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  1. Good thing they have State Farm!
  2. Perfect anthem for the Bills. We lost 4 bowls, 17 year playoff drought, 13 seconds. Have we not been cheated? But yet, destiny is still calling and we are all Mr. Brightside.
  3. I would hope year after year of playoff exits the Bills would have some wrinkles in store for the guaranteed playoff run, but perhaps you are right.
  4. I bet the Taylor Swift fan message board has more relevant football discussion. Cya in the playoffs Chefs.
  5. Maybe Brady is keeping a lot under wraps until the playoffs.
  6. https://ship.jackstackbbq.com/category/specials?p=PINT24P&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_Ueb-bZzy3cp8RXlrk4M_jArj3y&gclid=CjwKCAiAudG5BhAREiwAWMlSjLz1q-iUYprjSk5sCgqQPbIak3iPH6PcOcehp-PqqEjfRLWf3KEmNRoCwXgQAvD_BwE Some of the best KC BBQ delivered to your door if money isn’t an object lol.
  7. “Brian have you considered growing a mustache and wearing a cap with glasses?”
  8. The obvious answer is to only let Bass attempt 60 yard field goals.
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