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Posts posted by muppy

  1. wondering where a group of like minded posters went is logical.  It's been answered and IMO its time to let go. i think its disrespectful to SDS and his (This) board to keep bringing it up publicly for starters.   It seems pretty simple to me.  Post wherever you feel the most comfortable wether its here there or somewhere else .  Its not as if there isn't enough drama to support 2 different echo chambers with the political climate we live in today.  Trolls are intellectual bottom feeders who deserve Ignore  and zero response. JMO


    47 minutes ago, John Adams said:

    I tried to register there to ask for DR’s 2024 election prediction so I could bet all my money on the opposite outcome but the site blocked my registration. 

    I posted the same question here. Hopefully one of you can fill me in. I’ll skip 2 years of page-long-condescending posts about how he knows who will win. Seen that show twice now. He spends a lot of time telling everyone how he knows what will happen, only to be proven wrong, and then revised his script. Пщй



    blocked your registration? Dayum that surprises me they let Me in LOL as far as 2024 predicts I haven't seen any hell there is zero concession from some on who has won THIS election much less 2024 

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  2. LOL yeah well it was a tongue in cheek kind of piece and I'd be surprised if Diggs took it seriously he laughed it off pretty hard in the video anyway. The thing is from my experience the guy who is the most liked usually will be the brunt of jokes and that is what this piece was, a Joke people. Besides that I doubt Any NFL player has trouble finding dates and wouldn't need the sisters of teammates to fill the void just sayin'....  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

    I feel they are simply letting Trump having his tantrum....but they will soon put an end to it....at least, I hope so...another week of court rejections and dropped law suit should do it.....for the good of the country, when he does concede and/or leave, he needs to admit that their was no fraud...otherwise, the extreme Trumpers will truly believe the election was stolen...and that is bad for the USA....

    I wish he would admit there was no fraud but I would bet money (and Im not usually a gambler) Id bet he will never concede he lost fairly. I dont think his ego would allow it. And secondly he has his sycophants in his ear telling him that because it truly is what he wants to hear and believe wether it is true or not. He won't put the country first he wants to keep his base supporters thinking he was robbed so he can use them in a 2025 presidential run to restore the perceived wrong. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Victory Formation said:

    Thank you for the correction.

    I was ready to come into the thread and read an anti Josh Allen post so when I saw what was being said Im like ahh okay..haha...I will admit to being a bit cranky today anyway Im still licking my wounds from yesterdays debacle. 


    What Is amazing about Josh is his improvement in areas noone was really giving him much chance of ...accuracy was a big one. All Qb's are going to throw interceptions so Im nit dogging him there . He was picked twice yesterday and if you recall he could have been twice more but the DB dropped those 2.......  Anyway one area I think we'd all agree he needs continued improvement is ball security (reduce the number of fumbles) but Im very happy he is our QB the 'is he our franchise guy...that "question isnt even discussed anymore he IS that. Thank Goodness That search is over!

  5. sickening feeling at the end watching Hopkins catch that ball.....the 5 stages of grief for a sports fan........denial, anger, bargaining aka bitching about wouda coulda shouldas,  depression and finally acceptance. 


    Im at depressed with a chaser of acceptance creeping in this loss hurt because I just really thought they had pulled off the miracle less than a minute before.


    we Bills fans will rebound we always do its truly the agony of defeat though tonight Im not gonna lie. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Et tu, Muptus?  


    pardon me? I wasn't referring to you by the way. There is dialogue and there is trolling. I think you know the difference. Maybe one persons troll is anothers staunch  advocate I'm open to the thought.  Im no harbinger of truth or chatroom decorum expert.   Actually.what I do think is its time for another muppster PPP sabbatical. Shalom.  


    hasta lasagna

  7. 1 hour ago, WideNine said:


    You may want to practice reading more before you launch your career as an author :)


    And do you really think it is just liberal snowflakes that wanted Trump out of office? You have heard of the Lincoln Project right? Also, the AOC crowd felt cheated that a centrist like Biden won the Democratic ticket.


    Your black and white takes on the multi-faceted nature of US politics along with the name-calling does not lend to your credibility, but I will give you points for trying the same tactic over and over....


    I recently felt I lost debating a topic with another poster on this board yesterday and admitted as much. I had points and he (or she) had rebuttals. After looking at the information they sourced I felt that it supported their argument better than mine and told them that their point was valid.


    What some folks don't understand, and maybe it is this era of trying to undermine the person rather than their argument, is that you have more real credibility as someone who is willing to objectively look at information to not only form an initial opinion but also revise an opinion if you can actually demonstrate that capacity now and then.









    I commend you for your civil tone candor and logic but you are so wasting your time if you think objectivity, rationality and debate is even close to possible with the trolls attempting to stir up this site with their hysterical pro Trump rhetoric... futile exercise and huge waste of your time...NOT trying to tell you what to post or whom to engage in dialogue I would just consider the source and proceed accordingly. JMO  

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 2 hours ago, billsfan89 said:

    I love everything about Diggs, he really was that last elite piece needed to have everything fall right in place for the offense. 

    I understand this sentiment because clearly Diggs is an excellent receiver who runs great routes and has great hands and a total asset to the offense and the team. But even more importantly to me is the development and increased accuracy of Josh Allen. Those 2 things have allowed Josh to progress in a way that makes everyone else better around him because when they do what they are best at he is accurately delivering and seeing the options he has on the field better than he used to. If you want to call it a chicken or the egg scenario I put Joshes advancement first of importance. 

  9. 1 hour ago, AmishRifle said:

    Do yourself a favor and listen to this interview.  Well worth the 20 mins.

    I agree I really enjoyed it. What impressed me was he isn't a prima donna nor come off that way at all...he spoke of being very team oriented and not worrying so much about his personal stats and winning be the utimate goal. When I hear that from some guys it almost sounds like lip service but he was very genuine and hinest in all his answers very forthrite and no baloney...I feel like I understand him and can assess he as a very legit guy and teammate after hearing this. Glad he is a Bill is an understatement.

  10. 2 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Yes, I think it’s the very definition of status quo.  I’m complicit in nothing other than speaking the truth.  I’m torn between double-dittoing you (or reverse dittoing it you find the other term toxic and offensive) and just forgiving you for your attempt to shame me. 

    I think you have a good heart and thus forgive you. Now, you forgive me. 



    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Fat shaming isn't a thing Mupptown Girl, it's an illusion, a farce, another meaningless Kardashian-esque phrase designed to give overwrought individuals another label to hang on someone they disagree with. She's not a party to the conversation, I couldn't shame her if I actually tried. 


    Where did I ever even remotely suggest she should be embarrassed for her physique?  You conveniently left out the positive personal characteristics I mentioned about her--strong female, her innate sense of self, capable of handling herself, prepared to swing at and with her opponents.  She's a formidable woman and certainly does not need to be portrayed as someone so weak as to have people suggest she has anything to be ashamed of.  I respect her enough to speak honestly. 


    You're putting her in the box.  You're suggesting there's something she should be embarrassed about.  Even in this thread, you decided to target me and skip over the part where @Doc Brown weighed in.  Was that accidental?  Why hasn't he suffered the fat-shame wrath of the Mupster?  


    Also--do me a favor and send me the post where you chastised your fellow posters for shots taken at the current Prez for his physical appearance.  Limit it to the last 30 days because we don't want the list to be too long.  Have you accused any of Cheetoh-Shaming?  


    To be completely honest, I'm disappointed in you.  We've interacted in the past and it's been civil.  Now, you're actually shaming me by suggesting I'm fat-shaming her.  I'm the victim here.  

    you said that it was status quo and acceptable for her size to be made a topic of discussion and adjectives like fat,  shrek like, adjectives were okay being they were said about she as a political figure. I call BS. Come on man I called out Dragoon for doing it and you disagreed with my take which makes you complicit in shaming her for something that haz zero to do with her politics. Its a slam..  Also Im not obliged to post on every topic every time someone says something I dont agree with. I have a great life outside of political chatroons which I actually find stressful and not really all that productive. The fact you're disapointed me means not so much in the grand scheme all I might reply is Ditto and leave it at that.

  12. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I'm not sure where you're going with the 'male' thing.  You hit the nail on the head for the rest of it w/ respect to the things said about DJT for 5 years.   We don't achieve political equality as practiced the past few years by pretending a lady doesn't shop in the Plus size aisle.  It's silly. 


    1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I disagree.  As Chris Cuomo said to the NJ pizza owner's lamenting the government shutting them down in spite of stringent COVID standards met--she's a 'political combatant.'.  She speaks the language of division, knows the political game and plays it well.  You do her a disservice by treating her as anything other than a political warrior.  Plus, she knows she's fat, it's not a secret. 

    SMH her size or physical characteristics have NOTHING to do with her political activities the fact that you are into fat shaming at the very least okay with it is disgusting.... and just for the record its wrong to disparage Christie or Trump or anyone else due to their size. it is shallow ugly and demeaning rhetoric and has  nothing to do with a persons character either to the good or bad. Its an easy and obviously still socially acceptable dig to make on a person. IMO it shouldn't be.

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