I am curious why people think this will get cheaper when Apple or Amazon gets it. They expect to generate 2.5 Billion dollars / year with it. Some very large percentage of users will be out of market fans who want to see their team. With the ST today, all you really get is 2 games, a 1 PM window and a 4PM window. Sure you can watch all the games if you have 13 TV's and tuners but I am confident most do what myself and most others who get ST do, they watch their team, that is why we all pay for it. They are not going to do some a la carte thing that makes the revenues come down, like all things, prices will be going up. Sure there are times I watch another game in the other window that is not on the network but I and most others would not pay for that, it comes free with ST. The only thing that will limit that is the pirating which is rampant, at some point, more people paying will switch to that if the price is too crazy. I have no idea what the price will be but dont be surprised if it is more than ST today.