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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. That is why it would hurt.
  2. Cry? Hell he will likely be the first live person to have themselves cryogenically frozen with clear instructions to thaw him out when Bills announce plans to move to other city.
  3. Any smart private company would have drug testing program for employee improvement and life improvement plans. But to have a fed or state requirement for a private company because they get tax breaks is a real stretch. So you find a CEO on a heroin addiction. You don't stop the tax breaks which will hurt all employees, you get the worker in rehab. That is what the welfare testing is meant to do also. Get them in rehab and if they continue to fail then they are cut off or go live in a drug rehab correction facility until fixed. Using your premise if I would favor drug tests for all and tie it to tax subsides and breaks cut off to them. NO. Then you would have to drug test everyone who does not pay taxes in US which there are many. Also you could argue everyone gets a tax break in the form of the standard deduction. https://www.forbes.com/sites/beltway/2015/10/06/new-estimates-of-how-many-households-pay-no-federal-income-tax/#c0f68e061cbc And also of those many who pay nothing many get welfare in the form of the "earned income credit" they do not pay any income tax and get back a few thousand(which is direct welfare) depending on family size. Remember I am advocating a "sampling drug test program" to see if it is viable and cost effective. According to some studies it is not rampant so may not be needed. In FL they find thousands will not file the paperwork for welfare when they see it involves a drug test. The candidate applying also must pay for the drug test. The state does not pay for it. PS: I am against tax breaks to private companies. That is not what a taxpaying system was intended for. We should only be responsible for the public good including infrastructure and not necessarily all of the infrastructure. But again it is not reasonable to expect all businesses in Brooklyn to pay a large tax to fund a new Brooklyn bridge when that is needed.
  4. He is a little off. Very little if any record of anyone OD'ing on weed. Possibly he is thinking about long term smoking of weed being more harmful than cigarette's for cancer risk and COPD risk. Weed is more toxic and abrasive to lungs as they have no filters. And street weed is very toxic as no one really knows what it is cut with. Legalizing it and commercial manufacturing adding a filter would be a good way to progress on this.(I still prefer pill form for pain) NFL should approve the pill form only.
  5. Well then these people are just idiots. You do not drug test everyone. You do a methodical random sampling which will identify via formula/projections what the projected % of drug users are estimated with a decent level of accuracy out there. Like a Gallup poll or Nielsen ratings. You then move forward based on that data. You may stop testing altogether or step it up depending on the results. You may just check those suspected or identified via whistler blower hotlines etc etc......
  6. Agreed. Man talk about a guy out of touch. Virtually every MLB and NBA teams use a ball in primary or secondary logos. NFL not as much.
  7. Only an idiot would cut a guy with this much potential, who is likely still months away from really being 100% back from the ACL tear, before he even ever plays in a NFL preseason game or any serious camp scrimmage yet. Crazy talk.
  8. He missed 4 preseason and 5 regular season games. He also left early on several other games. He was also less effective due to the injury at times. Cyrus Kouandjio played well filling in. So over a year has gone by now and he is still in a walking boot at this training camp. The injury was a high ankle sprain. So I would say in walking boot a year after that injury is cause for concern.
  9. Yes I agree completely. Players take shots at old team and someone says he was not taking shot at old team. Makes no sense. His latest comment that Bills fans don't like winners could not be any further from the truth. Bills fans crave winning. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000822726/article/gilmore-on-bills-fans-hate-guess-you-hate-winners Bills love winners. They just hate cheaters. So I guess since Gilmore is now a winner even though he has won nothing yet then he is also a cheater because he is on the Pats?
  10. Ravens window has closed. They will stumble along and try to regain old glory, but at the end of the day they need to think about rebuliding.
  11. You need to look no furthur than he was signed on the new guys watch(McDerma) And all the old guys not signed by McDerma are slowly being shown the door. Happens every time a new staff replaces an unsuccessful old staff. When it is two guys tied for a position you can bet the old regime guy goes.
  12. No one is mad that I know of. I and others just wanted to know why this keeps happening. eball was nice enough to explain it and even furnish the commercial. Thank you eball. I took great care in pointing out I was not trying to be a smart ass about it. Just wanted an answer.
  13. Well in a way you can get that fee returned. When you sell your season tickets to someone else. If the team is winning, the PSL would retain its value. I am sure not all PSL are transferrable so would need to understand that before buying if this is a factor for you. Teams have done diff things with PSL. For EX Raiders totally ripped off fans when they moved back to Oakland with a PSL that expired after I think 10 yrs. Crazy that fans would do that. But they did. Raiders had an eye on another PSL when the new stadium Oakland promised would be built later.
  14. Like the 70' s are a joke. or the 80's? Like that? I missed the commercial where this nonsense all started. Thanks for that info. That is all I was looking for. I had no idea. Still stupid to see people keep posting that though. But each their own. PS: TJ Hosmanzada was a difference making starter though, not a back end depth player like Rambo.
  15. I assume the onkt is "only" Yet you did not answer why you posted "championship" So are you saying you think Bills will now win Championship as Rambo was the missing piece needed?? I didn't think so. Again I am not at all trying to be a smart ass or start an argument. Other posters and myself just would like to know why this keeps happening. Cheers
  16. Yes I did get that from one word. Sometimes I get all that from two words as others sometimes post "Super Bowl". And I believe I was completely correct because I do not believe you think he will bring a championship to Bills. Which then brings the question based on your answer that you kind of like him. Why go negative? I am not trying to be a smart ass. Just asking. Was not just you. This happens every time Bills sign a back end roster player and I was just wondering why. Do you know why?
  17. No water. It does have tubes(@ 3:03) with a flared end that take up G's and Torque with a slight spin action which seem to help a lot, and likely explain the promising test graph results witch shows significant drop in G forces. I imagine water is a non-starter as it is heavy and less weight is better for helmets.
  18. It has already happened in football with broken necks and heart attacks. In Soccer/Rugby from cardiac arrest. In boxing from blunt force to head, usually via the face or jaw, causing brain injury and death. Getting back to the football brain injury debate. No one to my knowledge has suffered an instant death from a skull fracture or brain injury on field. The helmet does a great job of preventing it, however, it does not prevent concussions or CTE. The new "zero-1" helmet does show a lot of promise though.
  19. That can not be the finished product can it? That is like no style no substance. Just typecast. It is just Font.
  20. Agreed and smart Bills move. They want to be assured his problematic foot is healed and not going to turn into Grant Hill/Bill Walton 2.0, career threatening. A non-Billsy move for once. I think they will retain him even if he has other injuries as long as it is not the chronic foot issue or some other severe as in career threatening injury.
  21. Taking a cue from Nikel Robey-Coleman would it not be Rambo-Fudge? Anyone know the common practice procedure with this?
  22. Predictable old negativity surfaces every time Bills sign depth roster players. Why?
  23. That is the conundrum with weed for medical. I agree it is an important tool for a host of medical issues and also advocate for it to be a non jailable offense or and/or completely legal.(what ever local and state sentiment can handle at its own pace and time) But individuals like Henderson should be able to get the pill form of the chemicals in cannabis to treat his medical. This would prevent lung damage and NFL should allow with Dr RX.(many more powerful and more dangerous drugs are prescribed everyday in US) Maybe then the stigma of people smoking weed in public would be abated.
  24. The 2011 was as loud as I have ever heard in person. However, players have commented the AFC Championship when Joe Montana was concussed and Bills won going away was referred to by players as the loudest they ever heard. Comments were their helmets were pulsating during warmups already.
  25. I know Bills fans are kind of caught in a "groundhog day prequel". So I will stop now, thanks. I do have hopes Darby excels and earns the big deal. He has 2 yrs left to show it.
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