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Everything posted by muppy

  1. **Vapers*** Breathe hermano Breathe 🙂
  2. TIED Game and now it begins to snow........lol only in Buffalo a holiday singalong 🙂 Lightening the mood
  3. no worries Im just being chippy 🙂 frustrating game
  4. and still Beasley with no sniffs. has he even been on the field this half?
  5. oh but he bobbled after it crossed the goal line @-@ Yes Im being sarcastic And Yes Im still mad about that lil dirty play they called incomplete
  6. was it called? I honestly dont know
  7. that;s for all you fans who gave up on this team
  8. out of bounds late Hit THANK YOU
  9. @sonyab1974 Allen didnt sense the defender coming up from behind I saw it and wished I could have warned him. Why the angry reaction at my post?
  10. sweeper? what the heck is a sweeper. @-@
  11. I saw that coming. Im like WATCH OUT JOSH dangit
  12. allright. a stop and good field position. Lets see what they can do with it.
  13. i freakin hate that rule. The ball only has to cross the plain at the goal line for a TD but a catch if caught in bounds should stay.even if a small biobble JMO
  14. an entire 4th quarter to go Buckle up people......
  15. of which he is 100% capable
  16. come on Bills fans I know it has been ugly but we have and CAN win Ugly. This game is NOT over yet dangit.
  17. Bills need to force a turnover
  18. OFFENSIVE PI on Tre White uncalled Thanks Refs. The sack was CRUCIAL 4th down Stop THANK YOU SPECIAL TEAMS **&^%$%^&*)()(*&^%%^&**()))
  19. A defensive STOP...............halle-freakin-lujah
  20. we still have a 2 point lead. As Tua falls flat on his face haha
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