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Everything posted by muppy

  1. I wish I was numb to this team. I don't like Pain. This sounds cliche but Im just getting too old for this chit. I'll always be a fan but Feel a tad hopeless as far as the team right now to be honest smh
  2. I feel physically and emotionally hungover after last nights game. And I didn't drink any alcohol. Trying to forget, rationalize, keep a positive attitude all have their place in dealing with the suckage we saw play out last night. but right now I just feel defeated. At least there is a place we can all vent. The lack of control we fans have make all our angst futile as far as changing anything but our own mindset so what can I do at the top of my lungs in my own living room today? VENT. And google above. I bet it says "take up a different hobby. NO I'm not going to learn *&&%$%%^&&* knitting. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO smh
  3. I want a big fat turnover called there. Close indeed
  4. no but there was a post referring to it as having been lame for he to react after the play like he did
  5. is Linval Joseph active tonight?
  6. it shouldn't be the No Fun League. I thought it was baller
  7. terrible look for Bills coaches if true. IMO that handoff was whiffed Allens fault.
  8. lmao Reid Ferguson is not having it at all NONE OF IT. BLAM
  9. The Bills are beating themselves but remain at a Tie score. I salute them you don't have to 🙂
  10. Defense I salute You. Lord have mercy 15-15 Tie
  11. pick 6 time.
  12. ****swearing like a sailor**** **&%$%^%&*())(*&^%$$$$%%^
  13. wilsons jersey entirely too clean tonight. Epeneza finally got more than a sniff
  14. atta boy Murray you da MAN
  15. ANd a successful running games opens up the pass.....Football 101 this team is more than capable of playing better than we have seen so far. jiminy crickets LETS GO BUFFALO
  16. it's not rocket science is it miyagi
  17. we needed a Jump, momentum shift. and we just got it amigos
  18. second half thread is running guys . Defense is keeping us in this game.Oh my.
  19. the fans are restless and so am I...............just sayin' will they go for it? YEP
  20. Oh SNAP. He would never do that ...its a Bold statement. THE HORROR
  21. I was just saying to my hubby that they have had nery a sniff on Wilson tonight. Cannot wrap him up!
  22. sign from the crowd "Russel Wilson eats boneless chicken wings" lol
  23. That must be it
  24. it worked but Im not sure what that was..a show of faith in the offense?
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