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Everything posted by CircleTheWagons99

  1. Elam gets the start????
  2. It's still McD's defense.
  3. every year its the samething, only constant is that this is McD's defense......His DLine rotation is killing the team not helping.....its been what, 8 years and this is still being discussed.
  4. Key word is sometimes. But I agree, I'll give him till the EOS but not too excited anymore.
  5. Sorry but McD is the problem. If not for Josh he would not have made it this far. He is a def coach, 8 years building this def, and it's always the Def that loses the game for the Bills.
  6. It was changing, then yesterday happened.
  7. Should have rolled out to the right and ran it in.
  8. Bills got flagged for the samething on the rams drive.
  9. Wow, tell me again the NFL is not rigged.
  10. Hollins is my favorite Bill, warrior. (2nd favorite)
  11. Love how toohil had hands in his facemask with no flag.....and they showed it in the replay clear as day.....
  12. Browns offensive gameplan is 💩💩💩
  13. Tua needs to put the gaurdian helmet on....
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