suck but at least Beane made a move for who he thought was the right one. Now that doesnt mean that Pegula will keep him around but I wouldnt have any ill will against him.
  22. I dont think it is a fireable offense if no team in the top 5 is willing to deal unless the Bills give away their whole draft this year or first and second next year. It isnt like Beane is sitting doing nothing. I am sure he will run all the trade demands by Pegula so they are on the same page. I think it would be more of a fireable offense if they move up into the second spot to get their guy and it turns out he isnt any good in a couple years.
  23. Every spot has a price tag but sometimes the price it too high. I would be ok with Beane over spending a little bit but he cant give away this years and next years draft to do it.
  24. I get what you are saying but you are dealing in "what ifs". Next years draft for QB's doesnt look promising. If the QB is still there after the Browns first pick and Beane wants to trade away next years first to get his guy, then I say just rip the band aid off and do it. I would want to keep as many of the other draft picks we have this year as possible. If the Bills pick at QB pans out, then nobody will care about next years first round pick being gone. If he doesnt pan out, at least Beane took a chance to finally get the Bills a franchise guy.
  25. This is not true. Yes some players are good at both, most are not. Man guys are usually faster to keep up with the WR's....job is simple, stay with the WR and dont let him catch the ball. Zone requires corners to watch the QB, know route combinations, know when to let the WR go into the next zone while watching for other WR coming into their zone. Knowing when he can drop into someone elses zone to bracket WR's. Also zone corners are usually a little bigger and can tackle RB's. Every corner plays a little of each but some man guys are not great at zone but more zone guys cant be man guys.
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