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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. For the completions I think that is true. He had 10 completions fro 84 yards, one went for 39, one for 22. That means 8 went for a total of 23 yards. And the 22 yarder was not down the field.....some of the incompletions were further down the field and had no chance
  2. They showed Allen sitting alone a couple times and even after the TD, he looked down. I was wondering if he was ok to play but the coaches said no we are going with Peterdude.
  3. Do they go over the color of the sky and what human breathe to stay alive?
  4. I did not realize how bad they were. They need to get this cleaned up, its not that hard. Seriously though there is a lot there, they might be best off to address this during the bye week
  5. Fix that first
  6. He mostly voices it by almost rooting for the other team, like he was with Mahomes in the first half. I live in NE and all the fans hate him because he is against them. Not that that means much of anything though, they told me the Pats would not be good this year cause Tom has no one to throw to. Even though we have seen this over and over again in years past. They have number 12, just plug and play guys, dont make a lot of mistakes and take advantage of all your mistakes. I am so sick of this movie.
  7. Hopefully I dont jinx him but he should have like three 15 yarders for yapping at the refs by now. Sorry Jerry, the offense is not that good and probably not changing anytime soon.
  8. He actually does not like them but he has no choice but to say good things sometimes since they always win when it matters.
  9. I contend a lot of the contended throws are not thrown in a way where anyone has a real chance to catch them up til now. Lets hope the light starts to come on as the season goes....for the wrs too.
  10. The machine is wrapping up home field throughout the playoffs agains...wtf just go away already.
  11. Yes but they are secondary. On a lot of plays he has time.
  12. The situation the way it is? I get he is a rookie and may play poorly all year and the Bills may lose as a result. But do we have to be blind to that and blame other things? The QB play is the number one problem, its worse than WR, its certainly worse than OL or play calling. He is not processing anything post snap, there have been a lot of opportunities to complete passes but he is not seeing it fast enough to execute. Players are open contrary to what some believe. The drops are not a huge percentage of anything
  13. You were judging him off the first quarter tonight, no?
  14. He had one pass for 39, one for 22 and 9 for another 20 or so. At the rate he was on he would have been around 100 yards for the day. That is an improvement on last week.
  15. His execution is the number 1 problem, not the plays.
  16. Who cares, it probably for the best. They really need to teach the players how to line up and start on the count/snap of the ball on offense. Christ the presnap penalties at this point are not excusable.
  17. This guy kills me, he looks the part on a lot of plays but I am convinced he goes with his presnap read NO MATTER WHAT. Which gets the ball out on time and works well for a few plays, til the defense realizes they can bait him and just take the game.
  18. But to be fair lets look at the body of work, rather than 1 quarter.
  19. I guess it was ok, it was an example of his arm strength but it was out of structure and I am not sure he really read it right and at the right time. I really want to see him make plays within the plan of the play. Obviously you take any big play but this was the issue we had with Tyrod, he could not play in rhythm. The one he did complete to Benjamin was within structure, he threw a nice ball wiht anticipation that was not wide open, he gave his guy a chance to make a play. I need to see it again I guess but I thought maybe that could have been even a bigger play.
  20. He only had 7 in-completions but for me I see him not processing what he sees and not being accurate in his time this year. While he did not have a lot of in-completions he also had like 80 yards passing total again so whatever he is doing its not working. The last pass was also not accurate which we could attribute to his injury but it also did not look much different from what we have seen this year. The pass he was injured on was the only quality pass I remember today, Most everything else was close to the LOS
  21. That is it huh, 1 or 2? I dont think anyone would argue the first play of the game was really bad. After that there was maybe one more inaccurate pass but also maybe no others that were inaccurate? Come on
  22. I am sure there are some but I dont think there are many in the anti-Allen crowd. I do see a lot of people commenting on what they see which is fair if you ask me.
  23. He was? What did we really see, practice? Peterman was fantastic in practice but we know what that means in real life. I think it is dangerous to make a lot of conclusions based on things that fans see in practice. He did play real games including a playoff game and held his own. I think the regime saw an opportunity to get "draft capital" and refused to turn it down. For as terrible as he was, someone wanted him. Any guesss on how many teams will go after Peterman when he gets waived?
  24. Definitely not showing alot right now. Definitely a lesson that arm strength means nothing in and of itself....like more qualities it takes to be a great QB. You need a whole bunch of skills, not one or two. Right now he is who we got so the way I see it, give him every opportunity to learn and grow. If he busts out, get another one and take another swing. Dont stop til you get a great QB
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