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Posts posted by muppy

  1. I am hopeful the Bills running game will go OFF today and for obvious reasons.  Keeping drives going,  setting up the passes we will attempt as the defense will need to play both contingencies, keep their offense off the field .....may I just say though that PLEASE resist the temptation to use Josh Allen unduly on called running plays. IMO yes he is a massively talented athlete who has emerged as the undisputed franchise QB and I would prefer he Not be taking unnecessary touches and chances with his health when a RB could and can take those touches. JMO

  2. 6 minutes ago, jkx2 said:

    I was that game too. OJ went over a 1000 yards that night only have way through the season and the talked turned to 2000. It was also Halloween or the day before and everybody was dressed in costumes. 

    it was the only game I ever attended with my mother. she was in her absolute glory that night with the Bills winning.....Do you remember the scene I mentioned on the scoreboard with Cosell? The other thing I remember from that night was the absolute traffic nightmare getting into the stadium...we lleft batavia 4 hours early to be able to tailgate and we barely made it into our seats by halftime it was a DEBACLE

  3. I sat below it many many times in the Batavia party zone. It was the black and gray (white) look you see in some of the photos.


    One of my favorite memories of my first Bills game ever attended was the first ever Monday night football game at Rich stadium Bills vs Kansas City circa 1973 . Howard Cosell was there along with dandy Don Meredith Iconic booth guys from back in the day. Someone took a tantruming kicking his arms and legs baby and put Cosells head on it with a caption that said "You're our Baby Howard" and displayed it on the scoreboard....They showed a picture of he in the booth laughing at it......fun memory. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 1 minute ago, HappyDays said:

    Biden's administration has officially been authorized by the GSA to start the transition process. It's over. Now Trump can go off and start his conservative news empire and spend the rest of his life claiming the election was stolen from him.

    except after he leaves office he will likely face charges in the state of NY which in part is why he is fighting leaving office so hard IMO......I'm waiting for he to "pardon himself" just typing that makes me want to hurl. Can he do that? Really can he?

  5. 10 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Known for sports but not an athlete, reporter or journalist.  


    All I've got is an agent.  Drew Rosenhaus?

    ouuu thats a good one he was in Jerry Maguire.......we may have a winner here.......

    I was going to say Jim Rome because he cameoed in Space Jam but he's from socal plus he's a "reporter" I guess....sports personality anyway

  6. 5 minutes ago, qwksilver said:

    I could be wrong but I think you can, so fire away.

    So far we have:

    Male, Alive, American born in NJ, not an Athlete, not a musician, not an actor but has been on TV and in a movie or 2.

    hmmmm that last cue sounds like a cameo...is this person a politician?

  7. Mamas' don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys
    Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks
    Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such
    Mamas' don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys
    'Cause they'll never stay home and they're always alone
    Even with someone they love

  8. 24 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    😂 I have no such pedigree—The closest we got to ND was watching the college games on the television because my Dad was a huge Irish fan for all the usual reasons.  

    Oh, and in Boston one night last year, my wife (Mrs Skin-erd if you will) and I ducked into a bar in Boston.  Busy as hell, this group of ND alumni were watching a/the game and offered us seats at the table. Had a blast and if you and Mr Mup were in the crowd, cheers!!


    As for part one—yup, I agree. If the allegations are true, we’re in deep.  Btw, one other thing—i am struggling as to why a couple wealthy players on the team— Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, would wade so deep into serious accusations if they had absolutely nothing to go on. Both are quite wealthy, well-regraded and they aren’t shooting spitballs, they’re lobbing grenades at this issue with Dominion.   Again, just chatting here, given the concerns expressed by Elizabeth “Dances with Beers” Warren about major challenges with the program, I’m intrigued. 



    he was in the stadium for the "Rudy" game portrayed in the movie. He is the domerest domer there is...as big a fan of the Irish as I am the Bills..i think my football interest was a huge turn on to him LOL actually I KNOW it was. I keep hoping the Bills would draft a domer so far no such luck. I wanted Chase Claypool Badly but I'll settle for stefon Diggs HA


    as far as the election Im definitely watching and waiting this out. I honestly fear for our country if this election is reversed. Im not so naive to think the democrats  will acquiesce and its gonna be UGLY if that happens...If Trump is found to have lost you I doubt that side sits idly by either what a Mess.....Lord have mercy.  I hate this is going on frankly its a horrible look for our country AND its democracy. If reforms would help this not occur ever again, even the appearance of malfeasance Id be all for it. 100%....

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/19/politics/giuliani-trump-legal-team-press-briefing-fact-check/index.html


    a fact check posting regarding the Guiliani press conference from earlier today. if the charges they are alleging are in fact proven in a court of law to have occurred I think our democracy is in serious trouble. This article explains and debunks  them however and if nothing else informative as to why they may be tossed out eventually ... It seems nearly impossible to know what is true and what isn't we are bombarded with mixed messages constantly and both sides claim truth on their side.

    19 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:


    I appreciate the effort put forth and have very few issues with what you post. I do not accept everything you say as factual, and feel like I do not need to.  The other day, you quoted from Vox, and referenced a book that was titled something like "Trump is the most horrible human being ever".  I started to reply and thought, geesh, what's the point?  A guy wrote a book, you believe it's an accurate representation of the world and that's fine.  I really enjoyed the novel "It" back in college, but I don't think there are clowns in the sewer.  


    Your argument is irrefutable--human error occurs when human's are involved.  Your second statement--"for the most part these are caught and corrected...." is conjecture.  Pure conjecture, as in, just because you say it doesn't mean it is so.  Bernie Madhoff did amazing things as an investment guru for many, many people, until he didn't.  


    I'm skeptical by nature, and cynical as well. I'll share some general thoughts about people and systems:

    • I believe that systems can be hacked, and that algorithms can be manipulated to effect a desired outcome.  Since I believe that generally, when an allegation is made that malfeasance occurred, I consider the source and continue on;
    • I believe in the innate goodness of many people, and the corruption of people in power.  You and yours sit here, day after day, year after year, howling about DJT, believing incredible stories of hookers and urine (pee pee), screaming about corruption and then suggest "NOTHING TO SEE HERE--Trust me!". I don't care--seriosuly--don't care what you think, and I certainly do not trust those in power anymore than your trust Trump; 
    • I believe that people will, if possible, attempt to influence the election through just about every form of illegal activity known to man.  Software. Pipe breaks.  Mail fraud. Dead people voting.  Keeping poll watchers at bay.  Intimidation. Harrassment. Murder.  It's simply the human condition. 


    The interesting part to me is that you believe it too, you just target the other guy.  And, to be fair to you--I really don't know if you're the one true angel left in the world who believes that the election system is beyond reproach, but id you are God bless you.  


    Here's where I'm at:


    • Thousands of ballots have been recovered in Georgia, previously uncounted, potentially disenfranchised voters.  We can write it off to incompetence, or wonder if there is something else afoot, and I'm not ready to write it off as pure incompetence;
    • I've read reports of severe and substantial issues with Dominion software, including a very concerning letter written by Sens Warren and Klobuchaer in early 2019.  The sum and substance is--this thing sucks, its easy to manipulate and the integrity of our election is at stake. 
    • The oft-cited report of vote tallies being shut down with Trump far ahead, a sudden spike in votes for Biden...troubles me.  There may be a perfectly legitimate reason for the spike--and yes, I've read stories purporting to debunk the idea of fraud, but I'm not yet convinced.  Since I'm not convinced, I say fight on;
    • The story out Wayne County, Michigan involving the certification process troubles me.  It seems to me that intimidation and coercion played a large part in decisions made there, and it validates my thought that while lots of people are good, many are not.
    • I'm interested in the outcome of the Wisconsin recount. 
    • The entire system for counting votes in Pennsylvania seems odd to me.  The allegations made today are that there were violations of election law, and unequal protection under the law as it related to city v rural areas.  

    When all is said and done, I've been clear that I think Joe Biden will be president of the country on 1/20.  I'll likely arrive at that point convinced there was substantial chicanery (funny business) that aided him along the way.  Still, I see absolutely nothing wrong with DJT pursuing litigation and telling the story they feel needs to be told along the way.


    Thanks for the clarification, too, btw, but I know what the word 'posit' means.  I went to Catholic school, received an excellent education(schoolin) and read, you know, books 'n such. 


    Peace out.



    Brophy Prep (Jesuit) and Notre Dame alumn says hello (Mr Muppy) and he would agree his education was excellent.

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