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Posts posted by muppy

  1. NFL fans come in different levels of intensity. You've got the fantasy type fans who follow what the stats are are their opinions are based on that... You've got the individual teams fans who follow one team and the division/conference their team plays in (that would be me) and then you've got the lesser involved fans whom follow who is bein g televised nationally any given week. You've got the bandwagoners who will follow the team with the best record or who has the star player they admire.......NFL fans come in lots of flavors. The media?? Their bias and judgments IMO are based on ratings aka MONEY. Some will tell it like it is but if clickbait takes sell that's what we will hear them spew. I take what I read with a grain of salt, try to consider their bias and sincerity vs acumen and skill at their job based  on what I see and know to be true first hand. Is it always good and factually unbiased what they have to say about your team? Heck no. Its the media. There;s a reason some are called whores..its all about the money honey.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, SageAgainstTheMachine said:

    One of the critiques that I always heard from Vikes fans is that Diggs would disappear from a game and have no impact.  Having watched him for 9 games in a Bills uniform I'm just going to assume that was a Kirk Cousins problem.  Any QB not looking his way 10 times a game is a fool.

    great take and very cool chat moniker too I like it a lot 🙂

    the only reasion Id have any critique at all whatsoever in regards to picking up Diggs is it meant we weren't able to draft Chase Claypool who I wanted the Bills to take badly before the deal went down. In retrospect I have zero regrets the guy is Golden in Buffalo and I was also right about Claypool being a stud so I like that I was right about my inkling about that guy too

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  3. 9 hours ago, RochesterRob said:

      Notice how Warcoded opened his OP by making reference to the presidency as opposed to the Presidency.  Maybe he thinks Biden will be the next leader of the school's book of the month club.  Or photography club.  I would have said chess club but I did not want to sound ridiculous.

    this is just plain jibberish who cares if he didn't use a caps key for goodness sake SMH

  4. 5 hours ago, atlbillsfan1975 said:

    As long as we don’t have another Covid situation to deal with I think we can beat anyone.

    one thought Im having is if only the bye was this week we could really use this week to get guys healthy but alas its after this week. I just hope they dont get any more new injuries on top of what they already have and get heathly with the bye helping our team for the final push and playoff run

    1 hour ago, HomeTeam said:

    Josh Allen is life. Josh Allen is love 😍


    Look how happy he is for his teammates. No wonder they love playing with and for him. 

    I sense a man/woman crush here..hahaha j/k Im teasing I know exactly what you mean and I concur. He's one of a kind guy. Listens to Elvis and Sinatra befiore games  🙂 How cool is that....Plus he's damn GOOD LOOKING 🙂 #girlcrush

  5. 1 hour ago, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    Statement game. 

    one of the statements is that stats don't lie the seahawk secondary is weak (rated last I believe) but time after time Josh Allen was on the money and the defense came though with a clutch performance also. Statement game indeed. I had read there were seahawk fans who called today "an easy win" ha Ha HA We Beat them and it feels GOOD

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 6 hours ago, Dragoon said:

    Stacy Abrams is a non factor in Georgia. She’s an obnoxious, fat, talentless, Shrek looking moron. We know this. That’s why she’s not our governor. 

    ahem. Stacy Abrams has a BA, a Masters and a JD (Doctorate equivalent in law from Yale) harping on her physical characteristics and what you perceive of she reflects worse on you than she Dragoon just sayin'....

    • Like (+1) 5
  7. 3 hours ago, StHustle said:


    Trump is a chess player. Its now clear his strategy was to tell his base to vote on election day and avoid mail in ballots, so that on the actual election day, he would run up a lead in key states, all so he could rush and claim victory before the mail in votes get counted, and make public claims that the election was would be attempted to be stolen by democrats. The same claim he already let be known he would make months ago. He knew the mail in votes would diminish the election day leads he would obviously have. How did he know? Because of the pre election polls clearly showed Biden was the favorite. He did the exact same thing in 2016 when the pre election polls predicted he would lose, he came out saying he would be cheated by fraud with zero evidence. Then he won,  and all of a sudden the only fraud was with the popular vote since he lost that. When Donald Trump wins its all good, if he loses its fraud. He knows his base are sheeple and will believe whatever he says. He would rather see violence erupt in this country than bow out gracefully. The so called law & order president.


    adult human beingHow growns can't logically see whats going and instead act like Jim Jones followers, is beyond me and quite frankly very very sad.


    I am disturbed because even some people I know who are leaders, not at all known to be idiots, have fallen so much that they literally agree with and defend Trumps every word and action. Defending a man who the vast majority of Americans would not want their children emulating, yet still has 47% of America's support.


    I beg of you Trump supporters to snap out of it. Examine yourself to find the root of why you would want this type of person to be the leader of this great country. At least 4 million Americans want Biden to be the president over Trump. I know the popular vote doesn't pick the president but can you Trump supporters at least aknowlege and admit that MORE AMERICANS DONT WANT TRUMP THEN THOSE WHO DO? Or did democrats manufacture millions of fake votes? Let's be real guys.


    Be your own person. open your eyes and see reality before you. Don't be a minion that goes with whatever another man says without using your own brain and seeing things for what they really are. Trump supporters, like us all, knew that if Trump would pull this crap. He told us ahead of time. Its a damn shame the wool so many allow to be pulled over their eyes. Again...its disturbing and its very very sad.


    Its ok to agree with a candidate's policies, but also be able to stand up, as a sensible grown American, with some sort of damn integrity, and say hey, this man is not fit to be leader of this country. He has some good ideas but is a liar who can't accept defeat of any kind. He is willing to put the future of this country on the line just so he can claim victory. 


    Bottom line is...he claims fraud but the only real fraud here is him. All you Trump supporters should wake up, don't be like that dude, and be able to admit you were wrong. Did I vote for Biden as much as I voted against Trump? No. I can be clear headed and admit things. Try it...it feels great. But that's the position I was forced into. I actually value THE TRUTH...and things like INTEGRITY still matter to me. That is more important than the economy or anything else! Once I see you currently have little integrity and are a liar...anything else you are talking about means much of nothing to me. I wish so many Americans weren't willing to disregard those oh so important characteristics. As a black man in America, seeing 47% of America supported this crap tells me things are even worse than what I thought. These are very sad sad days in America. You folks who claim you live this country need to wake tf up!

    a very thought provoking post and plea Hustle I appreciate it. As I was reading it I could hear echos of Trump supporters Ive both read and know personally ringing in my ears the following in response to what you wrote (highlighted) Ditto Muppy but with regards to Joe Biden we want that from you. Each and every point I highlighted that is their percepton towards we folks who don't buy into Donald Trump and support Biden. This board illustrated it perfectly especially before the exodus.  That is the sad state of political affairs in this country. Echo chambers are about the only expression that doesnt cause trolling divisiveness and ridicule. I think it is predisposed to people who chat in political forums especially. So many right fighters,..... who is delusional and who is not. Who sees the truth and who does not. Its based on what side of the aisle you happen to sit and strength exists in numbers within each forums predominant political persuasion thats the way it goes. I dont see it changing and one echo chamber replaced with another unless you want fighting name calling and ridicule. Even expressing this I'll be labeled a snowflake. I rarely chat in political chats not because I dont have views and opinions I just dont like being disparaged for what those thoughts and ideas are. No one person is going to change the mind of any other poster in these forums. its a futile exercise. Thats my cynical opinion. I appreciate the thoughts though. 

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    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  8. saying that Joe Biden won't survive his term is in the poorest of taste.


    Is he elderly Yes.

    Is he in apparent good health? Yes.


    Are we all mortal? Yes.   clearly we will all die some day. But to say he won't finish his term isn't in your wisdom to announce and if nothing else its bad karma. How'd you like that being said abut Trump? About your father lets say.........poor taste.


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  9. 4 minutes ago, Doc said:


    The perception that a Dem President would have handled this any better is what drove the deciding votes to Biden.  The problem is he won't finish his term and Kammy won't get re-elected.  Meanwhile the Dem party will tear themselves apart trying to go more left.

    I don't think this is a perception though. Just by virtue of he refusing to wear masks or even advocate for their use, having rallies with no social distancing, downplaying the seriousness of the epidemic, wishing it away with warm weather, all the statements in contradiction to his own medical experts while the virus rages and is on an upswing as I type this......Donald Trump DID handles the corona virus scourge badly I don't think it is even debatable

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  10. my hands are literally shaking I am LIVID at what I just heard from the mouth of our POTUS in that statement he just made.The election is fraudulent because he is LOSING not because of wide spread fraud. I wont have any original thoughts here every adjective will be spoken about by others and ive already heard many...sad, pathetic, wrong, LIES, No Proof, Liar, attack on democracy, dangerous, slander, racist, disgusting...all of those and more. Pick your adjective I'll close with one.....  DISGRACEFUL shocking statement..trying to take the country down with him Indeed. That SOB I can now for the first time say with zero qualms he is the sorest of loser.........LOSER!!!!!

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  11. 28 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    They voted in person, like every single other election in the last how many years was conducted.  No surprise the lazy party that wants everything handed to them, took ADVANTAGE of something that legally should have never happened.

    oh my gosh the sour grapes in this post and in the bitter Trump supporters is just beyond the pale. The "lazy party" because many voted early and you don't agree with their votes is what you are saying. RIDICULOUS. Its about as sad as Trump saying in one state keep counting and in another don't count them. If he were winning all these issues would not be relevant. Thats as partisan politics as it gets aka bitter at losing and that's all it is.

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  12. 17 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    Well if you health prevents you from getting to a polling station, you would be considered disabled in terms of this process.


    If you are in another state during the voting month, make a time to come back to vote, or change your polling location before the election.

    Yes I can see your point and of those measures are made law I woudn't have a problem with it. The disability issue though could be much more difficult to  quantify/define  and might get way too convoluted to ever make a consensus possible

  13. 4 minutes ago, nkreed said:

    With the amount of problems that can happen in the postal service, I respectfully disagree that votes must have been received by the deadline. I believe that requiring your mail in ballot be received by the election there are too many possibilities that can cause it to be late that are NOT on that voter. I believe it would be disenfranchisement to those who legally voted.


    There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with use a postmark as your decision maker. In fact many federal and state legal processes use this as their determing factor for timeliness. It shouldn't change at the whim of a party.


    Also, those who vote by mail who would be forced to send their vote in earlier than the election day may miss important information that comes near the end of a campaign.

    I would like to ask for clarification here: are you asking for reporting or just counting?

    Point taken on the USPS I use their service neary daily as an ebay seller and trust me I know they are not faultless. But in my home state of Cali my vote was trackable to ensure it was counted. If mine wasn't counted Id want to know why and what I don't like is the delay in announcing a winner of the election waiting on votes that could be days late in arriving.

    In regards to the 2nd part I say counting and not reporting and have those votes tallied and ready to download into the final talleys asap once the polls close.

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