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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. Trading anyone who is a potential cap casualty would be good but probably not so likely....so clay and mccoy are at the top of that list. In terms of people to trade for I am not so sure, there are a lot of needs so find potential targets (people who dont fit their current system or cap targets) and go after them.
  2. LA Rams have no fans. People are probably sick of seeing the Pats.
  3. It was low scoring but not boring at all. In the 80's and 90's most SB's were total blowouts....those were boring.
  4. was there any debate? Well other than the people here who think Allen is equal or better than Mahomes but you cant see it cause he needs weapons.
  5. The only way you get 9 straight AFC championship games (and 9 SB's over 18 years) is with coaching AND quarterbacking. Its the combination, just one would not do it.
  6. After Barkley there would be others before Lindsay, I dont get why someone is getting all wet over 0.4YPC. Its one metric/stat. The offensively line could easily account for that.
  7. I dont think he is the same player, his production dropped like a rock last year. Good guy, gave his all, but I would be moving on for sure.
  8. Yeah that will happen and to some degree, that is already true...if they start beating Brady in the coming years, he will retire and that will be the excuse. I will just settle for Brady and the pats dominance going away any means necessary. Whether they all retire, another team decides to beat them, they get a virus, whatever.
  9. I think he just loves to compete. Which I think is understandable.
  10. Are people still surprised and/or upset its not competitive? It will never be a hard hitting/full on competition again.
  11. Kelso got the most out of his abilities so that is to be respected. He was smart and always knew what he was doing. He did have some nice INT numbers but he was not a great tackler. He woudl make tackles but guys would drag him 10 yeards.
  12. They are related but I will agree they are not the same. If you throw every ball in the dirt you will have 0%, so yeah they are not the same but more accurate passers generally have higher completion percentages. But its not just accuracy, its other things like throwing on time, getting the ball to the WR in the right window. All of that he will work on and hopefully improve. And actually, in terms of timing, he did get better after he returned from injury.
  13. You are saying two things, first its the fault of the rest of the offensive players and second it is typical for a rookie. Which is it? All I am saying is lets call a spade a spade. Was there lack of talent? Yes, Were their drops? Yes. Was the lack of talent and drops the main reason for completing low 50%? Nope sorry that is not what I saw. Yes his % would have been higher without drops. But all QB's have drops so the question is how many more drops did allen have compared to others. Josh Allen was often late on throws and as a result through into traffic, sometimes (more often than is typical) just misfires, and is generally not good at short passes, screens in particular. I am not saying Josh Allen is a bust or anything, just being honest with what I saw. Like you said, it is not atypical for a rookie to have some bad numbers, it does not predict the rest of his career or anything. But he has a lot to improve on is all I am saying. Anyone who thinks the guy is as good as Mahomes and he just needs talent is ridiculous (I have seen that a lot here).
  14. Allen struggle to complete 50% and it was not because of the WR's. He needs a lot of work on consistency/accuracy. And he needs a lot of work in the short passing game also.
  15. I guess I am ok with making PI reviewable for both non calls and called penalties. I also think called penalties in general should be reviewable. For instance the phantom roughing the passer on Brady. They can get that corrected and it is clear. What I dont think they should do is make non calls in general reviewable. If they did, anytime there is a TD of 30+ yards you could through the flag and say the LG held and get it reversed...that would suck. At the end of the day, no system will be perfect but they should continue to improve it.
  16. I'll wait another year or two before I conclude that.
  17. It is amazing someone could be like lined up like 2 feet Offside. Then the odds of that being on a play that results in an interception are like 1 in 200 or something. Ridiculous. I guess its possible Brady knew he had a free play and took a chance, never saw the replay to know.,...
  18. The Bills have one of the best chances to end it since they are in the same division. I don't think people say 4 in a row will never happen again. I have heard it said that it is an extraordinary accomplishment, because it is. But that is generally in context that they never won. The Dolphins went to three in a row in the 70's. the Bills accomplishment.....and all others are already dwarfed by what the Patriots have done in the last 18 years, 13 AFC championship games, 9 super bowls, 5 or 6 SB wins....none of that would be though of as possible if it was not fact. They have even taken a legit shot at the "greatest comeback" with the Atlanta meltdown..........
  19. I hate them in a sports hate kind of way. But it sounds like you are the "winner"
  20. That is also what I remember. But the issue comes up when a team never gets the ball which does happen. I see it from both sides, even if statistically it does not show much, it seems fair that both teams should get the ball. In that game yesterday no one could stop anyone once the fourth quarter started so it seemed like whoever won the coin toss got an advantage.
  21. Sports are flawed but not rigged. I am sure there is some rigging somewhere but by and large, it is not rigged. The NFL is not rigging things to have Tom Brady in the Super Bowl every year.
  22. The pats are the masters of puck plays. Seriously the nfl needs to address it. Either allow it or don’t.
  23. The all pro cb is another
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