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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. Shady had two million in incentives added. No idea what they were for.
  2. Its a factor for sure but there are a lot of factors that go into where you sign. Pat Kirwan has often made the point that the players care more about the years and max value than they should. Basically what makes the headline, 5 years 35 million 15 million guaranteed, the rest of the structure is not as important. Things like taxes are not as important for many players even though it should be. It certainly would be a factor for me. But assuming half of your games on the road are in taxes with income taxes you are talking about having 75% of your income taxed vs 25%. It is not x percent of your contract based on your home city. And that does not take into account deductions and any accounting hacks that can come into play. Start a business for instance and you can play some games, lots of players do that. They also consider what their potential next contract could be based on where they are going so playing as a WR for the Bills vs the Falcons would be a big factor.
  3. Simple for a simple mind who think they pay 40% to a state for all work done in the NFL.
  4. What are you talking about? This is a good example of the nonsense you here about taxes people "think they pay
  5. I think you pay taxes based on the state you play in each week. It obviously still pays to be in a no income tax state but if you play a bunch of games in states with income taxes you do still pay taxes.
  6. The Bengals game definitely comes to mind. Last years offense would have buried the Bengals.
  7. It might be more likely the Bills make the playoffs than McCoy winning the rushing title. I for one could not care less if he was to win the rushing title.
  8. I bet if you did some analysis of the Bills the last 6 years about games they won the turnover differential but lost it would be eye opening compared to the league as a whole
  9. So he needs more yards than he has ever rushed for ever as a Bill and none of the other guys can gain anything? I know Gurley may rest but the others too? Maybe they will all get negative yards.
  10. They actually do. Not the big name refs but the back judges and other zebras get weeded out. The refs have been good over years and worked their way up.
  11. Thompson looks like a legit wr.
  12. Isnt that what Pitt would have used him for? In the case of a super old has been there is a reason they waived him.
  13. HUH? Are you asking if the Bills go 1-1 in the next 2 if it is better to win against Miami or NE? Not sure that matters. If they go 1-1 they will need a bunch of help period. Win them both and t hey will be in for sure even though I know it is possible they could not it is really really unlikely. There would be a chance for a let down if you beat NE I guess but given the circumstances I would hope that would not happen
  14. First and foremost the Bills had more talent across the board. They also won all the playoff games between the Dolphins and Bills during that time frame. But secondarily I believe the Dolphins had a fatal flaw during those years in that they refused to commit to running the ball and let Marino have too much control over the offense. All you had to do was get them down by a score and they would immeditatly become pass only. This played into the Bills hands because they had good pass rushers. Bruce used to hammer Marino continuously while almost never getting a sack but the hits and pressure took a toll. Knowing the would not try to run allowed Bruce to just rush the passer which is what he did well.
  15. Great title, says it all. The Bills are total wusses with playcalling. Hopefully this can get fixed by firing Dennison and its not driven by McDermott. This can work against the Dolphins, but it will not against good teams. And what are they afraid of? Taylor more than any QB ever takes care of the ball, call it agressively, the results would be better.
  16. Jacksonville is not going to the Super Bowl but also not a paper tiger. They are ahead of Buffalo in terms of talent (way ahead) and probably coaching/front office. We all hate Doug cause he quit but the team was going in the right direction.
  17. No doubt the Phish looked around and saw 52....kick it that way.
  18. Here is what will happen and maybe sooner than people realize. You put on a virtual reality helmet and are able to positions yourself in various areas in the stands and see what a guy in the font row is seeing, 20 yard line, 50 yard line, you can move around ever play, even on the sideline or on the field as the ref. This will happen because the technology is there and there is money to be made from it.
  19. I agree, pressure is the key but I am conditioned to knowing the Bills truly have no chance in a meaningful game in Foxboro withe Brady on the field. The Pats need/want home field and are at home after a huge win. You also have to score points and like we saw yesterday even if you play better and are winning, these guys can take it from you anyway. This is a really really really big ask from Santa.
  20. The copy-paste monsters are here....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  21. There must be a lot there if he immediately agreed to sell. I bet Jerry Jones could have some skeletons but no way would he just sell, he will go down fighting, might be fun to watch.
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