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Posts posted by muppy


    ......think you could remove CARDALE and insert MANUEL as the description fits......sounds like a Whaley pattern????...........

    :-) greetings and yes definitely a pattern *nods* good to read u

    We keep coming back for more mediocrity of course we aren't smart. We spend years arguing with each other about which career backup can break the playoff drought.

    it's called the diehard sickness a mental malady yepper :thumbsup:

  2. Uber charges customers what they think they will pay for a trip, if you go an airport, stadium, concert etc they will always charge a higher rate. Set your drop off location to a nearby grocery store, when the driver arrives just say oops I think I entered the wrong address and change it to the stadium.


    The trip will then calculate by the miles and not the assigned price that's given or the higher rate. Just trying to save my fellow fans a few bucks. FWIW the driver will be paid the same, he gets paid by mileage. The extra charges going into Uber's bank account not anyone else's.

    That is new information for me If true whoa.....I have used uber several times but some cities restrict access to airports and it is impossible to connect with at peak travel times anyway (JFK omgoodness) so there is that :-) muppy

  3. "I don't always stay in abusive relationships, but when I do it's with the Buffalo Bills"

    AMEN BROTHER hahahaaaa :thumbsup:

    Show Me The Baby...because the adults abandoned this team a long time ago


    Where Would You Rather Be? On 2nd thought don't answer that


    It's Just So Hard To Win in The NFL - and we can prove it!



    ​hahahaaaa yepper :-))


    'borrowed' for my avatar. Classic.


    that is C o l d. .. . . .. :D ..LOL

  4. Man...


    EVERY SINGLE YEAR leading up to the draft, ALL I hear from Bills fans is "the Bills should trade down!". This was ESPECIALLY true this year with all of the needs they have and only having six picks. I also always hear how the Bills should pick up a future 1st round pick so that they can have two 1sts to go after a franchise QB.


    So wouldn't you know it? The Bills actually trade down this year, add draft capital in THIS draft AND a 1st round pick in a loaded 2018 QB draft year, still get a top cornerback (their biggest need)...and many Bills fans are bitching.


    Some things never change.

    I don't know. Adding a pothead from Alabama to a roster that ALREADY has a pothead from Alabama seems like a recipe for double suspension disaster to me.



    LOGIC is there really someone here "Bitching" about the bills draft seriously?? lol...#BAIL ;;lmaoooooooooooooo PS: you missed live chat NFL draft circa bbmb it was chill :-)))))

  5. Just checked a Chiefs message board and they are all laughing at how little they gave up.






    this is just after the fact pounding their chest gloating ,,lets see how this all pans out in a few years to judge the merits of the trade then...we needed bodies to plug in this year, in a deeply talented draft class, ...KC got the player they wanted good for them...they can laugh all they want it means nothing to me....their division is no cake walk Raiders and Denver to contend with.....lets see how well they really do this season and how valuable next years 1st round pick really is before laughing too hard Chief fan... :pirate:

  6. i caused 17 years with no playoffs?


    for what it's worth, i didn't realize that. truly,from the deepest portions of my heart...i am sorry



    so it was YOU that caused the playoff drought eh Teef......can I take out 17 years of no playoffs frustration on you then...... :nana: lol..

    This kid is really good.


    Go watch the LSU and Florida tape. Zone integrity, PBU's and ball skills. Good stuff

    Go watch the Auburn tape. Same thing

    Go watch the Alabama tape, same thing.


    Kid will be a starter weeek 1. And we got a first and an extra third this year. If you ask me we are drafting smarter this year. We needed a cb and didn't have the money for Gilmore. Now we have a starter for 5 more years who has shown consistent production for 4 years in college.


    Good job so far. Need a RT imo next with WR and LB's



    :thumbsup: excellent post I concur

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