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Everything posted by muppy
as soon as I read Bonnie Raitt my heart froze. I have never had personal contact with her. The closest i came was in Denver CO. She was playing a gig in of all places downtown Denver for a street music festival. It was the end of her set and the crowd had thinned down quite a bit. I was center in front of her dancing In my absolute Glory. I LOVE HER I love everything about her. I have been a fan of hers since the 70's. And have seen her the most times of any artist Period. Which says a Lot. I have to google and see if she has a biography or documentary about she and her life. Having that happenstance convo with Ian McLagan was a welcome respite from touring and being on the road away from home and friends for him too. Good eye for Ian there that sounds like it was an awesome experience 🙂
there is a band that is popular with the indie crowd called Tame Impala. I met the lead guitarist in Hollywood CA on New Years eve. My sons band at the time Cults played there that night and this was back stage. This guy had on a red snakeskin belt. I had no clue about thst band at the time. I think they've been nominated for a grammy. though I made quite a strange encounter with the band MGMT but it's kind of long to type. Bad Religion anybody? Their drummer Jamie Miller I met at a show, again my son playing in a band with him. We bonded over our shared love of pittie dogs.
Absolutely! Anyone within striking distance of Elmira and is interested in that era should try to attend this. I did not know there was even a Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial mike. Gracias. m
McDonalds food is delicious cheap fast food **disclaimer* an unpopular opine posted does NOT mean u ascribe to said opine
people are on edge in our lives right? What with the state of the world and all the politics swirling. I get a great amount of happiness being with the bills crowd if only virtually. I will own that 100%
I will always remember when my daughter graduated from elementary school they played "I believe I can fly" and it really was a beautiful moment in time Now I think of that dirtbags mug when I hear any of his music and it makes me wanna hurl.
when I come here to the board I check for statuses on her condition. And seeing her name prompts me to send a prayer up for her. Excuse the poor analogy but I doubt anyone is sitting shiva for Kim Pegula here at 2bd. Way too invested maybe in 2bd though but not her specifically. 🙂 Not to quibble over your thoughts being valid or not Im just sharing a different perspective.
Come on now, try and understand The way I feel when I'm in your hands Take me now as the sun descends They can't hurt you now They can't hurt you now They can't hurt you now Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to us Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to us
with all due respect. If the people in question are posting on social media Ms Hutchinson was told false info they need Testify. If indeed the folks you claim that were parties to the events she testified to are Not allowed to testify? That is a Huge problem. If they choose Not to is a different issue. In light of these recent events to simply tweet a disclaimer/rebuttal isnt enough. It's just not. that's not good. I hope you're wrong.
Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me 'cause it hurts Don't speak I know what you're thinkin' I don't need your reasons Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
I wish this thread didn't get so chippy I mean its a message board, it's banter. We all want the best for her.
I said respected because she 1. held such a position at such a young age and 2. I found her testimony credible as far as whats he was told I believe her. Bring on the testimony in THIS case in this forum and lets see who will agree to testify and who won't. I think if Ms hutchinsons cohorts in the oval office don't testify ....Im just being as honest as I can be. .....if this womans claims are not refuted under oath my question is why....why not..... Listen I get your take above I respect it and I respect you leo. I just wish you'd allow someone to assist in choosing a 2bd avatar the L is frankly BORING just sayin' 😉
Gas Prices are too low oh but it's a DRY heat , 105 degree temp is not that bad
Nothing's wrong as far as I can see We make it harder than it has to be And I can't tell you why No, baby, I can't tell you why I can't tell you why
prefacing by me saying this will be my final word in politico threads never ends well. Im going to TRY to lurk because the topic of donald is the last person I want in my head space. Alllll of the mental illness and character traits purported to him like narcissistic and deceitful I think they are true. When he says "he barely knows her" working in proximity of the west wing (which we have all learned is a tight space to begin with) this to me is disingenuous baloney . How could he NOT know her. The least is which she is in intimate first name basis with ALL his people. Gimme a break donald. why do you do that? Dismiss and LIE about such things. I cant trust you at all whatsoever. blech.
oh my. I have a list of memorable happenstances like this. I saw Leon Redbone at the Pembroke NYS Thruway gas stop. And yes he was wearing fedora and sunglasses, Big mustache. I immediately recognized him.
OMG who are you to call her a desperate whatever. You don't know her. She was a respected Republican staffer who worked within steps of the Oval Office. Her being previously loyal to her boss and working within the inner circle of the White House coming forward to give testimony about what she was told. This isn't a court of law. I say lets hear testimony from her peers in that office, the driver, Engel, whoever. Lets have them speak under the possible penalty of perjury like she did. Bring it on! Do you think this was easy for her. A calculated move for a book deal. @-@ seriously Im not buying that.
Shake it up is all that we know Using the bodies up as we go I'm waking up to fantasy The shades all around Aren't the colors we used to see Broken ice still melts in the sun And times that are broken Can often be one again We're soul alone And soul really matters to me Take a look around You're out of touch I'm out of time (time) But I'm out of my head When you're not around You're out of touch I'm out of time (time) But I'm out of my head When you're not around Oh, oh-oh, oh Oh, oh-oh, oh
I respect the families wishes. Having a statement with any update is welcome news of course! I think if my family member was dealing with a health emergency the last thing Id want to do is be giving press conferences about it before the time was right OR before it is medically appropriate. Medical treatment ongoing, intervention, whatever is necessary. Clearly money is no option God Speed Kim! Healing thoughts and prayers to the fullest for you from your bills family
***sigh*** I realize this is a secular message board so I won't go overboard. All I want to say is what we KNOW is Kim is receiving medical care and a serious situation . Her medical team and family need our continual positive thoughts and prayers. Prayers of wisdom healing grace and peace over the entire situation.