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Posts posted by muppy

  1. 9 hours ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Here’s why I said that.  In a thread about Allen, you felt the need to knock Rosen.  I agree on I don’t think Allen is a racist. But:


    1) I get that people are excited but so much stuff is fluff pieces.  Which Bills Qb didn’t work hard or try to embrace the city?  I’m sick of fluff and want results.


    2). Allen had some real issues in college.  Sub 60% college passers (in the last 10 years, I’m sure someone will bring up Otto Graham’s stats in college as counter) fail at a tremendous rate in the nfl.  Folks make a lot of excuses for his performance.  But a sub 60% passer, sub 2,000 yard passer in the MWC going 7th overall worries me.


    3) besides perhaps Dawkins, their offensive evaluations have been terrible.  Fully on board with the defense but this is the problem with an offensive coach.


    4) I think we should have taken Rosen.  It bothers me that the Bills seem like they didn’t evaluate him as much as other qbs. I thought Allen was the worst” but you still completely evaluate him.


    5) i feel like Rosen “fell” because a) fans/ coaches didn’t think he was totally devoted to football (I get that to an extent) or b) disagrees with his politics or things he said (which is pathetic).  I’m guessing I’m not on the same page with Allen politically but that would have no factor in my view of him as a prospect.


    ive been on this board for a long time.  I’ve been called a homer many, many times.  I love this team much more than I should.  I hate feeling like the Bills blew one of the most important picks in franchise history on a flawed qb, which is a pattern for this team.  But as I’ve said many times, I’d rather have the Bills succeed but than be right.  I hate this feeling.

    Im assuming you meant defensive coach otherwise it doesn't make sense. To the bold why do you say this? *curious*

  2. 6 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I honestly don’t think there are any fine points. Seems like an option the commissioner has (but the team does not) and no criteria around when it is used 



    this link has pertinent info and answers your query at the end.  quoted here.     


    Here’s what the NFL Player Personnel Policy Manual says:

    The Exempt List is a special player status available to clubs only in unusual circumstances. The List includes those players who have been declared by the Commissioner to be temporarily exempt from counting within the Active List limit. Only the Commissioner has the authority to place a player on the Exempt List; clubs have no such authority, and no exemption, regardless of circumstances, is automatic. The Commissioner also has the authority to determine in advance whether a player’s time on the Exempt List will be finite or will continue until the Commissioner deems the exemption should be lifted and the player returned to the Active List.


  3. well what If her lawyer advised delicia to  admit she has doubts wether or not he was involved to make her own client appear reasonable and with no real ax to grind against shady.....does this diffuse a lawsuit for libel against she OR her friend? I wonder how this will all play out but I think there will be redemption for Shady in the end.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    When I was I think 18 years old with a good fake, I got into a club in Atlanta.  The same night, the rapper Juvenile was there.  I saw him from a distance and in the dark but I could see all his "bling".  He was definitely trying to show it off in the club.  Later on that night when Juvenile was getting in his Escalade....he was jumped in the parking lot and had all his bling stolen.  He was one of the biggest rappers back in the late 90's and folks didn't care....they were getting that jewelry.  

    This woman clearly was known to have lived with Shady and that circle may have indeed included some undesireables and lowlifes SO I think therein lies the truth and the truth will set Shady free. Or Not as the case may be. If the Police have no evidence that he was involved other than the accusatory tweets,no money trail. no text trail, no talking witnesses, no talking "on the street" folks whom will also conjecture they know what went down which can be backed by facts then he will be exonerated.  If I were involved in this investigation I'd be talking to fences or any usual suspects that could be used to somehow locate the jewelry...there needs to be some concrete evidence for Shady to be charged...I dont think this case will tun on purely circumstantial evidence. At least i hope not. If this woman was an attacked and brutalized victim the way Her character and lifestyle will also be put on trial sucks for her too   

  5. My gut feel is Shady had nothing to do with his GF being robbed and beaten at her squatted home. The fact she lived there and had legal issues with him doesn't translate to he telling somebody go pistol whip and get his jewelry back I just don't buy it. Y'all may remember Kim Kardashian being robbed in Paris after always showing of her bling bling bling so

    this woman is also very social media active with her affluent lifestyle..I wouldnt be shocked if  this either ends up being a random robbery OR this is her last gasp hail mary attempt to ruin Shadys life career and in the process taking him to the cleaners. if she indeed craft such a diabolical plot to frame him that is straight up evil.  If one of Shadys boys did this to garner favor with Shady holy cow OR if shady was complicit in this he deserves cut from the Bills and whatever else the law provides for

  6. **muppy raises her hand**   I thought he/she  meant weed that  thread has comedic legs possibilities just sayin' LOL..

    56 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:



    this is how I smoke ?

    post the toast mon hhahaa

    On 7/1/2018 at 2:17 PM, DC Tom said:


    I hear The Waiting Is The Hardest Part...


    Oh, wait...wrong "smoking."  

    listen to you quoting the late great Tom Petty ? may he RIP

    hubby purchased his own Traeger smoker for Fathers day..he nearly poisoned me with his first salmon rub waaaayy too heavy with the salt and cayenne second time  much better that salmon melted like butter sooo good///. Tried brisket, was tasty but chewy....Smoked chickens this weekend with a salt brine and they were delicious,.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 8 hours ago, BuffaloBill said:

    Hopefully he finds some way to turn his life around as he has fallen into a deep mess.  Sad.

    yeah he is a mess alright but this guy did more than fall  he allegedly raped and sodomized middle aged women he's worse than a mess if guilty


    he's Evil...….. fallen into for me is like WHOOPS I just tripped I didn't mean to kidnap and rape those women I swear  I hate when I fall like that SMH 

  8. 11 hours ago, Buffalo716 said:

    Process process process














    IM TRYING!!!!!  lol gimme until the real games begin and then lets talk ? 

    26 minutes ago, That's No Moon said:

    They will be lucky if McCarron and Peterman aren't both hurt by week 7.  I think most would agree that the line was better last year than it looks to be this year and this year the line looks to be weaker up the middle in particular. Immediate pressure in a QBs face is always so helpful, mix that in with the missed assignments and failed blitz pickups that come with inexperience and our QB's in general will be lucky to survive let alone succeed.  Taylor had his share of flaws, but he covered up an awful lot of crappy pass blocking in his time in Buffalo.

    Yeah  Bodine FTW Im not buying it yet either he's gonna have to prove it to me and I really hope he does 

  9. 15 hours ago, Logic said:

    I feel like I'm sick of living off the fumes of the early 90s. I'm sick of having to watch guys named Kelly, Thomas, and Reed just to catch a glimpse of success. I'm sick of chasing ghosts.

    I'm ready to watch a consistently contending, legitimately playoff caliber team. I'm ready to see competent quarterbacking, top 5 defenses, and 10 to 12 win seasons. I'm ready for All-Pro nods and prime time games.

    I'm ready to stand in line with 75,000 rowdy lunatics to get into the gates for a home AFC Championship game. 

    I'm ready to fly to Buffalo when the Bills win it all and take part in a week of celebration and fandemonium the likes of which the sports world has never seen.

    I'm ready to cast off the stink of 50+ years of mediocrity and finally feel the jubilation of rooting for a well-run, winning franchise.

    The worm's got to turn sometimes, man. It's got to.

     ^^^^ Yeah Plus One  #ROADTRIP

    14 hours ago, Ridgewaycynic2013 said:

    The emotion of your posting belies your chosen screen name.


    13 hours ago, Chandler#81 said:

    Yep. It’s a question mark after Tre’Davious-and he could have a sophomore slump. Seems every team has at least one very good CB, so I see us League Standard there.. Also, our TE’s are Standard -but maybe due to Tyrod..

     **EYEROLL*** What on earth makes you think that? Im not buying that at allllllllll

    12 hours ago, skibum said:

    I had a fragile confidence until both Wood and Richie went away. Now I'm not feeling so good about their chances.

    Bodine at center does not confidence make but Im open to watch and assess after the season begins I hope Im wrong

  10. 8 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    My thought as well. I don’t think it’s click bait because there is no link to click.

    well that is true on twitter but it indeed did make me click the thread here so there is that...I guess I could revise clicks to mean posts....,commentary...in any case it to   me it 's not a good look for Tim Graham  very mean spirited but also unnecessary to dredge up the past and then it not even be accurate as the topper.

  11. whoa Mr Graham throws his hat into the ring of who can make the most incendiary tweet of the week SMH  the timing of this after the recent Buffalo News changes

    may be telling...?   It tells me that dude doesn't care if he is sullying Jim Kellys ceremony which to me is insulting to #12  But even more than that how did he

    think that kind of comment would go over, what good could come from it....ZERO.   ...is he looking for click bait? was it a brain fart ? Personal beef.....perhaps all of the above.SMH

  12. 3 minutes ago, Jamie Nails said:

    Thanks JW. You mention they want to money. Any indication that they are going to put it to use in the short term? Perhaps on the OL?


    Anyone care to explain the cap ramifications? 



    I will message Bumbles247 and get back to you on this he is a capologist extrordinaire. And likely someone here may reply first.

  13. 1 hour ago, FrankoElTanko said:

    Its a fair misunderstanding and the board will likely flame you for it, lol (dont waste your time explaining) but no biggie. I also live in San Diego, any recommendations for game day's here? I just moved here last yr for law school (post USMC) and tried the PB scene but it was kind of a mess.


    The billsbackers bar Previous to the LOCAL is an excellent 2nd choice...now wait for it Im going to sound like a promo reel but Im just being honest lol....PB Alehouse has an upstairs outdoors deck that has an ocean view and you are literally 50 yards from the beach/ walking boardwalk. You will SO thank me ..if crowds aren't your thing do check out  PB Alehouse...they lost a Goldmine of business when the club officially moved I would say honestly that the food is a lot better at the LOCAL.....the trick is try to get there early and go for street residential parking works the best. I Know PB is crowded and more touristy  then say Coronado, DelMar or La Jolla... I do know quite a bit about the area. Best of luck in law school Props!   ?

    17 minutes ago, Augie said:


    I’ve been gone along time myself, so I don’t know those guys either. Based upon most reports we get here, it seems we aren’t missing much....

    CONCUR. I have been reading the Jerry Sullivan threads and like twiddling my thumbs......lol never lose an opportunity to Not make a food of yourself and speak of something you know nothing about ? haha

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  14. 1 hour ago, FrankoElTanko said:

    Its a fair misunderstanding and the board will likely flame you for it, lol (dont waste your time explaining) but no biggie. I also live in San Diego, any recommendations for game day's here? I just moved here last yr for law school (post USMC) and tried the PB scene but it was kind of a mess.


    Definitely check out THE LOCAL it is the Billsbackers San Diego sponsored bar located in Pacific Beach.....the Bills crowd takes over the top floor and it can get packed asses to elbows on game days. You'll love it its a slice of Orchard Park on the west Coast. If you want/need any more info please shoot me a PM...it is well worth the drive down the coast.....margie

    1 hour ago, Misterbluesky said:

    Then you must remember Van Miller,Ed kilgore,Rick Azar? P.S.- I was stationed out in your neck of the woods in '82. 

     Yep Im afraid so....those were the guys I remember.  I live east of Del Mar about 7 miles as the crow flies.

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  15. 22 minutes ago, Misterbluesky said:

    He's the head sports anchor at CH 4 (wivb-cbs).

    I'm a long time diehard of the Bills that has lived in san diego since 1988 so clearly I don't know all the sports hosts/personalities of WNY...having said that Mr Thomas may not make the roster this season in any case we'll see how he does moving forward.


    oh and I always believe EVERYTHING I read on the internet too….tck   ?.

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  16. Whoa this thread is Deep..*adjusts my waders**  to bottom line answer the OP's original post I do not think faith in Jesus the son, Holy Spirit and the Father is the type of "faith" Mr McDermott covets....If there were Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, The Latter Day Saints, any other faith practice that promotes in a person  good character, good work ethic, men of conviction and high standards,  to have a broad Team focus and not just all about himself...Those are the guys along with great athletic talent belong in the NFL and whom you want on your team and whom imo McDermott covets.  The faith practice is irrelevant its the CONTENT of the persons skills and buying into the Bills Process and vision for success aka NFL Championships is what I think matters to him most. 

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