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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. The way to slow down the Bills offesne is to get good pressure and really affect Allen. The Steelers can do that. But I think the Bills can definitely go toe to toe with these guys and win. Will probably come down to penalties and turnovers.....
  2. The one where Singletary barely got it running out of bounds I thought could have been executed better by him, it seemed like there was an opportunity to turn it up and smash through the guy...he seemed to make that closer than it needed to be.
  3. The Bills have had 3 free plays over the last two weeks, 2 last night and one against the Chargers. They have clearly built this into their offense to take advantage of a jumping defender. The key to get the free play is that the ball has to be snapped while the guy is Offside. Typically when a guy jumps, some lineman will jump too to get the Offside but that just results in 5 yards. That is worst case scenario when you get a jumper, that is a prime opportunity for a big chunk play. What the Packers do and what the Bills have started to do is to always be alert on this and if someone jumps Morse snaps the ball whether Allen has asked for it or not. This is really how you create the "free play" rather than once in a while just getting lucky to have someone jump just prior to you snapping the ball. You are always looking for it, Allen is always hard counting, trying to get guys to jump and the whole offense is trained to go on the snap of the ball in this type of situation. As long as the guy is Offside and it is a penalty there is no risk to the offense, a turnover will get brought back by accepting the penalty. Typically you just go deep, either get a completion or DPI....worst case scenario is you accept the 5 yard penalty. This offense continues to evolve and I love it! There is a cool graphic on this webpage that shows how much Rodgers takes adavantage of these. The other QB's who do this well according to this are Wilson, Stafford, Ben, Brees and Mahomes.....and now Allen.https://operations.nfl.com/stats-cen...r-than-anyone/
  4. He is on pace for 1500ish yards and 12-14ish TD's, how is that severe underutilized?
  5. One more than the Jets game.
  6. Win the division. Let the rest sort itself out
  7. Spinning the ball is not a penalty unless it’s deemed taunting
  8. I'm not surprised, I see that is kind of a toss up. SF is better than their record and are now playing for their playoff lives. This will not be an easy out.
  9. I think it was a run read option not an RPO. Lots of evidence that was a called run.
  10. Isn't it "Nobody circles the wagons" not "Nobody circles the bandwagons"?
  11. This play took over the lateral in the playoffs last year as the new dumbest play of Allen’s career. Nothing good could come from what he tried. A called run always has linemen down the field and he knows that. Just take the loss and play the next down. He is sliding a lot when he runs vs always being super man. This was another of his super man plays he needs to work on eliminating. We need a healthy josh Allen.
  12. Im rooting for draft pick #32
  13. Im surprised the Saints are the worst, Payton is not shy about being agressive.
  14. Is that the new uni's for the new covid protocols?
  15. I still see a lot of bellyaching about how "we get no respect"......Buffalo has a big inferiority complex and it would be nice if that could go away....does not provide a great look
  16. I don't keep up with schemes and whatnot but it is clear they are not asking Klein to do what they ask Milano to do, they have totally different skill sets. Early on they were asking Klein to play the role Milano plays and it was a disaster. Klein did not suddenly do a 180, the staff adjusted for what he does well.
  17. Good now all he has to do is call Bills games with Kevin Harlan and I will be happy.
  18. Credit is given to dabol via lack of fire him threads.
  19. The owners and nflpa will decide what happens.
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