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Everything posted by CircleTheWagons99

  1. I could not check all pages, but did 26 show his face yet?
  2. if he does not put up 350+ yards and 10 TDs then it ends next week........
  3. Stick a fork in’em....
  4. I am one of the start peterman guys, not because he will fix everything but just because im tired of watching TT. Lets get some real answers in terms of our offense.
  5. This made me laugh
  6. The pass to KB that he dropped, pretty tight coverage.
  7. Why is Vlad and Mills starting? because Coaches make mistakes, the problem with coaches is they are too stubborn to admit they are wrong.
  8. The only thing i can think of is that we, The Fans, have seen TT for 3 years and the coaches only 9 games?
  9. Overreaction is pulling a guy 4 games into a season, its been 3 years, get a clue buddy. The way decisions are being made right now is not the way to do things......Tolbert, Vald, Mills. TT, Trading MD because you think he didnt help the run D......
  10. Better they sticking with what is not working.....but i guess banging your head against the wall is the way you like getting things done.
  11. your opinion is based on nothing....the point im trying to prove. No one has seen what he can do.
  12. why do you think you know that???? Because the coachs say so?????? soooo no back up in the history of the league ever amounted to anything?
  13. Some people are gamers, wont know until they play in the GAME. its easy for a Def to make someone look bad when they share the same playbook.
  14. wont know if Peterman is anything but a back up until they bench "not the answer" and give him a shot. This team is going NO WHERE with TT, and maybe with Peterman, but no one will ever know if the Bills continue to start "not the answer"
  15. Tyrod is not the answer, but lets just pretend he is.......
  16. Whats the worse that can happen ina real game, the Bills lose? Its not like the Def is BLowing 30 point leads.
  17. shhh, 26 knows all..... I see that...Soon the mental block will go up.
  18. WTF does Fan talk even mean? a FAN IS TALKING? is that not what a message board is? to TALK about the team and what it should or should not do? Do YOU think YOU have any pull and only the things YOU say matter? I know it wont happen, but is should. If he fails then he fails big deal, spinning you wheels in the mud wont get you anywhere.
  19. Staying the course with TT is not going to make it to the Playoffs, may as well see what the Rookie can do.
  20. ok, i was confused cuz you said top four picks.
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