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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. You are correct, however, Darby is not asking to be the highest pd CB right now and that is the factor here. Gilmore showed in 5 yrs he is slightly above avg when healthy. Problem is he splits the other 66% of the time pretty evenly between being less than avg or hurt. He is not a franchise player like his contract says he is now. Pats will find out soon enough. Just like Hogan was essentially the same player with Bills he is now with Pats.
  2. We are not just talking about run support. He struggles tackling WR's also. They shed him like AJ Watt going around a TE.
  3. Ohhh my. That was a good one. LOL.
  4. Just wondering. I see these words used more and more. Are you guys English or recent English immigrants? As to the OP very nice story. I am always happy when any driver, especially a driver who makes his living driving, does not get a ticky tack fine for some mundane reason that just a hay get this fixed next garage visit would suffice. I know DOT is trying to keep the roads safe but I hate this backdoor tax the DOT and police performs sometimes.
  5. Will he be able to sue his junior tackle league, middle school, high school, college also? Soccer team if he played that? Martial Arts or boxing if he was in that. As all those contributed to his CTE just like NFL. This coming litigation on this issue will be very interesting where they lay the fault at and what % they assign each level of sports ladder they climbed.
  6. Yes he is 6' and avg weight. Overall physically though, he is a light weight hitter/tackler. Does not change the fact he can not tackle. Is that better?
  7. Gilmore has been tackling since 5th grade. Still can't do it. Too small and too weak. You can't coach up a skill that does not exist.
  8. I know Bills have been terrible trying to develop QB's. Using C Jones as an ex they draft him as a project to then given him about, what, 14 passes in real games, to apparently think that project is empty. Only in Buffalo. It would not have cost much in money and one late round draft pick to get Chad Kelly. What would it have hurt to see what he could do? He was hurt anyway and could have possibly spent a year on IR learning as Bills give C Jones another yr to develop.
  9. Agreed. And to add Cardale Jones and Tyrod are more physically talented then maybe all other NFL QB's. Same with M. Goodwin with WR's. Polian must clarify if he means physical, mental, or both.
  10. Man you missed being all in for what was the best short game run in the current drought. 2011 Fitzmagic FredEx and the DB's INT everything ending streak against Pats. Best game I have ever been at in any sport as fan player or other.
  11. Yes the trade was discussed with Whaley. That is what the Chiefs GM said first interview after the trade.
  12. Tennis? are we talking about tennis now? wrong crowd.
  13. That is a "southern" trait.
  14. NC is classified as the south and parts of it are considered part of the deep south. Saying some in the south do not view NC as part of the south is local current opinion and not historically accurate.(It would be like Germans thinking old East Germany is not part of Germany) and just because an area like Buffalo has a Midwest culture does not make it part of the Midwest. South Geography and civil war actions/history say otherwise. States north of NC are considered part of the south. CSA=NC=south.
  15. How about if he wants to go back to NC because he was born, raised, grew up, went to college in, and lived in NC his whole life. Does that make it a little easier as to why someone would wonder about it? Who cares if NC is part of the south or not? Even though it actually is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_United_States Parts of NC are even considered part of the "deep south". When they were classified as south by way of civil war actions they knew nothing of SEC sports and football.
  16. Another non-sense post from a NFL player. So you think it matters who you do not want to, or do want to, play for? No one is lining up to bid for your services. Take what you can get or retire already.
  17. Sammie needs to reseacrh how social media typically works our for guys in NFL like D Whitner etc etc........
  18. PS: I update my research to reflect your information. Thanks. My research said:......................................................................................NBA...............................NFL salary cap..................................................................................................$2.970 billion.................$5.344 billion avg salaries...............................................................................................$6 million.......................$2,276,949 league total revenue..................................................................................$8 billion.......................$14 billion % of total league revenue going to players contract "SALARIES".............37%..............................38%
  19. rooster Blockers.
  20. My research said:...........................................NBA...............................NFL salary cap.......................................................$2.970 billion.................$5.344 billion avg salaries....................................................$6 million.......................$2,276,949 league total revenue.......................................$8 billion.......................$14 billion % of total league revenue going to players.....37%..............................38% A bunch of income must be excluded from the salary cap calculations. Yes?
  21. I agree they both may have an argument as in this type of "Entertainer agreements" where the talent is the drawing card can't be compared to business that produces a product with all the inherent costs to acquire product to reformulate into a finished product etc etc.... Right now they each get approx.. 38% of total revenue. Sounds fair on surface however not sure what fair is in this unique business. Maybe a higher % should go to the entertainers since cba defined revenue their % is based on is not all of the total revenue. ??
  22. I did some quick research on this salary cap and player salary issue that NFL players are currently ranting on. I am surprised the % results are same. Roster size including injury contracts =...........NBA= 495......................NFL= 2347 (calculated per yearly game avg 2016)(NFL has more injury and so many more injury contracts pd. NFL 331 16 game contracts vs NBA 54 82 game contracts)(historically ea lose about approx. 4500 to 5000 games to injury per yr. NFL divide by 16 and NBA divide by 82)(very hard to figure out NBA as they have 14 players per roster= 420 however internet says they had 449 players on contract last yr. Impossible to determine if that includes some lost contract games due to injury resulting in another contract on roster to replace the injured player or if team went under roster limit temporarily or carried an injured player active on short injury. Or if these are players who are retired yet stay on books for salary cap reasons and are included in sign and trades due to convoluted salary cap. Also unable to compute if the injury lost games includes playoffs)(**I did a good fair est.) salary cap.......................................................$2.970 billion.................$5.344 billion avg salaries....................................................$6 million.......................$2,276,949 league total revenue.......................................$8 billion.......................$14 billion % of total league revenue going to players.....37%..............................38% You could argue NBA is slightly underpaid. However realistically this is statistically a dead heat and **margin of error in the numbers. If NFL players demanded the NBA avg of 6 mill per player that would equal 14 billion. = to ALL of NFL REVENUE! That would end the NFL as owners would make no profit. What is wrong with these college educated NFL guys who can not do the math I just spent 20 min researching???
  23. Yes wanted them to win vs Packers w Bledsoe and first Super Bowl after 9-11 with Brady. (I still blame Parcells for taking away a chance to win with Bledsoe with all his hemming and hawing about his job status, during Super Bowl week it was all about Parcells.) Of course this was all pre cheating info available so I would not have rooted for them had I known about the cheating.
  24. My clutch just went out on my Honda yesterday. I have no Luck. Clutch is a very subjective analysis in my book. I don't care what the stats say. The eye test is what matters.
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