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Posts posted by muppy

  1. 13 hours ago, njbuff said:

    The Democrats are losing their minds over the supposed acquittal.


    Gee that’s a fvicking shock.

    what strikes me is Alexander saying he will vote to not have any witnesses not because he thinks what President Trump did was right... that the Democrats indeed in his mind proved their case and witnesses are not needed.  BUT what Trump did was a mistake in judgment but doesn't arise to the level of an impeachable offense. 


    lol Wow. Well I think that the election will indeed tell the tale on how this debacle is viewed by the American people.  Trump wasn't going to be kicked out of office by a Republican dominated senate in any case... I just wonder how this will all effect the coming election. Will there be backlash against Democrats for bringing this up in the first place OR backlash against Republicans for an impeachment trial with no witnesses (unprecedented) which could be seen as a coverup.  We will find out this November. 

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  2. When out for walks people who allow their dogs off leash will often yell  " dont worry he or she is friendly"....that's all fine and good but maybe my dog ISN'T so friendly around other dogs...people dont stop to think they are putting their own pet in danger in those situations.. Pittie owners Yes need to be Very responsible owners especially because the stigma is so strong against them that no matter the circumstances  they will be named the guilty dog in a dog fight even when not the instigator.  Dog parks are also a bad idea for that very reason.


    Don't get me started on Michael Vick SMH ..I hope karma bites that guy but good. Dog torturer......SMH






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  3. 40 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    You hit on a pet peeeve of my mine...and will get to it in a second. Pits are high energy dogs, and need good invigorating exercise everyday! My stupid pittie ran to hard and had to have  ACL surgery done..but they need their exercise! When they dont get it, like any dog that likes to work and is active,  it can   and often will result in misbehavior!


    Now for my pet peeve..shelters, rescues etc , all of em, ask about fenced in yards for larger dogs( 30lbs plus lets say). They say its important for the critter get it's exercise. I say horse manure! Almost every freaking dog owner that has a fenced in backyard lets the dog in the backyard..with no walks, no runs, no dog parks..nothing! 


    Contrast that with folks in the city that have ZERO choice but to walk/run their dogs, and the fitness level and overall demeanor is noticable. Fences are the worst thing that have ever happened to dogs...stop requiring them!!!!!

    Interesting point. I don’t think fences are the only thing home checks are looking at though. The rescue I work with wants to see the physical home the dog wants to be adopted into in an attempt to determine the dog is going into a HOME and not simply put into a fenced backyard to wallow alone and neglected. See what I mean? The conversations that happen between an adoptee and the rescue can be very telling. They won’t adopt to someone they determine  might not be willing to provide the exercise and stimulation any specific dog needs. Some of the more athletic dogs need a similar active owner or on the other side a couch potato or senior dog with an appropriate owner . I agree a fenced yard shouldn’t be a deal breaker. But being able to play fetch and have the dog outside with a barrier between they and outsiders is a good thing 

    4 minutes ago, Steptide said:

    I didn't read all the replies so I apologize if someone already said somethjng similar, but here goes. 


    Pitbulls ARE good dogs and even better family dogs. Here is the problem with the breed. For starters, it's all too common any time a pitbull injures or kills a person, it makes the news. Dog bites/attacks happen constantly, but the only ones you here about are Pitbulls because they're a controversial breed. I actually used to train dogs part time years and years ago, and I can tell you when it comes to aggression in dogs, it comes in all breeds and sizes. One of the classes I was involved with was aggressive dogs , and I promise you every breed you can think of was in these classes 


    Second issue with Pitbulls is they are way over bred. Go to any shelter in your area and you will see they are filled with Pitbulls or pit bull type dogs. Idiot owners think they can breed their Pitbulls and sell them. This leads to bad breading and bad temperaments and what you end up with is situations like the one posted here. I promise you if golden retrievers were as over run and over bred as Pitbulls, you'd have similar cases as this one. 


    Lastly, anytime you own a dog, especially large breeds, there's a certain level of responsibility you need to take, especially with children. 

    I covered a lot of what you said except for the breeding which is a great point. 

    As far as media headlines if it is a pit bull they always title that but with any other breed it hardly ever is mentioned in the title absolutely right. 

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  4. I forgot to mention that of course I feel terrible when a dog, any dog, attacks a person and causes injury or death. I just happen to think that often the dog in question has indeed shown a temperament that would give at least some clue as to wether or not it would be prone to going after a person. I dont think it is as random as people think it is. I have learned a lot about the breed specifically,  and being a responsible owner is as much about you yourself knowing dog psychology and behavior traits of whichever dog you choose. 


    I'm an advocate for the breed I hate to read them characterized as killers....clearly some have but in my opinion the breed shouldn't be thrown out with the bathwater due to a stereotype that a few dogs have created due to whatever the circumstances were which are never really explored. Thats all Im saying.   

  5. Very interesting discussion here. I own a pitbull and it was because the rescue told me she was a "Boston terrier mix".   At the time I trusted that information and brought her home. I wouldnt have taken her if I knew she was a pitbull  I was fearful and nontrusting of the breed due to all Id read of attacks etc. So when it became obvious she was a pittie I immediately went to a trainer because she was by then a member of the family and my bias wasn't enough rationale for me to get rid of her at that point. She did great with obedience and got along well with other dogs. Then I made the huge mistake of taking her to a dog park. Long story short she was bullied by a dog that made her fearful and since has been animal aggressive. She wasn't until then. I then discovered that she was very prey driven and loved chasing birds, rabbits etc. She became a watchdog and "resource guarded" her home and family. Being a Responsible pet owner has made me need to be diligent as a pittie owner and learn as much as I could about the breed. I even began to volunteer for a pitbull rescue where I have met some of the most silly goofball sweet submissive loyal Loving and empathetic to people dogs Ive ever been around. Owning she has been the best experience because I was "forced" by my desire to be a good pittie owner to become "the pack leader" to give her rules boundaries and limitations as well as love to be the best dog she could be. I think at times common sense is not too common. For example if ANY dog hasn't been around kids before you MUST be diligent and keep them separated until you know   how they will react to kids. If their prey drive is high being around small kids is BAD no matter which breed it is. To me what it boils down to is the owner MUST meet the dogs needs and do so responsibly . Those needs being food, shelter, training, medically and much like kids they need rules boundaries and structure NO MATTER THE BREED. I live in California where pitbulls are a VERY popular breed and you see them everywhere you go. And there are a lot of families with kids whom own pitbulls also. I think the ASPCA article above was excellent and it is necessary to vett the specific dog you bring into your home based on your lifestyle and wether they would fit within it .The rescue I work with works with the families and homechecks as well as evaluates if they think its a good match. If they dont think it is they wont do the adoption period. anyway just a few thoughts on the subject. I LOVE the breed now.

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  6. 1 minute ago, IDBillzFan said:


    For what it's worth....


    I would recommend you approach your questioning from a position of "I genuinely don't know the answer to this. Can someone lead me to a verifiable answer?"


    It won't take long to cut through the zealots. There are a handful here, but assuming you are genuinely new to this board, I would ask you understand this one truth: virtually every 'regular' poster -- that is, those of us who tend to post here every day or so -- HATED the Trump candidacy.  I pissed on his candidacy for months. He's a crude egomaniac. I was sure he would lose.


    But the leftist posters here, taking their cue from the online leftists, quickly refer to us a mindless Trumptards...defending him at every turn regardless of all the unproven illegal stuff we're supposed to be he did in the face of zero evidence. We don't defend Trump so much as we correct incorrect leftist information. Not being smart enough to counter the discussion, they resort back to calling us Trumptards in Trumplandia. So we mock them for the lack of intellect and reading comprehension.



    DR was a devout leftist, but digs deep into stories and oddly enough many of us who found him to be a Tibs-like nutbag started to realize he was pretty accurate on a lot of stuff...stuff that changed his political stripes. He'll back his words always, and admit when he can't.


    I write that to write this: don't approach everyone jumping on you as Trumptards. Most of us are tired of the usual quackcrap we get every day from Tibs and Busey and Bob because the ONLY thing they bring to the table are leftist talking points or some ridiculous sideshow that is meant to confuse the truth.


    You'll find there are very reasonable left-leaning people here. They just don't post much because they're embarrassed by Tibs, Busey and Bob and tend to get tossed in that schittpile. Be patient and humble and you'll get a lot out of this place.

    thank you very much for this.  I do have to laugh at the "assuming you are genuinely new to this thread" comment lol why there is so much conjecture that I have posted here under a different chat handle.  Ive really not been a lurker here either. There are only 2 chat names I have ever posted on any football boards here I chose margarita because it is a derivative of my real name and Muppy a derivative of my first initial plus a bestie from high schools last name at a different chat board. SURPRISE!! LOL anyway I really hope that puts this to rest I have no reason to lie OR be that devious. Always good to read you ...PS: I miss seeing your Mexican bills hat  avatar ?

  7. 6 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    Have you not seen the video?

    I hadn't seen it no. I appreciate now what was said and that's great. If someone lacks information its very profitable that it be spoken up and brought forward it furthers understanding. Im reading a lot of posts chastising  for not knowing every nuance or detail in regards to this political thread. The lack of knowledge in my view doesn't equal stupidity OR laziness . I thought This is was a chat board forum.  As such if the expectation that everyone have full  knowledge and wisdom about every nuance  or an expert before entering well then you will have the ultra zealots in each camp at war and not much else. A seeker of info and insight diminished and chastised for it?  If that's what PPP is about then maybe Im in the wrong chat.  Not saying you did that IDBillzfan just an observation. 

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  8. 11 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    The President is not only empowered, but rather required, to set and conduct foreign policy.


    Pursuant to that, the President followed, to the letter and spirit of the law, the authority permitted to him by the Ukraine treaty signed by President Clinton empowering the executive to work with the Ukraine to ferret out international corruption between the two nations.


    There is no Constitutional provision requiring this matter be handled/managed by the DOJ; and besides, the DOJ is part of the Executive Branch, which the President is the head of. There is no firewall of any sort between the DOJ and the President.


    Your argument is that the President does not have the right to conduct foreign policy, and that the President serves under the oversight of Congress.  It is a bad argument.

    if this is so cut and dry as you surmise then why was this call deemed "perfect" by DT now "not so perfect" by his own defense counsel? I think you misunderstood what I was attempting to say...

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  9. 3 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    The impeachment question has to start with whether it is a legitimate question that Hunter was being paid for access to the White House. Since according to his own words his only qualifications were his name and his Amtrak time I would say that is a legitimate question. Especially when you consider the Ukraine is famous for corruption and Burisma is well known for it also. 

    I think the Biden connection was worthy of examination but in the view of the Democrats the way Trump went about it (himself and not by the Justice dept) AND his extraneous ulterior motives for doing what he did other than to rout out corruption  is the crux of the matter at hand

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  10. 48 minutes ago, njbuff said:

    Trolling for dates was a joke.


    I would think you wouldn’t take that seriously.

    I laughed...intent is hard to assess on the internet i was being slammed pretty hard previously anyway it’s all good. I told hubby and he asked if I got any bites LOL 

    32 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    While I appreciate the sentiment that there's a uniparty, I don't find it a compelling argument or analysis of the past 4 years. You have to look at the impeachment in full context of what's been happening. 


    What's happening is global, it's not confined to this country alone or its institutions. :beer: 


    44 should be called. Let's do it.

    Fair enough

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    okay this was posted at a different chatroom....posted with permission




    This is so important and overlooked by most. Democrats don't care about removing tRump. Again no one wants President Pence. What they want to do is establish new executive level precedents. There will be a Democrat in office again and everything tRump did will be used again. Just not for causes some may like.





    This is why I believe very firmly that these egregious acts by Congress, and the POTUS are really hands shaking. DEMs and REPs (not the people so foolishly thinking there is a discernible difference) are the same party. One big circle jerk who puts on a show of not liking the other side, but doing nothing to really change the problems with either.

    Obama claims Patriot act was unconsititutional, but then adds more to it. He claims Gitmo is inhumane and keeps it around.
    Trump claims the swamp needs cleaning, but his own people stab him in the back at every turn and he lies like the rest of us breathe.


    you may not agree with all of this Rhino but at least partly Im guessing. I thought it was very interesting and had asked if I could repost it after I read it last night and was told yes. what do you think? anybody?

  12. Speaking of internet communication I wonder how much more civil it could be in chat rooms if folks tried to communicate as if they were actually face to face and not hiding behind the anonymity of a keyboard. I’ve been labeled a troll, fake, stupid , trolling for dates LOL that one I laughed...anyway I’m not innocent I came in hard and said trump voters were brainwashed (cultish) I shouldn’t have said that I don’t know people in here personally nor do u me it was wrong but I have a really hard to me with folks I DO know personally who literally think Trump can do no wrong and that’s why I said what I did. It does appear that here he is widely supported but not in 100% everything and I can appreciate this place more knowing that. Anyway.....

    6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    No, please don't misunderstand. 


    My position is that there is no difference between Dem/Rep. That's a trick, a dodge, used to pit us, the people, against one another. It's bread and circus for the mob. There is an establishment, which is bi-partisan in composition. That's who has been dividing the country. That's who is fighting Trump (and has been from day one). It's not just the democrats being bad while the republicans are angels -- by any stretch. 


    Go back and look at YouTube clips of the election coverage from all the major media outlets (when you have time to kill of course). If you do, and are honest, you'll see that the attacks came from day one, with vitriol and falsehoods sold as facts, and it was designed to divide the country and make anyone who spoke out against the narrative they were building (Trump/Russia) toxic. 

    Trump didn't do that. The media and the establishment politicians did it.  



    The benefits of being a writer by trade ;) Have to write fast to hit those deadlines :beer: 

    TRIPLE LIKE THIS totally agree ??? I read something recently I’ll get off my phone to post it I think it’ll strike a chord...

  13. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Honestly, who divided the country more? Trump and his tweets or the media who went all in, accusing the President of being a traitor (punishable by death) for four years without any evidence. They knowingly lied, with the specific intent of dividing the country. Calling anyone who dared question their evidence-less case as Putin supporter, Nazi, or traitor themselves. 


    Trump punches back. He doesn't punch first. Plenty of people find his tweets off putting and his mannerism in general. But he's not the one dividing the country. 


    It's the media and the establishment who are fighting for their lives and (rightly) view Trump as an existential threat to their way of life.

    This reads to me as if you hold one side less culpable than the other. I think this divide has only widened with Trump but to think it didn’t exist previously I disagree.  It is the nature of our politics to be adversarial I think both sides have no real interest in anything close to coming together. It’s worse now than it’s ever been. At least it seems that way to me Rhino

    7 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Honestly, who divided the country more? Trump and his tweets or the media who went all in, accusing the President of being a traitor (punishable by death) for four years without any evidence. They knowingly lied, with the specific intent of dividing the country. Calling anyone who dared question their evidence-less case as Putin supporter, Nazi, or traitor themselves. 


    Trump punches back. He doesn't punch first. Plenty of people find his tweets off putting and his mannerism in general. But he's not the one dividing the country. 


    It's the media and the establishment who are fighting for their lives and (rightly) view Trump as an existential threat to their way of life.

    On a side note dang you type fast:-)

  14. 4 hours ago, Taro T said:


    It is interesting that issues that are dear to your are the right to life and conditions in Honduras.  IMHO, 45 has done more for those issues (though still not enough) than any other President since at least Reagan.


    Just a couple of readily brought to mind examples:  45 was the 1st President ever to speak at the March for Life and the border wall that you dislike is being proposed and implemented in no small part to thwart human traffickers preying on the poor from Latin America.


    Which brings back my earlier question: who will do more to effectively support (through actions, not words) issues that you hold dear than 45 has done & will do?



    https://www.businessinsider.com/human-trafficking-is-not-an-immigration-enforcement-problem-2019-3#nostatistical-evidence-4 read this and tell me what you think. About the other issues I think my own personal opinions are really moot as far as he being impeached. Do Republican values align with mine regarding abortion Definitey. Do I think he is in favor of being a man of Christian values and loving your neighbor as yourself...absolutely Not.  I dont mean to hijack and make this a thread on soley what margarita thinks though to be honest who cares what margarita thinks I dont expect internet chatters  to thats for sure.

  15. 4 hours ago, GG said:


    Did you explore why Honduras disintegrated into one of the worst places in Central America in the first place?  Why are Honduran migrants eclipsing even the Guatemalans?

    government corruption at the highest levels beyond what we could even imagine here as well as abject poverty, lack of clean water, lack of food, starving children...we serve a public childrens hospital which if not for humanitarian aid would not even have basics like soap, toilet paper, syringes, medicines, food..it is like a horror film to be present in one of their ER's...the nurses are barely paid, kids with machete cuts, kids with severe burns screaming, kids dying of malnutrition and cancer..parasitical infections due to no clean water......cardboard villages....Thats the reality of living there.

  16. 4 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Highlighting this point only because it crosses over with my own work/interests: 


    The "border fiasco" you're referring to is directly tied to protecting children, especially children from regions like Honduras. How? Trump's top agenda on the border, and you could argue since he came into office, is a crackdown on human trafficking. If you're working with people from Honduras, especially migrants, then I'm certain you've heard the horror stories of the cartels, traffickers, and coyotes. 


    "Child Separation" and how it was handled by the media should be a huge warning sign that the media, and the establishment DC (both right and left) are deeply corrupt. Those who argued, forcefully, that putting children in cages was wrong and inhuman also knowingly were ignoring the other side of that coin: namely that hundreds of thousands of children a year are trafficked across the southern border for the purposes of human slavery. Separating children from their parents is bad -- you and I both feel for them. 2/3rds of people crossing the border are doing so without any ill intent towards their children. But that leaves 1/3 of the kids (100s of thousands a year, if not more) in danger. Arguing against "children in cages" is an argument FOR giving traffickers a free pass. 


    This propaganda campaign was done specifically to muddy these waters. Because those trafficking pipelines are worth billions of dollars a year to the cartels and their customers. Billions. And DC politicians have, for decades, taken kickbacks from the cartels, the PRI, and others to keep the border porous. To protect this supply line of children


    I urge you, with all sincerity, to dig deeper into the border/wall issues. And look hard at trafficking. Talk to the people you work with, you won't have to look hard to find a victim or hear their story. 


    This, by the way, was one of the major understandings/revelations that opened my eyes to exactly what's happening. 


    Trump isn't a threat to the country, or to you or me. He's a direct threat to this industry. An industry which the likes of McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, and many more have directly/knowingly profited from for decades. In "donations" and kickbacks. They're terrified of this income stream being dried up. It has nothing to do with "protecting children". Quite the opposite. 

    I I would encourage you to read this link and make comment as to its claims https://www.businessinsider.com/human-trafficking-is-not-an-immigration-enforcement-problem-2019-3#nostatistical-evidence-4 

    4 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:




    So you are of the opinion that a sitting president can not, or should not, investigate anyone who might run against him in the future?


    Walk that line of thought all the way out. And consider what we've learned about the Russia/Trump hoax -- and how the FBI was spying (illegally) on a political opponent of the White House. I'm guessing (and please correct me if I'm wrong) you had no problem with that investigation... 


    I think the President making this request was outside the scope of his responsibilities to investiate HIMSELF yes...it should have been done by the justice dept to avoid any claims of impropriety ...even his own defense team today stated "the call was less than perfect"  


  17. 38 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, is it?

    I will write this slowing since I know you cannot read fast... <_<

    1) When on my phone(s) I do not have the app.
    2) Since I do not have the app, I am not signed in.
    3) A negative consequence to not being signed in is that you "get" to see/read all the people you would normally have blocked.
    4) I cannot say I give a rat's ass if my "cred" (WTF says "cred"!?) is low with you. You seem like a pretty stupid, illogical,  uninformed person. My only regret is that when on my phone I will now be stuck reading your drivel.
    5) Have a nice day. :)


    You win bullyette of the day award at 2BD which doesn’t require an app just a browser web address and log in how genius is that... LOL congrats (short for CONGRATULATIONS) on your stellar contributions of the day. it is with pleasure I won’t be reading you ever again I always log in TCK ?


  18. 1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Look at me! Look at me! LOOK AT ME! And people indulge these trolls. ?‍♀️  To each his/her own.

    I have often said how grateful I am for the dungeon. I have read so much, learned so much, and broadened my intellectual horizons due to PPP. It astounds me that this football sub forum, of all places, has such varied sources and discussions. I read a lot of political blogs and news commentary, and PPP really does a great job of coalescing timely, pertinent information.

    Too bad there are some people just here to drop troll-clutter.


    says the poster who comes to the forum unsigned in to read her "Ignored users" you want to talk disingenuous we can go there...your cred with me is pretty low Gal I'll take your  council with a HUGE grain of salt

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