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Posts posted by muppy

  1. 1 minute ago, Back2Buff said:


    The only mail in voting that should be going on is if your are disabled, or if you are in the military.  You want to vote, get to your polling station.  I have no problem keeping polling stations opened for a month, but you should have to be in person, with id to cast a vote.

    I wouldnt have a problem with that at all in fact it seems very reasonable to me. Except if you are a snowbird and don't physically live in your registered state during the election then what......or if your health precludes you from going to a polling place...lots of good reasons to allow mail in voting exist. There has to be a compromise of some sort possible to satisfy the majority of voters. And if nothing else this election will bring forth changes I think that's a near lock. 

  2. Very refreshing to see a civil discourse in here today regardless oh which candidate you voted for. Some salient points on both sides.


    I love the idea of making the presidential election a national holiday so people have the option of voting at any time vs only when they aren't on the clock.


    I do think there needs to be a consensus on wether or not votes by mail need be received by the day of the election. If you vote late and your vote isn't counted that's on YOU my friend. If you were so late in filling it out you take your ballot to the polls and drop it off or stand in line and vote traditionally


    Perhaps making votes by mail countable before the election to hasten the process should also be a national mandate?  


    The reasons why Trump conceivably lost this election will be ongoing but I think "voter fraud" is a poor response to the loss of a hardly fought election much like the reported actions of the POTUS last night when he declared victory and accused the election of being stolen....again IMO not a great look. 

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  3. **waiting is the hardest part** Tom Petty


    I would have loved if we had a clear victor tonight but clearly that isn't going to happen. But for our POTUS to declare "we won't let them steal the election"  to me is outrageous. Every vote needs counted and for he to insinuate otherwise is stoking flames of the very violence that he blames the democrats of acting out in the event of their loss. If he really loved this country he wouldn't say such a thing. If he was "winning" or if he indeed does win those claims would disappear Book it.



  4. 2 minutes ago, 34-78-83 said:

    Something I learned from watching one of the Steelers SuperBowl runs unfold where they took a wildcard spot and won it all... Each game is its own unique entity. Not a drop of energy by players or game coaches needs to be spent (other then scouts etc.) on any other opponent than the next one on the schedule. Its the "taking it one game a t a time" cliche but it hold so true. Knowing that the Bills have ENOUGH talent overall to at least hang with any team, this approach will give them a chance to beat any team they face.

    excellent post. In the grand scheme of things I think you hit the nail right on the head. Coming out of any NFL game with a Win is an achievement and it takes a lot of pieces working together including coaching, scheme. game plan, execution, lack of penalties, lack of turnovers, accuracy, lack of mistakes...all those things ...each game taken as a distinct challenge and overcoming your own deficiencies and exploiting theirs.......That is what produces wins and a bit of luck never hurts either haha.

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  5. 1 minute ago, DallasBillsFan1 said:

    I'll take the win ... but

    It's seems whenever the Bills do beat the Pats (rare) it's because the Pats beat themselves.  The last time they won was the Fitzy game, right?  Brady threw 4 INT's.  When was the last time we beat Pats outright through superior play?  1990's?

    this post illustrates my point perfectly. If the Bills make the playoffs do you think the teams that didn't will give a rats behind that the Bills won ugly as one of the games to help them achieve it? Yeah I guess I understand wanting to squish them decisively of course. But the disparaging Wins where no game is a gimme in the league is to me (Im sorry if this will offend people) but its a losers mentality. Do you think winners really concern themselves with what losers think?  This concern with "how we look winning" is grating my nerves a tad. Especially after we beat the Pats for a freakin change.

  6. 1 hour ago, sullim4 said:


    That onside kick was a terrible call at that point in the game given the low percentage of success.  I thought it wreaked of desperation for a 2-4 team desperate for a win as opposed to a shrewd move on BB's part.

    if it had worked the Bills would have been screwed so I disagree it was such a bad call ...it was only bad because it wasn't executed well and the Bills caught the ball. aka it didn't work. If it had he'd been called the evil genius as usual

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  7. 2 hours ago, Figster said:

    Happy for Gabe Davis.


    Even happier for the win.


    We knew they weren't going away easy...

    I couldn't believe how wide open he was in the endzone. I dont think it was a perfect pass but definitely catchable. No WR catches every ball thrown at him. I agree with you that Im happy it wasnt the difference in the game

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 1 minute ago, mjt328 said:

    That was the most embarrassing "win" that I've ever witnessed from this team.  I'm not pleased at all.

    Between the multiple key penalties that wiped out big gains by the Patriots offense, the arrogant decision by Bill Belichick to do an onside kick, and ridiculously fortunate fumble recovery in the final seconds... we needed every LUCKY bounce of the football to squeak out a win against a bunch of practice squad-caliber players.


    At this point, I'm already looking towards next year.  The offense is our only hope to carry this team, and it's been mediocre for the last month.  This defense is hot trash.  And this coaching staff clearly has zero answers for fixing it.  Our D-Line gets blown backwards on virtually every play, while our linebackers don't understand basic tackling fundamentals and our secondary plays 18 yards off the receivers.  It was interesting to see how much our cornerbacks respect the skills of Jakobi Meyers and Damiere Byrd, that we gave them huge cushions all game.


    I'm starting to believe the hype that Miami can mount a comeback and take the AFC East.  And even if we still manage to win the division, this overrated squad is going to get knocked out in the first round.  


    I believe you sir/ma'am are a troll

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  9. 1 minute ago, RaoulDuke79 said:

    Its not a knee jerk reaction. I'll concede there is a lot of time left in the season,  but it's been several weeks in a row where we have no answer to the opposition's run game. What's going to happen to fix the issue?

    can we please just enjoy a victory over a team that has kicked our asses for decades and look at the deficits later.......?

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  10. 3 minutes ago, JMF2006 said:


    And the Bills won....I could just imagine if they lost.

    there are fans in this fanbase who will always look at the glass half freakin full.....always...even after a win. Was it perfect NO....will it matter at the end of the year that it was an "ugly"  win that needed a miraculously exciting ending  again NO but by all means piss on the victory and point out the negatives........ Cheese n crackers

  11. Just now, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    Josh is not the problem, it was about our run game until today and our defense not being stout enough. Those are the problems that need fixing, josh cant do it all and is why he has struggled because he was getting no help when teams shut down the deep ball. 



    our running game with Mondo back was stout enough and even without Morse Im happy with Moss and Singletarys effort and the OL's too as far as that goes. They in fact IMO should have run the ball MORE especially in the first half

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