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Everything posted by BillsfanAZ

  1. I liked him before and I like him now. He said he would look at everything that makes sense to improve this team and he has. Even a player with some drama. I like that he is aggressive and not afraid to make moves. Gives me confidence that as long as the Bills have capital then all deals can be given consideration. More importantly I am confident Beane knows when to back away and when to deal.
  2. I wouldnt say he is the best WR in draft but he could go later in the first round. I am not a DK fan but some team will get him early. I think there are 4 or 5 WRs that are all right there at the top but the defensive talent is deep so I would be not be surprised if not many WR's are picked in the first after the run on QB's and Dlineman.
  3. I would be on board with BPA in the first and Harry in the second depending on how free agency goes.
  4. I think he had good plays and bad plays. I would like to see what he can do with better players around him. I would also like to see him learn from veteran Olineman that have had success in the NFL and not what the Bills put on the field last season.
  5. I think the only way they move him to another position is if they sign a veteran MLB with the same athletic ability. I dont see the Bills drafting a LB and putting him in the middle to go though the learning curve again.
  6. I cant see where the Cards would throw away Rosen to go with Murray. That would be a huge waste of a draft last year. They might be able to get a third round pick for Rosen. If AZ takes him 1st overall, would they be the first team to take QB's in the first round in back to back years?
  7. Williams is almost a must sign for the Bills. The Bills can fix their Oline is short order. I wouldnt be opposed to signing Miller or Mills to a team friendly deal for depth.
  8. I dont think Beane gives out a huge contract to an aging veteran. That being said he could be a pass rush specialist.
  9. I am surprised by this....wonder if an extension is already in the works so no need for the tag. Would love to see the Bills grab him but I doubt it.
  10. The most important thing that us fans dont have access to is what was talked about in the player meetings. Is Metcalf just a workout warrior? Wonder what his football IQ is like. I think if the Bills have any options at trading back then that would be the move picking up extra picks in a deep draft for OL, WR, and TE. I think the only way the Bills use the #9 pick is if one of the top defensive studs slides down the board because of teams going after QB's.
  11. I dont see Jones being cut. Even if the Bills pick a WR in round 1. He showed some production last season and hopefully more this coming season.
  12. Houston is a good player who has had trouble staying healthy. I am not sure Beane is going to trade any assets for a player going into his 9th or 10th year with a huge contract. After the two years left on his contract he may retire. I dont see that as building for the future. Assuming Grady Jarrett stays with the Falcons I would like to see the Bills try to sign Zadarius Smith or Preston Smith. If they want a short term vet then Brandon Graham would work.
  13. I think Allen's rushing attempts will decrease. He has shown he can run so it one more thing the defenses will be watching for. With a better Oline and running game I hope his attempts are limited to planned runs and some scrambles. Added talent at TE and WR should give him more targets to get the ball to. He was also throwing the ball away more the last quarter of the season. Then again if the middle of the field opens up before his eyes, I think it would be a temptation he cannot resist.
  14. AB is a better WR than anyone on the Bills roster. Without the Bills Oline being fixed, Allen will not have the time to throw deep balls without taking a beating or throwing on the run. I am not sure the Bills need a #1 WR. I think the Bills offense can be successful with signing or drafting some quality #2 WR's as long as they land a good TE. I think I would pass on AB unless Pit would take a 4th rounder.
  15. I am curious to see what the Steelers want as compensation for AB.
  16. I dont mind using a 6th or 7th rounder on a punter if he is clearly has a better leg than who the Bills have currently. Late round picks usually dont stay with the team anyways.
  17. Everyone is hanging their hats on Paradis. If he leaves the Broncos there are lots of teams that would be interested. The Bills can still sign him and move Long to guard. If the Bills cant land Paradis then they still have The Bills prob will not be bringing back Groy or Miller.
  18. Like others, I would like to see what the Bills do in FA first. The Raiders would really have to be in love with a player to trade two first round picks for #9. If they are that desperate, maybe throw in swapping second round picks.
  19. Even the best RB's cannot run through closed doors. The Bills need to address the Oline in free agency or the draft before thinking about RB.
  20. I would be good with signing McCoy. Phillips is imortant in the Dline rotation but he is no McCoy.
  21. I think they get 2019 and 2020 to see what kind of team they can build. The Bills did a great job of drafting in 2018 and knocked it out of the park with two Rookie Free Agents. If they can get their 2019 picks and 2020 picks to contribute as much as 2018 picks did they the Bills will be vastly improved.
  22. Chargers. I would like to see Rivers get a super bowl win.
  23. I have been in AZ for 16 yrs. I will pull for the Cardinals and go to some games. I routed for them in the Superbowl against Pitt. Now I could care less if they win or lose. My wife is a 49ers fan so I pull for the 49ers more than the Cardinals.....I even have a 49ers hat that I wear to the Cards/Niners game once a year.
  24. absolutely no way that the Bills take a QB in this draft. They have their QB room for the next season. Maybe they will bring in another vet as a 3rd string after next season or extend Anderson again. I think a team will take a chance on him in the 3rd or 4th round. The Bills will have higher rated players than him to pick from in those rounds.
  25. I hope there are teams that will jump up in the draft to snag QB's so better players fall. Wonder what the Dolphins and Redskins will be looking to move up for a QB.
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