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Posts posted by muppy

  1. With their ridiculous collection of draft picks, Cleveland is reported to be interested in making a big offer to the Cheaters for Garoppolo. I can see NE fleecing the Browns for their top picks -thus setting up the Cheatriots for another run after Brady.


    Ugggggh. Maybe we should have just given Cleveland Tyrod.

    Group Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  2. I agree with the Blue. The Red...I don't want to wail bitterly against the Pats on this board suffice it to say no love lost. Good to see so many BBMB posters who bring good takes and don't troll and run. That would never be said of you Shotgunner. Be well #GOBILLS



    If the Bills and Sabres both never won a game again, I would still be happy with the Pegulas.


    Straight forward people with the best intentions. They open their wallets and trust their people. Not to mention what they have done for the city, especially given the alternatives (Bon Jovi or Trump, both of which likely comes with a move)


    Kraft however, well I wouldn't even shake that man's hand.

  3. I really like Williams. I hope he finds success in whatever he does.


    If he does retire soon... I believe he could have a future in football in the way of broadcasting or administrative. He is a bright, likable guy



  4. I hope Aaron enjoys a restful, safe retirement and we can all agree that his contributions here were huge and he gave ever play everything he had.


    So thankful that this is a DB rich draft year.


    excellent post

  5. WOW a lot of BBMB homeys in here! **waves to you all if you loved or hated me I care not** PEACE :-)


    PS: Has anyone seen Howard W. Campbell?


    I'm member of 3 boards now just to find all you wackadoos :-)


    I friend request so can read your posts in my profile as I did in BBMB....Soda Popinski? 557Miles, I am Legend...more than I can remember. I'll be around checking back.


    Thank you for refugee status..muppy

  6. Someone that name on these boards! I couldn't have my old name back!

    I was honestly missing you Trans. Reunited and it feels so good.

    :-) its a motley reunion for all we refugees for sure....But a welcome one! Nice to explore and see who is chatting where now.

    pretty sure I saw logic


    No sign of soda yet or future :(


    Man this thread is LONG I was going to read through it but asking is faster lol....A lot of solid BBMB posters here already!m I'll keep a lookout for those guys. Isn't it wierd, how reuniting away from that site makes you ponder and realize how much you did value the varied takes of all the BBMB posters...acknowledging them if we had all stayed put likely would have never happened...anyway I am so glad and grateful for options like here after what we had was Poofed

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