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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. Bills fans always love to complain about the lack of WR's. Hogan was a joke who would not make the roster on other teams, same for Goodwin. Woods was OK (mabye a 2 or a 3) but not worth the money. Then they go elswhere and we wish we still had them. Soon that will be true for Matthews. This is not a bash on Taylor but the reality is this offense the last three years does not utilize WR's and that has to change first.
  2. Agreed. I think they were actually hurrying after the McCoy play as sad as that is. The Pats have it all planned for those situations.
  3. The Bills screwed the end of the first half in a whole bunch of ways. The Bills should have had a TD and Jacksonville should not have gotten a FG so that was a 7 point swing caused by questionable decisions. I am one that likes to be aggressive but with a minute left at the 10 yard line against that defense I would have burned their timeouts. I know of at least one team who practices that stuff, I dont think the Bills do though.
  4. Pretty much every FA says they want to stay with the team they are currently on.
  5. There is inconsistency in calls, I will not deny that but I dont agree that is is a conspiracy and at the end of the day no team is willfully favored. It may happen on a given sunday because of the small sample size but that is it. Pitt fans feel they dont get calls cause they are dirty, Bills fans think they dont get calls cause they are a small market, Pats fans think they dont get calls cause the NFL hates them. Every single fan base feels they dont get calls over other teams, they justify with different nonsense though.
  6. I would have loved to have seen a playoff win but I did not have any expectations after this week and am still very relieved the drought is over. This game kind of went as I thought, punt fest with the team making mistakes losing.
  7. WHy be a fan if you believe that? I live in NE and I can tell you that the fans here and every city feel their team is discriminated against. Its a psychological thing you see the calls that hurt your team but pay no mind to the bad calls that help your team. NE actaully has evidence to support that they are singled out (deflate gate), the NFL could have easily ended that with no discipline.
  8. SO you want them to review PI? That was not the topic of the thread. They don't currently so my the answer to the question is correct.
  9. THey miss it because they dont watch in slow motion.
  10. Yeah you run it there period at least on the down. Similar to the Seahawks passing in the SB. For the record I think Dennison is an awful play caller and needs to go.
  11. At halftime they said it was an RPO and Tyrod made the decision to throw. Terrible decision to have an RPO and terrible decision by Tyrod.
  12. I know he is just a rookie but I have seen enough of Peterman too. I know he will be back because of his age/contract but I dont see a lot of hope in him. I support getting Alex Smith or Case Keenum and drafting a guy.
  13. That team had a great defense. That team had way more talent than this one.
  14. I know he has not won in the post season but he plays in a tough division and has been successful with kind of a cheap owner. I like him as a coach, glad he is continuing if that is what he wanted.
  15. Actually now that you say that it seemed like (anecdotally) Defensive holding calls were way down which I liked.
  16. It would be awesome to see how the worst team in modern history functions.
  17. Across the league there were 15 1,000 yard receivers in 2017. The previous 3 years there were 25,26 and 23. That seems like a really steep drop off. I did not look it up but I think passing yards in general were off this year. There has been a lot of emphasis on rule changes favoring offenses in recent years, maybe defenses are finally making some adjustments? I know in some cases (Patriots, Saints) teams that have passed for a lot are purposely running it more.
  18. I get it, 9-7 is not that great, we have had a couple 9-7 seasons during the drought but this year we "got lucky" and circumstances have us in the playoffs as a wildcard team. But I think 9-7 with this roster is remarkable. They are like 29th in offense, 26th in defense but found a way to win 9 games including a couple tough ones on the road in ATL and KC. There is reason to be optimistic moving forward in my opinion. This coaching staff has players putting in the effort, playing as a team and winning with lesser talent than some opponents. For instance, Miami has better talent than Buffalo. So if the effort/team contentedness continues as the talent increases we could really go places.
  19. It is kind of Ironic we traded Sammy for Gaines partly because Sammy was injury prone. Gaines had like 3 or 4 injuries this year. Not sure he will be back as a UFA who will get paid as a sought after CB. I was really impressed with Poyer because I did not think he would be a starter quality guy coming from Cleveland. He started out the year really aggressive in tackling and I thought that tailed off some. But he had a bunch of picks down the stretch. White and Hyde are great and locked up for a few years.
  20. Some qbs are smart and make throws that can generate a flag.
  21. Shady had two million in incentives added. No idea what they were for.
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