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Everything posted by muppy

  1. any points here are gravy people
  2. lol I mean really though -:)
  3. is it stress free football yet? lol
  4. LOL I want him to self destruct but that's just me 🙂
  5. itans are imploding with penalties wow
  6. Elite QB to Elite WR who is shocked? NOBODY
  8. tough calls were made man. Noone should feel any sorta way. We're just glad it seems to be working out for our Bills
  9. PUNT U RAT ********'S punt!!!
  10. full movement in Danes extremities GOOD NEWS mateys.
  11. good pass tannehil u schmuck haha
  12. I keep thinking that the team will take EVERY precaution and take nothing for granted. waiting to know what actually did happen is hard. we all hope its not serious. Guy can ball. Prayers up for you Dane.
  13. I wouldnt be surprised if the Bills take over and dominate the 2nd half. The Titans OL is getting smashed in the mouth. It will continue to wear them down. jmo
  14. I haven't looked at the replay I dont need to see it.
  15. ACK .......................:-(((((((
  16. oh dear 😞 good player we need him
  17. enough with the split screens already CONCUR
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