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Everything posted by muppy

  1. yes. my original point was regarding her genes as well as the hard work required to achieve her level of success. Clearly money matters in regards to coaching and her access to the best money can offer. It is Both. I think she having supportive parents helps kids achieve in life as well achieve top athlete status. Financially supported by wealthy folks didnt guarantee her success but it surely helped.
  2. 🙂
  3. gglsnrts ... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  4. Watching girls passing by It ain't the latest thing I'm just standing in a doorway I'm just trying to make some sense Out of these girls that passing by The tales they tell of men I'm not waiting on a lady I'm just waiting on a friend
  5. which is nastier...a woman who craps the bed or the dead horse head in the bed ala the Godfather..what a grim thought lol THANKS AMBER SMH
  6. you know what, I would have felt the same way about the plaintiff if it were Tom Cruise or anyone else for that matter....even though I respect johnny depp as an actor immensely . in fact Im a huge fan. My daughter has a promo picture of he on her bedroom wall to this day. But as I heard the evidence I am very glad this jury saw through Amber Heard. Johnny, you can live large dude Im soooo glad you are Vindicated but FCOL you need to find a GOOD woman, a classy SANE woman to date man I would hate to ever see you raked through the mud like you were ever again Lord have mercy SALUD Johnny !'ll see you at the cinema . I bet you need a vacation away from the stress of all this. Live and learn amigo. m
  7. haha touche'. I do speak spanish ....how about mini cojones grandes dolor de cabeza......mini ***** BIG HEADACHE Thanks for helping me goofball its a failsafe for me 🙂 Peace brother down under! m
  8. YES. This court decision for him is vindication. To have even made the decision willingly air allllll that dirty stinking mess, to call her out on this to regain his reputation and dignity and WIN #priceless
  9. boo freakin hoo...u sunk your own boat sister. Im not buying your schtick and neither did the jury
  10. all cojones and no huevos? lol
  11. oh wow I missed that.......interesting.........thanks. lol Yeah Johnny won't be hurting for money at $350.000 I wonder how pays legal fees incurred......
  12. fox news is stressing how rare a 5 million punitive award in a civil lawsuit case. That the amount is a clear message to Amber Heard. YOU were the abuser in this realtionship. so the money as stated but the message that she lost BIGTIME and not just financially. She has a scarlet letter L for LIAR on her chest. u got caught GF I have no sympathy for abusers wether they are male or female. I dont think Johnny is sinless in this mess but I respect this decision and I think they got it right.
  13. it is with disgust I read the thread title. Knowing how much smoke surrounds DeShaun Watson If there is No fire that would be shocking. If found guilty I hope the juries award damages in each and every case for every victim This topic is to me so unsavory I don't really know what more to say. Elite athletic talent ...bankrupt soul. SAD
  14. Eastern? got it its eastern time zone. Fox News reporting 3pm ET verdict announced
  15. I used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but an awful song But now I know the meaning of true love I'm leaning on the everlasting arms If I can see it, then I can do it If I just believe it, there's nothing to it I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly
  16. https://www.wxxinews.org/capitol-bureau/2022-05-31/hochul-legislature-agree-to-tighten-new-yorks-gun-laws-in-wake-of-buffalo-mass-shooting I posted this also in PPP but it is newsworthy for this thread also I think.
  17. https://www.wxxinews.org/capitol-bureau/2022-05-31/hochul-legislature-agree-to-tighten-new-yorks-gun-laws-in-wake-of-buffalo-mass-shooting I hadn't seen this posted any where. ACTION in NYS in the aftermath of the Buffalo shooting.
  18. EXACTLY. Concur. Yep. just our opinion but theyre as good as anybodies eh? we'll know shortly .......
  19. Good for her! I had to google Jessica because other than knowing she was the kid of Terry and Kim that is all I knew. Coming from money means squat on the tennis court. Dads millions aren't helping her she has an athletic Gift. Its a WNY girl we can all root for her INDEED. To be at her level has taken a Lot of dedication and work. Again Good for her! Props Jessica you go girl!! Making WNY proud. m
  20. well the jury is deliberating now and into its third day. I am curious as to what the final verdict is. The outcome will be Major News. I hope Johnny Depp is vindicated. I don't trust Amber Heards' word I think she embellishes and is a liar. What a horrible life event to have to go through especially if you are truly innocent of such charges. He being a celebrity doesn't faze me. Im not stupid people are flawed inperfect and prone to making mistakes. But overall I just think his case has enough ammo to blow hers out of the water. Doctored images/photos indeed. smh
  21. I wonder if what occurred in Uvalde TX will show other police departments what not to do in the event they are faced with such a nightmare scenario themselves. We can only pray it does so that the very least it will help in training exercises in what TO do and especially what NOT do. The Uvalde Police have a fiasco on their hands. I would love something productive an positive come from this. It will never totally mitigate the tragedy but hopefully save lives in the future.
  22. Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light Those days are over You don't have to sell your body to the night
  23. It's a high time to fight When the walls are closin' in Call it what you like This time you got to win Lonely, lonely, lonely Your spirit's sinkin' down You find you're not the only Stranger in this town Red lights, green lights, stop 'n go jive Headlines, deadlines jammin' your mind You been stealin' shots from the side Let your feelin's go for a ride
  24. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. what a meanie lol 😜
  25. Dr Phil McGraw will have a show special dealing with the Texas shooting tomorrow Wednesday check your local listings. Here is CBS 3pm pacific His tagline drew my eye........Prevention not Intervention. He mentioned in a brief snippet that school shootings occur within minutes of the breach of a school. That by then it's too late to really stop it. The ticket is stopping it before it ever gets started and identifying the potential perp PRE Violence. ***Applauds****** I'll be watching. very curious as to what they will all have to say. Especially now in view of the fiasco developing in the aftermath from the school district and Police Dept. He is from Texas himself and I dont know his politics. m Trying to limit their own liability YEP ....That to me seems a very tall hill...they are in trouble DEEP by all accounts. I mean from what we know it is BAD for the Police especially. its so sickening ..just the cherry to this whole event eh mates? SMH
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