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Posts posted by muppy

  1. The rule needs to be strictly enforced from here on out PERIOD. It is either an officials whistle signaling the play is over, a knee on the ground or it goes out of bounds PERIOD..remove all the freakin conjecture make it simple.. Noone is going to change the call that was made now all we can hope for is the rule is crystal clear and enforced as such going forward. The debate is raging on this topic and both sides, either he was logically and obviously "giving up" or the player screwed up and assumed the ref would call him giving himself up when he really OFFICIALLY and per rules did no such thing. It is a lot of spilt milk but Im on the side of since the player didnt "Officially" take a knee that ball was Live no matter what and at the least it was a safety or a TD as called. Clear as freakin mud its no wonder folks are up in arms. So much conjecture and mind reading of that kickoff returners intentions..why not make it a CERTAINTY and obey the rule or accept the screwup and consequences when your mistake costs your team. EITHER TEAM

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  2. Yeah I’m recovering still today this loss was a very hard one to take in and if some people take longer to go through their process of grieving so be it. I don’t think any fan here is less or more a true fan if it takes longer or shorter a time to recover from hurt. It does hurt I’m not ashamed of that either but I’ll keep perspective as has been stated also I’ll count my blessings after I’ve sulked a bit so sue me lol

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  3. 1 hour ago, egd said:


    In the twitter quote, Allen says he won't be over the loss until next season. In order to improve, you must clear your mind.

    What about “those whom choose to forget past mistakes are doomed to repeat them.” While I believe that he shouldn’t obsess over mistakes if he completely obliterated them from his thinking Then the impetus to learn and react differently is dimmed. I think he has proven himself a capable learner and it will continue and especially with an OC who won’t fail to use the best offensive player on the field in the second half yesterday (motor) to help him feel he doesn’t need to be the hero in all situations. If it were a single interception yes that sort of play put behind you as no one is perfect all the time I get that but not a game like yesterday. 

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  4. the players didn't seem to acknowledge the fans all that much if anything I bet they felt kind of embarrassed like you are giving us more than we deserve tonight ...we aren't cheering why would you be...that kind of thing....I don't mind the fans showing up to show their love and support of the team theyre fans....the players perhaps in a few days will appreciate the outpouring for what is was....love of the team but not of their performance. Im glad (I hope) noone was there hurling f bombs or acting the idiot like the people who would write telling a p;ayer to kill yourself...consider the source from those freaks and scrape em from your mind like poop off your shoe they are not worth your time more pity than anything. Goodness gracious

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  5. when will the day ever come when ALL NFL referees list THAT as their full time careers and not all the extraneous stuff....I think they should bump the number from 21 out of the 121 officials hired to ALL be permanent ….do you think this would better performance? With the amount of bad and missed calls even with the challenges allowed I still think they could perform to a much higher level and maybe being fulltime would help...…….what do you think?

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  6. what made me so happy was the fact that so many diehard Bills fans whom weren't around for the glory years of the 90's actually got to experience that the Bills were going to the playoffs for the first time in their lives...that made it extra special for me ….super  Happy for those who stuck around through the thin years and were able to celebrate a post season appearance That's some Good Stuff right there ?

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Augie said:


    Both of our boys lined up directly against guys currently in the NFL in their HS days.  Florida HS football is serious stuff! 


    Everybody knew the most popular smoothie joint to go to for PED’s. There were painkillers with legit scripts to get you past surgeries and injuries and back on the field. My younger son had a friend who‘s dad is a neurologist and he would make houses calls to be sure our QB/MVP son could be passed to make a big Friday game after a stinger the previous week. Of course, the kids lie making things that much easier to get ugly, but most adults knew. 


    One kid had a neck injury, stopped action forever while he was strapped helmet-on to a board and the ambulance took him away....for his 2nd or 3rd time. 


    It is INSANE and I’m SO happy our son elected to get on with his life rather than play for some middling college program. He was going to college regardless, so he didn’t have to do it for the scholarship. 

    Thanks for sharing Angie very interesting first hand knowledge ?

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  8. 14 minutes ago, Augie said:


    I think they start doing that in high school, and then up the ante at every level after that. 



    To be fair, it may look a little different “in game”, but whatever works is what they will try. 

    Wow as early as high school? Holy smokes I guess I shouldn’t be surprised due to how competitive and desire to win so high but dang *cringe* well the players acquiesce and go along with it I was thinking maybe it was an archaic concept. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I hope our training staff can work miracles and that Wallace is willing to do whatever they recommend in and out of facility.  But I have to say for my kid's sprained ankle while she could play on it in a few days, she didn't have her full vertical leap nor her best cutting ability back for a couple weeks.

    I have a question. In the NFL these days do you know if it is common for an injury such as this For a medical staff to conceivably shoot his ankle up with painkillers , tape it and get him out there to play? It sounds bad and perhaps something that was done even in the past only rarely and for situations like the playoffs or super bowl. Thoughts? Thanks. 

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  10. I’ve not seen his name as  having been involved with law enforcement or any headlines of anything bad in months which in and of itself is surprising based on his previous outbursts. I doubt obtaining illicit drugs is that difficult in any state to be honest if he wanted them he’d find a way. Alcohol of course available anywhere. I do seem to recall he mentioning however that he  became born again Christian which clearly doesn’t cure mental illness or drug/alcohol issues but what it may do is keep he around the type of people less likely to entice  him to do those substances that did him harm plus be supportive of a clean sober lifestyle and maintaining a regimen of taking the meds he needs to be mentally sound. Could he fall off the wagon in Las Vegas yes. I just hope that whatever he has done to keep on the straight and narrow translates to Nevada it’s no given but I’m hopeful for his sake. 

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  11. When the Bills were on the schedule to play Dallas I dont think a single pundit picked them to win and they proceeded to do exactly that. If anything it seems the team thrives on having that under the radar underdog status attached to them. The defense receives its accolades yes and rightfully so but Josh Allen doubters exist on a grand scale even amongst our own fanbase as well as consensus the team isn't being quite up to snuff due to wins against teams with losing records. Well guess what a team with a losing record beat the Pats yesterday in their own crib there is that..... SO in closing I  would almost prefer that the Texans assume we are soft then we go down there and smack em in the mouth. That to me would be very satisfying. Afterwards the team will have earned a more prolific level or respect but not before imo.

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