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Everything posted by Ayjent

  1. The NFL has never been one to pursue accountability beyond the players until it is undeniably blatant and even then it is iffy it involves the organization rather than specific actors. I love football but the NFL really does allow some horrible crap to occur without much accountability. If the protocol is easy to navigate around then it’s all for optics with no meaning which sounds about right, bc that’s just how insincere most measures to protect or promote employee well being are within organizations. And don’t get me wrong there is personal accountability of Tua here too, but people dedicated to their craft and their colleagues/teammates are conditioned to do what’s best for the team, especially in sports. As far as NFLPA getting anywhere - hard to say and depends on several factors, including how the Dolphins and NFL handle this moving forward. They are doing what they can by exerting pressure exploring legal avenues, pursing investigations and making public comments, but they are up against super connected Billionaires who are pretty much shielded from accountability and really own the league - not exactly an easy task. These players make good money but it’s chump change to these owners and the well paid ones are pretty reluctant to speak out. I’m always wary of people who say “trust me” or “I’m going to be straight with you…”. It’s pretty much signaling that your BS meter should going off.
  2. That’s the school of Shanahan - no one is more important than HC, players are replaceable parts. You get the impression Tua is a dude conditioned to play ball at all costs for everyone based on what they said last night in the broadcast. The whole narrative the broadcast team had was true irony as everything unfolded down to the interception and injury - it was clear nothing really changed except talent around him.
  3. TheDolphins crash the line of scrimmage and blitz a ton. You beat that by good blocking and quick hitting plays in run and pass game. Our OL wasn’t up to task to blow them out of water due to injuries but really they still played very well on Offense as unit. It was poor execution in scoring position, poor clock management, a missed gimme FG and a dropped pick 6 by Milano that cost them the game. Dolphins had everything go their way for the most part and lucked out a W against a team decimated by heat exhaustion and injuries. Sometimes the better team doesn’t win.
  4. Dan Snyder might have to step his game. Snyder is just cruel to everyone - how else can you explain signing prince Harry as your QB and that awful choice for a team name with the worst uniforms since those jags two tone helmets.
  5. It’s clear that the NFL and Dolphins think people are stupid or just complicit enough to not care to dismiss what is obvious to anyone watching the Dolphins past two games. The dude suffered two severe concussions that signaled severe trauma by his body’s response (spaghetti legs and then the frightening neuro response last night). Whatever vocabulary they use to describe both injuries it wasn’t safe to play and if Tua was smart and the people around truly supportive he’d reassess ever playing again if not this year. I have no love for the Dolphins but that is just scary stuff that isn’t worth it. Not immediately but yeah several from CTE.
  6. Jordan Phillips played a hell of a game and the DL didn’t miss a beat with Oliver out of lineup bc of it. That spin move sack he had was nasty and he crushed Stafford on another play that Stafford just got it away on. So glad he is back. I think Crowder laid claim to being option 1 in the slot. Just looks more steady even though McK is more explosive. Collinsworth actually called it right - McKenzie might be the better option when teams play man and Crowder is better against zone. I think they both get a lot of snaps regardless and I think we’ll see Shakir in the mix too as the season progresses.
  7. He was really solid at UCF and big part of a really talented “National Championship” team in Frost’s last season. I really liked the pick but worried about his hands, but the work he puts in is a big part of his continued improvement and that is a talent you can’t measure at the combine. I’m sure being a part of a good organization with a guy like Josh at QB doesn’t hurt either.
  8. We don't need more games, and I really don't even like that they added a game last season. Watered down roster management just makes watching a casual non-Bills game even less interesting or a game that looks great to tune into turn into meh.
  9. So the Dolphins are going to try rub routes and bubble screens to Hill. Sounds like Hill will take a beating as teams leave Strong Safety/LBs in middle zone to clean up. Hell even take a 15 yd penalty for defenseless WR to set the tone. I think Hill is in for a rude awakening when Tua can’t extend plays like Mahomes and doesn’t get him the ball on time. We’ll see how he feels mid season about it, bc right now it’s just meaningless cheerleading. There is no question Hill opened up the Chiefs offense, but Mahomes isn’t going to suddenly suck without him.
  10. Remember the year Donnie McNabb got jacked - he threw high velocity toe misses all season and had more trouble with accuracy than usual.
  11. Honestly I’ll miss it mostly because of the conversation after the initial post. But as long as you’re not leaving, you’ll find me looking for a conversation with you in it. Enjoyable things that become unenjoyable should become things you used to do.
  12. This will change a bunch between now and the start of the postseason. They are no lock to get No. 1 seed, but I'm not sure that matters. It will be interesting to see what Dorsey's offense looks like compared to Daboll's, but I love the additions of Brady and Kromer to the coaching staff. I think they'll have more balance and more explosive plays. Still wish that they would have gotten a short yardage back.
  13. Stevenson's going to have to transform himself like I've never seen a player transform to be a viable NFL return man. He runs too straight up. He's not elusive. He takes a ton of hard shots that are going to result in turnovers and/or injuries. I doubt Stevenson makes the team unless he shows up big time. Linked Video is a good breakdown of why Cook and Shakir were picked by the Bills - RAC ability and creating match-up issues all over the field. Shakir looks like someone they want to groom into a swiss army knife slot receiver to be the No. 3 eventually with Diggs and Davis. I think it will be slot by committee this year but its Shakir's role to win.
  14. Whether there are people who can afford it vs. people who will pay it are two different populations. Maybe it will all be okay, but that is a big maybe. It's crappy to the guy who can't and I'd guess that those making enough to afford it and willing to pay it aren't making up a majority of the current season ticket holders. The team is great right now, but what about when its not because that has been the case far more than not during its history? The Bills fans showed up anyhow, because it was affordable and because the game day experience is great, but if you put that price tag on it both of those things may go away. This isn't lost on people when they make their decisions.
  15. Which even in the best of circumstances will unlikely be anywhere near what you paid for them. I don't really know that I've ever heard of profiting on PSLs happening, but I can't say it hasn't. Since people tend to be going to realism-type arguments, let's be real. This profit pipe dream isn't going to happen 99% of the time, if ever. PSLs are a bad idea for the long-term of this team and its fan-base. I could be wrong, but I just don't see it playing out well. If they do PSLs and they don't sell or just drive people away from going or signing up for season tickets, then there is an argument about the area not being able to support the team, despite the taxpayers having funded the stadium. What we all thought was the solution to keeping the team might be the solution to moving it. We would all know that is horses#!+ but don't think for a minute that the NFL wouldn't posture that way. This just isn't the right fans/area to go for the PSL approach, unless they wanted to do for a very limited number of seats, and even then I don't think it is a good idea. All we can hope is that the Pegulas think about how this plays out and are committed to keeping the team here, adjusting significantly if they choose the PSL route and it doesn't go well.
  16. I live here in DC it’s the stadium and so much more but the main concept is that Snyder was all about exploiting a fan base rabid for their team to the point of destroying a lot of what was good. People that had generations of passed down season tickets said screw this because it just was terrible experience at the game and the longest tenured fans felt mistreated in and out of the stadium. The team not being great isn’t the problem, but the team just doesn’t provide anything for the next generation of fans. I don’t want the Bills making any mistakes even close to that.
  17. PSLs are fan exploitation pure and simple and I think they will be a flaming failure in Buffalo. The fan atmosphere makes Buffalo games what they are and if they go to PSLs they’ll get the same bland, stale, and over-commercialized experience where even your urinal greats you with sponsorship. They always depreciate in value and leave with a hard choice if you aren’t interested in going anymore. The value of the Bills is their fan base, and the passion on gamedays. I know people sometimes wish for a more family friendly experience but that’s not what it is and if you think ruining the experience with higher costs and a stale experience is good for family outings at an NFL game…oh boy. Great now everyone can go and no one will be satisfied and they’ll have drained you of significant funds for something that was free and better on TV because the atmosphere sucks like most NFL games around the league. Honestly, it’s amazing stadiums are as full as they are but much of it is do to these PSLs and how they know they have people over a barrel for years and they don’t have to worry about the game day experience. Washington is a perfect example of how to ruin a great fan base by milking the life out of it.
  18. I think they see Bernard as a guy they can run as the 3rd linebacker and as a third down specialist who they can blitz, have cover, or spy. I think he gets plenty of snaps if he picks up the scheme. He seems like a guy that fits what the Bills' philosophy on D is. Cook is an interesting pick and might be a better all around back than Singletary or Moss. Definitely a better receiver. I don't think they are going to resign Singletary or Moss to second contracts. I liked Damien Pierce a lot better than Cook, but Cook was the feature back for the National Champions and is a little shiftier and more fluid in the passing game than Pierce. I just liked the physicality of Pierce because I think its wise to get someone to take the tough yardage carries so Josh doesn't take a beating in those situations.
  19. Sauce needs to get in the weight room if he doesn't want to look like a fool against NFL WRs. His nickname might become "Toast" Gardner.
  20. At some point they have to get some guys on the OL to make sure they get better. I know Kromer is a better coach than they've had under McD, but Morse is going to retire soon and the OL was a big issue last year.
  21. Seems like a very specific fit that they want in certain passing down packages. I don't hate this pick, even though I don't know much about him. I still don't know why the Bills aren't trying to get more physical on both sides of the ball. The picks are all fine, but seems like they probably had a WR that they were hoping to get and then there was a run on them right before they picked. I'm still scratching my head about letting Jermaine Johnson go - I thought for sure that was why they moved up. Miller, Rousseau, Johnson, Hughes - that would have been an impressive rotation of DEs.
  22. Good points, and I fully recognize coaching/roster was terrible. I remember laughing when O’Brien won the power struggle with full control and saying to myself this isn’t going to end well for the Texans. Speaking of the Texans they have to be looking at QB in this draft, who do you see them potentially going after?
  23. The 4-12 season where the Texans were a mess did bring some things into question. If you have a QB that is as good as he is supposed to be, you still likely make it a lot closer to .500 ball. I know that you can't put that all on him and O'Brien was a disaster for that franchise, turning a promise team into a bottom feeder. That's the question for me. Yes he had a big playoff win against the Bills, but chances are the Bills win that game with a different call on Cody Ford. Not trying to crap on him as a player because I'm not saying he isn't good, but I haven't really seen anything that supports the haul the Texans got and contract the Browns gave him. His last season had a lot of garbage time yards and TDs, and the last one he didn't play. He also had Hopkins who is just an incredible player and I'm not sure he's going to have the same success without a talent like that catching passes, and I don't think Cleveland fans are going to be forgiving if he struggles. Seems like a lot of pressure and not a lot of wiggle room for the way this all has played out up to now. I think a lot of has changed in the trajectories of the young QBs since then, with Allen and Mahomes clearly the class above the rest of the younger guys. Brady, Rodgers, and Stafford are the old guard. I don't think you can put Watson above any of those 5 guys, then you have Burrow, Herbert, R. Wilson, L. Jackson, and Prescott who you could argue are better than Watson. Not saying they are or aren't but certainly debatable, and given the baggage I'd take any of them in a heartbeat over Watson.
  24. It really makes you wonder how a guy like Mayfield is still waiting to be traded, because he certainly has the skills at QB to be a decent placeholder at worst for some of these teams. You really have to wonder how much of it is Mayfield and how much of it is the Browns wanting to too much and not really having the best hand to get what they are asking. I know some people think Watson is a really talented QB. I think he is good, but not great and I wouldn't want him with all of that stuff out there hanging on him. To go out and get him and do what they did, there has to be some combination of Mayfield is not a good locker room presence and the Browns just continue to mishandle things.
  25. Another bad fit as well. I think the Giants make sense, but not sure that would be a good pick for them that high. Teams with need at QB would be unwise to pin their hopes on this class. I wouldn’t be surprised to see QBs sliding out of the first round that were projected 1st rounders. It’s a weird draft and I’m not sure it’s a great year to have a high first round pick value wise. I think ND safety may be best player in draft.
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