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Posts posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. I mean he is 5th or 6th in the DE rotation and he was injured.  He seems to have some good skills and he made a good play on that sack Monday.  I think longer term I dont expect him to get a lot of snaps unless injuries occur.   Playing mop up can be just as misleading as preseason...I am optimistic/curious long term but not sure the fanbase is missing anything yet.

  2. 1 hour ago, Chaos said:

    Of course. Any time the other team scores there was "a bad play".  But that is oridnary course. The Bills are averaging 1 turnover per three games, and about 1 dropped pass per game.  Turnovers and drops are ordinary parts of the game.  The bad plays i pointed out are things, not actually expected to happen during the course of a whole season.

    You don’t expect a missed fg during the coarse of a season 

  3. They are also routinely hot at the end of the season, not sure what the tweet is getting at.....yes they dont beat the Chiefs and win the SB, I am aware of that.  But two of the last three seasons they really peaked headed into the playoffs, the other one was the Damar Hamlin year where the team had a bunch of outside things going on.   Somone should tell this guy they ended those seasons at the top too, not just at the beginning.  Their trouble typically comes mid season though....

  4. 15 hours ago, Chaos said:

    In the NFL opponents are going to score. Teams are going to have turnovers.  Not every turnover and not every opponent score is a "bad" play, in the sense it is out of the ordinary. 

    By this standard, the Bills have had three bad plays this season. The TD return. Bass's missed FG, Bass's missed XP.  Thats it, all the other plays could be argued to be good plays by the opponent.  

    This is a truly remarkable run of three games. 

    PS.  I am old enough to remember the plan to build the team around a highly paid Ryan Fitzpatrick not that many eons ago, after a 3 game win streak. 


    Since Special teams has failed should they fire the OC?


    Seriously I get the season has started well but there have been other bad plays, a bit too much rose colored glasses for me.

  5. 15 hours ago, Einstein said:


    Jokes aside, him dropping passes like that could cost us big in a game where the score is a lot closer. He drops as many of those as he catches, going back to last year.

    Agree, I have come to realize he is a good route runner but his hands a garbage.....most RB passes are short passes with little velocity, easy peasy....his drops are all routine.  The one Monday was harder but not a terribly difficult catch, he was not close, did not even get it in his hands.  It is a hole in his game.

  6. That was 3.5 decades ago.........we don't need to find a way to make this group of Bills teams like the teams from teh 90's.....the game has changed, preparation has changed, strategy has changed, how players keep themselves in shape has changed.  These teams stand on their own.  I look back at the 90's teams with a mountain of fond memories but this team is not like them, it is different we dont need to make them the same, it has no bearing on if they get over the hump or not.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  7. I was not concerned like many....I believe there is too much hysteria around having lots of WR "weapons" and that is not what really drives success of an offense.  Instead it is actually a great QB and a system that works to get strategic matchups....when you have that you suddenly have "weapons".  Not saying there is not some special talent around the league and that would not help, I just don't think it is a required contributor to your ability to field a SB winning team.  The Chiefs have proved that.   I am super excited by the new offense Brady has implemented so far.   It is still producing points but without the turnovers.  Josh appears to me to have taken another step.

    • Agree 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Generic_Bills_Fan said:

    I think he’s talking about limited in variety of what they can do to you.  Teams that can disrupt the timing on those quick throws don’t really have any trouble with that offense that has so much of a cap investment.  Seems like they very rarely cracked 20 points against winning teams which just isn’t good enough when your strength is offense…doesn’t even matter that they’re dropping 50+ against terrible teams 

    I am critical of Miami too but they were a formidable foe last year.  They were leading going into the 4th quarter of the last game that decided the division.  I agree they have limitations but they are not a clown show on offense.  

  9. 2 hours ago, strive_for_five_guy said:

    I thought something looked different about this handoff!

    Looks risky and i would say shows there is something significant with the left hand.   Propobaly/hopefully a broken bone or two vs ligaments.  

    I also wonder if the injury is a blessing and it is forcing them to figure out how to get by without the full Josh Allen experience. Emphasis on quick throws and let the playmakers make plays.  

    • Agree 2
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