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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. Multiple offense....track record....
  2. I will bet he doesnt get suspended the rest of the year that's for sure. I really dont think he gets more than 1 game, maybe two.
  3. you guys are nuts, Garrett one game, fines for some of the others. This is football not thanksgiving dinner.
  4. This is absolutely nothing and totally irrelevant in my opinion. He hardly B word slapped the guy, happens all the time. Late hit....come on Simeon was just done throwing the ball. We are nothing but a bunch of pansies nowadays.
  5. I think the last time the Bills were on Sunday night, it was a flexed game......and an awful game for a Bills. Matt
  6. That radio.com app is awful, like someones college project or something.
  7. And Josh Allens numbers are simiilar to Drew Brees's numbers at the beginning of his career. I guess reporters are to ask deuchy questions but the answer is obvious to the whole world. No its not good enough. I will say this, Tyrod was declining over his last 20 while Josh has been rising. We need a lot more improvment or he will be just another in the long list of QB;s who did not make it here.
  8. I guess fumbles dont count?
  9. Wow, I was thinking he was better last year but this year has missed everything. I bet he has more INT's than completions on those. Clearly an element he needs to work on. The one to Mackenzie should have been an easy TD yesterday. He seems to want to throw a frozen rope but needs to put some air under the ball and let the receiver go and get it. He has improved a lot on short passes this year so maybe this is part of the next steps for him.
  10. The Pitt game is huge more than likely....wish it was in Buffalo but that is the game more than any other they need to win.
  11. Grasping at straws
  12. If it wasn’t a fumble and wasn’t a pass then what is it? it was a pass all day twice on Sunday and even on Christmas. The bills have a lot of yards on the same pkay
  13. I actually think the bills played a good game on the road where they withstood the initial onslaught. They just don’t click enough on offense. Lots of plays that could have swung this game. Missed fgs. How about the terrible overthrow to McKenzie? He has to relax and hit that.
  14. Next week is no free win either
  15. Have you watched the bills this season? They have done good in the fourth when Down.
  16. Winning on the road is hard. The browns are better than their record. The browns were desperate the eagles were desperate. In a number of weeks the bills will be desperate and win one of those tough matchups.
  17. Put some air under it dude.
  18. Now give the defense a break and put a drive together
  19. For the NFL, the marquee matchups are often divisional based on rivalries. Having the home and away games are important and set up important "revenge games". I don't think you will get away from that. You could change up who is in what division but I dont think you are getting rid of the number of divisions. I think it is good how it is. But if you want to move the Pats to the NFC for the Cardinals, I would be for that.
  20. This is 2nd or third grade level
  21. "Imagine conforming to a system giving it a 100 percent to see them treat me like this is unfairly ! Making money off my sweat and blood ***** the @nfl I’ll never play in that ***** treat black people the worse! Clear my name and go ***** your self" Can someone translate to English?
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