I dont buy into "the NFL favors big market's" deal. It is plausible since you can argue it could be good for revenue but who is the NFL? There are league offices that are paid for by the owners ultimately. So to really buy into this conspiracy would mean all the owners are complicit to drive up revenue. Owners in markets like Buffalo are just there to get beat up on by markets like Boston and NY. I dont see it. Refs are human and have biases. Superstars get calls.....in all sports! When the Bills had superstars (Kelly,Bruce) they got calls. You could count on Bruce to browbeat the refs into holding calls week in and week out, he had the swagger, the reputation. Brady gets calls too, he is a superstar. The issue is the Bills have not this for decades, some fans have never seen it work out for Buffalo.
How do you explain the Jets ineptitude and the Packers consistent winning if you buy into the mass conspiracy?