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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. I know you are trying to be funny, and I love the humor on these boards, but if you Polish a sausage it is still a sausage. Of course you may have a point. McDerma and Beano need versatility and if Crossman would have insisted and won the argument that Watkins should play on ST, Watkins would still be on team possibly. This would have increased their playoff chances 1000%.
  2. WTF . What team plays their best WR, best player on team, injury prone, on ST.
  3. I heard she beats him too.
  4. LOL....good stuff.... Yes we needed another one to blame for that debacle Thanks.....ha ha.
  5. Watch the game a little closer or get all-22. He is good. 4 games = 8 sacks a season. Very good for a known edge setter. But don't worry Whaley guys wear a scarlet letter shaped like a Star of David and likely not long for this team roster. Relax he will be an All Pro for the Chiefs or Eagles soon enough. And stop with the Whaley mistake bull ****. Whaley assembled a playoff roster and Rex blew up the defense stopping that result.
  6. I like this. Very forward thinking. This is pure genius. You came up with this idea that usually involves a think tank conference. Gold. Played out it would clearly incentivize trying to make playoffs and it you slightly failed then benefit of that 1st or 2nd pick is an awesome consolation prize. Someone could try to lose the last game or 2 for jockeying draft position if they think they can not win in playoffs although that would be so rare it sounds ludicrous just typing it. Every team thinks they have a chance if they can just get to playoffs, but this plan would completely stop the season long tank.
  7. I would work him out and see if he is in shape. Then if deciding to sign him would absolutely need a "groin injury clause". The annual injury he sustained when he was young and healthy.
  8. Sorry to hesar that. If I lived in hurricane zone I would build in a area high enough it would not flood then construct a cement bunker only about 25% above ground. Put in a propane tank for power during the outages.etc etc.....
  9. This website loses all credibility when they say Bills RB roster is "a position of strength" out of touch.
  10. He did not look as bad as Goff and now Goff looks ok.
  11. They already have 63 with PS but yes they should all be on game roster. Then maybe 5 more practice guys?
  12. If he goes to Packers he will be in HOF. Rogers throws to covered WR's all the time.
  13. Yeah really. Would not surprise me. Bills trading very good to great players for ok players is Beano MO. If they dump Dareous and Glenn for pocket change it again will prove they are in over their heads. Glenn is very good and has seldom been hurt. Dareous is a monster when healthy.
  14. No. Trade is preferred. Although I am not necessarily in favor of that the writing could be on the wall. Look at cap implications for Dareus. according to http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/tools/ros...lo-bills/2018/ cap hits are: cut 2017 24.4 mill trade 2017 6.65 mill cut 2018 22.2 mill trade 2018 14.2 mill so an anomaly with this contract may make trading now a good deal.
  15. You then have not been paying attention to personnel moves by McDerma and then Beano.
  16. I don't know what you had for breakfast, but the Bills are not going to the playoffs with this high school offense. NO WAY.
  17. I said the same thing when I watched the play.
  18. On further review it is not the clapping per se that is disturbing. It is the finger spread and placement. Looks like he has Jon Gruden/Jimmy Fallon - hands/fingers. If he ever starts clapping by bringing up the lower hand into a stationary upper hand,(like a person playing rock paper scissors inverted) well then he is just off the deep end like a Flat Earther.
  19. Thank you. Exactly. This fact is lost on the "stat finders". There is a real situational "time component" to rushing/passing stats. Rush with a lead to sow up the win. Pass to get back in it. Pass at end of game and 2 min drills and OT where passing at that time juncture is more important than the run etc etc.....
  20. Am I dreaming? Don't wake me. The drought, It's gotta end some year. Why not now?
  21. Todays internet winner right there. LOL....... hey but don't push those flat earthers toooo far......
  22. No disrespect meant. Not just directed at you or your post, just a general statement post. My point is everyone is on the trade block with this new regime. Even guys not on the trade block.
  23. I worded it a little off. Yes Watkins saying what he said and meaning it is disturbing and goes beyond the regular "I want to perform thinking" I typed.
  24. I cast my ONE vote for exactly as you say. Don't waste too much time on the old stuff. Anyone who wants that, with the archive link you state, should be happy. And I would not waste resources on the archive either.
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