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Everything posted by muppy

  1. this image just came across my feed. Oh My Gosh people LOL
  2. well folks here we are awaiting news and official updates from the team. I have decided to put my trust in @YoloinOhio who is our standout poster for tweets and current news. You are officially followed so I won't miss NEW news. With the amount of conversation going on keeping current is close to a full time job , mercy. m
  3. my case went before the grand jury where i testified. Then the case was settled so I wouldn't have to testify and face my attacker. Perp was found guilty of Felony charges. no monetary reward. I'm adding this anecdotal info to the thread to unfortunately be qualified to speak on the victim side of this. I do hope this woman is strong enough to face her trauma and heal asap. The money would help so Yes I'd be a proponent of that.
  4. Well, you wake up in the mornin', You hear the work bell ring And they march you to the table To see the same old thing. Ain't no food upon the table, And no fork up in the pan; But you better not complain, boy, You get in trouble with the man. Let the midnight special Shine a light on me. Let the midnight special Shine a light on me. Let the midnight special Shine a light on me. Let the midnight special Shine a ever-lovin' light on me.
  5. heck NO punting is not relevant when you score on most drives right? 😉 /sarcasm derail the season no way these men will put this in their rear view mirror and move forward towards their goals. a rookie derail the season I think not
  6. bueno dias 2bd. LeGoatski an accurate timeline is lacking and at question right now. Crucial questions we don't know the exact truth. On the side of araiza but also the Bills organization. It would dispel a Lot of the rhetoric flowing in the chat. Im stillllll waiting for firm answers to questions regarding if the Bills knew of this debacle before he was drafted (I think not but i could be wrong). It was floated out there yesterday that maybe the Bills were aware but decided the charges wouldnt stick, fly whatever so the reward was worth the risk. We have rhetoric out the ying yang but actual facts not so much. We have to let this play out in the courts. And trust that the Bills will do what is IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE BUFFALO BILLS... Period. Now to @JakeFrommStateFarm's post saying that McDermott needs to supply answers in last nights presser. IMO he Did in the way he deemed appropriate and best for the team last night. I think answers will come. Respectfully I think we all need to hold our water and not criticize because said answers aren't given on our timeline. He will talk when he has more finite facts. I dont know what jake expected to hear last night frankly. This story Just broke . we all know it sucks. Not to beat a dead horse but patience is what we will need until we have answers aka the truth m
  7. at the local billsbackers bar in PB I saw a guy once 6'6" 350 pounds easy wearing an away Ashton Youboty jersey. It made me laugh. Ashton was a midget 5'11" lol
  8. I think he had a huge debacle to deal with today as well as game prep for a preseason game. So No I don't expect he to be at the top of his chat game in retrospect. I think he is above all a man of empathy for all involved in this mess. That is why Im proud of him tonight. He's a human being not just a football coach.
  9. I think Coach McDermott handled this as honestly, as real, and as transparent as he can be considering the circumstances. And the position this debacle has placed on his team And himself as a man of character. Im proud of him. well done Coach. You answered as succinctly as was necessary imo. He's not going to spout off any clickbait headlines that is for sure.
  10. it's been a longgg day in the chatroom. Im glad we had fun too. Today was kind if a *****
  11. this shocks me zero. Its a common narrative here.
  12. I like TD's 🙂 Im full of pearls tonight lmao Exhale m
  13. I like it. Its common sense which is often absent in our culture I agree pearl 🙂
  14. this post fires me up Im not gonna lie RAWR
  15. at least its not xanax tonite mate lol I'm not stressing this game at all. Coaches will make their evals and I'll be watching to see what they think That's kind of where I'm at. m
  16. we have a unique perspective I mean who throws the ball like #17 and brings all his tangibles and untangibles he has....NOONE. Thats my take and Im sticking to it m
  17. they are making a strong case for retention.
  18. shoot. Chargers-Saints on my local feeds- no Sunday ticket preseason- muppy gets squat no Bills game on TV tonight boooooooooooooooooooo
  19. @ExiledInIllinois here is some local reaction by SDSU students you might find interesting. It reads (as has been stated in this thread) that SDSU police and SD Police both have screwed the pooch in the handling of this case https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/san-diego-state-students-outraged-over-alleged-off-campus-rape/509-82e21ade-c31d-4652-a91e-d6745aa5b79e
  20. to be perfectly honest 2bd has been my focus. I'll look into it though. I know some SDSU alums I could ask. I would think people are kind of like we here. Basically shocked and none too thrilled. It's a terrible story by any account Ive heard ya know? m
  21. local CBS affiliate. Yep. I hadn't seen this posted mate.
  22. pandering to emotional responses from Joe Q public, airing his case on twitter?. Its not a good look if you want to be considered credible. To me this guy seems either not very bright or not very Professional to say the least. The court of public opinion is in session. It could well backfire on her. That's sad. I want the truth and justice to be done and that isnt the way to do it imho
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