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Posts posted by muppy

  1. Quote

    With Epenesa, if you're expecting him to become a Pro Bowler, which for some reason is what every Bills fan expects when we take DEs in the 2nd round, you're probably going to be disappointed. But if you want someone who can be part of our rotation for the next decade and help stop the run, I think he's a pretty good pick. Much rather get that type of player at 54 than at 19 like Shaq.

    The fact is we eventually need to replace both Hughes and Addison, one player wasn't going to replace both. There will be more work to do next year, but there was going to be either way.


  2. 6 minutes ago, OldTimer1960 said:

    I would not be crazy about it, nor hate it if they picked him.

    You are ignoring the fact that they have little “draft capital” to do what you are suggesting.

    well Beane is very creative so he will make that capital happen in a deal if he wants to but Yes that ship may not sail this draft we'll see

  3. 9 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    His history suggests that he feels confident in the work of his team and I think will use that to move around to get players they feel best fit 

    confidence in his scouts and evaluations Yes so moves are possible but then again maybe they won't need to. I just think if they are really high on a player they'll pull that trigger on a deal its not like a few past GM's whom Never made any trades whatsoever..he isng a sit on his hands GM thats for sure

  4. here's a thought Bills fans hear me out. The best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior. Beane has been nothing but fearless in trading for guys he values and thinks are BPA and within reach WILL make moves to make those picks in his draft history. Just look at what he did last year for starters. SO in that vein I am going to suggest that Beane WILL be making deals today and possibly more than one for a player/s  they covet. Thoughts?

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  5. Just a general comment regarding the draft and what occurred last night. Seemingly the tech aspect was handled well no gaffs which I was glad to see.


    One theme throughout the night was going very personal into a players past or struggles, what he has overcome aka pulling at our heartstrings effect. That's okay but in the case of Love the way the NFL brought up his fathers suicide right at the cusp of arguably this young mans greatest achievement/moment in life I thought was in very poor taste, exploitive and not appropriate. I just didn't like that. Some things a person has the right to keep private.The way they went on and on "oh maybe it was due to his blood pressure meds" seriously??? SMH

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  6. Just now, FireChans said:

    More like I’m bitter than they drafted 1 QB in the first round after Losman flamed out until Allen. There’s mismanaging the QB position, then there’s 2 QB’s in 13 years under the longest playoff drought in sports.


    Did you become a Bills fan in 2018?

    hey don't mess with me Chans I may well have been a Bills fan before you were born

  7. 1 minute ago, HappyDays said:

    Honestly that's my least favorite pick of the 1st round. You can try and help Aaron Rodgers win another Super Bowl, or you can draft a QB to ride the bench? Is Rodgers retiring after this season? Just a bizarre pick.

    the future as always will tell the tale but if Love turns into their next franchise QB they will have done so cheaply and not put the guy in a pressure cooker being forced tostart too soon. I Like the move.

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