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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. Please keep the intensity. No idea how this weather delay affects the game. Teams could have made a while new game plan.
  2. I know Josh has taken some off on some throws. But I think the net affect of that is positive.
  3. Agree but not the best rac work there.
  4. That is crazy. Browns and Chargers are legit competition this year. Herbert is ridiculous.
  5. It’s a universal fan complaint. Demonstrates clear bias based on emotions
  6. Forced a punt. That is equal to a turnover against these guys
  7. The guy has one thousand year season and like another thousand suspensions.
  8. Gordon has been one of the best for years?
  9. Rousseau has been good against the run
  10. It’s 4 penalties on bills to 3 for chiefs
  11. Beasley benched? Something going on there.
  12. I watched til it was 9-0
  13. Holy crap! This is the key the thing we have been waiting for, right there in front of our faces all this time.
  14. dont get a punt blocked. Catch all kickoffs in the field of play. No holding
  15. Agree completely I would add matchups, game situation. and weather as factors also. If you can pass every play and move at will it does not matter. You can do that against weak teams but you need to be able to do both or one or the other as matchups and conditions dictate. If you get a really windy day in Buffalo which happens you need to be able to run first. Sometime you need to run clock at the end of the game. Soley focusing on passing stats is bad football
  16. You are including playoffs and last week. Fine. If you are saying the bills are a 500 team if Moss or singltary are out (which seems to be your point) I don’t agree. The fact that over six games that is true is not proof. Correlation vs causation….
  17. Those are some funny clips. But. It has to suck to have to work with intense concentration and focus and have to have cameras on you all times waiting for you to do something g weird and broadcast your every move around the globe.
  18. It was one game against a weak opponent so if plays next week we will see how that goes. But I do like your point about extending, they need to find guys they can keep and contribute at reasonable prices. Poyer was a super bargain when the Bills signed him.
  19. Lose to kc and you are 3-2……
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