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  1. That’s how I felt last year (or the year prior) when the YouTube movie “Fire On the Mountain” came out.
  2. I missed it! How was it??
  3. I’ll be there. 😁
  4. Coffee. 2 cups a day. I make a cup at home and throw it in a travel mug to drink on my drive in. The second cup I usually have on my lunch break. My one rule is no caffeine after 1 pm. oh and of course my coffee is almost always pumpkin spice.
  5. I’m not quite sure. I joined the old BBMB as this name and I just never changed it. Every board I have joined has been under Jimboismyman.
  6. Funny you say that. I has someone next to me on Sunday yelling that we should challenge the holding penalty. I wish I was making this up.
  7. I had to take 2 tests last week because I was exposed prior to christmas. I wasn’t going to risk exposing everyone at the tailgate. That’s also a huge reason with ticket sales being so cheap. People would rather sell tickets for cheap instead of having their seats empty. my busdy has 2 extra season ticket seats. He just sold them to my friend for 30 each.
  8. It’s also the Jets. Most fans won’t want to over pay to watch the bills play a crappy team Factor in the time change. Im not looking forward to a 4:25 kick off. I would much rather have my typical 1 pm Sunday kickoff.
  9. Hahah!! The world can only handle one Jimbo, and that one is me! (also it ends in Y) I also love the sound of that live lp playing on a record player. Might be a little old, and a little scratched, but my dad giving me his Tubes album made my weekend.
  10. Completely agree with the Tubes. I haven’t really found another band that sounds like the tubes. The live album is easily one of my favorite live albums.
  11. ... and same to you. Yeah, it's me!! B-Large sent me a text the other night and told me this was where all the new cool kids hang out.
  12. That Deadpool 2 teaser was great. I was happy to see that the thre that out there for us fans.
  13. Great introduction thread, and thank you for giving us a home!
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