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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. I don't know what you had for breakfast, but the Bills are not going to the playoffs with this high school offense. NO WAY.
  2. On further review it is not the clapping per se that is disturbing. It is the finger spread and placement. Looks like he has Jon Gruden/Jimmy Fallon - hands/fingers. If he ever starts clapping by bringing up the lower hand into a stationary upper hand,(like a person playing rock paper scissors inverted) well then he is just off the deep end like a Flat Earther.
  3. Thank you. Exactly. This fact is lost on the "stat finders". There is a real situational "time component" to rushing/passing stats. Rush with a lead to sow up the win. Pass to get back in it. Pass at end of game and 2 min drills and OT where passing at that time juncture is more important than the run etc etc.....
  4. Am I dreaming? Don't wake me. The drought, It's gotta end some year. Why not now?
  5. Todays internet winner right there. LOL....... hey but don't push those flat earthers toooo far......
  6. No disrespect meant. Not just directed at you or your post, just a general statement post. My point is everyone is on the trade block with this new regime. Even guys not on the trade block.
  7. I worded it a little off. Yes Watkins saying what he said and meaning it is disturbing and goes beyond the regular "I want to perform thinking" I typed.
  8. I cast my ONE vote for exactly as you say. Don't waste too much time on the old stuff. Anyone who wants that, with the archive link you state, should be happy. And I would not waste resources on the archive either.
  9. This is a bunch of BS. Every player who has ever played the game wants to do well and have stats and help team win. Yes they are happy when they win but they want to help the team win and are unhappy when they do not perform. Especially in pro sports where your performance dictates if you continue to get a paycheck. Most keep this quite and inside, but it is there.
  10. Rodak and Love never belong together in a sentence, unless Patriots is in it.
  11. A coach like McDerma should have had no problem motivating and having a good relationship with the most talented player on the roster. He even commented how hard it was to part with a guy he had a good relationship with. beano must have been the driving force on that trade. Cowboys do it w Dez B and Giants do it w OBJ, Steelers w Brown, Eagles w TO etc etc...... See the pattern? Mercurial crazy WR are tolerated. And Watkins was not even close to the type of turds those other guys are.
  12. If teams keep melting down when they play Pats it will not take long for them to get back on their feet.
  13. Brown is commenting after the fact. A fact he had no control and likely preferred a great talent like Watkins on team. This mentality is similar to a torture. OK OK just take two toes off and stop there please. It could be worse. Off come 3 toes. OK OK just take my foot off and stop there it could be worse. Off with the foot, OK OK..etc etc.....
  14. Newsflash for anyone not in tune with Beano/McDerma era. Everyone is available for trade. Big Discounts available on Whaley/Rex guys. Hell beano even trades guys he is not shopping like Watkins. Trades or cuts guys Bills could use like Seymour and JWill, Gives up on guys before they get healthy and show what they can do who have a "take the top off the D speed" which Bills are desperate for right now, in Kolby Listenbeee. Give up on ST stud Easley for below avg old marginal ST player Colt Anderson. Plug in two undersized Jauron type avg talent 5th round Linbackers just because they drafted them while letting a real prospect still healing go to Chiefs for a future song not yet written. They are as unpredictable as a typical Bills early season record. Don't try to make sense of their methods, they are all over the map. Just win baby and all is good. If they came out and said they are playing Tyrod at Safety and starting Logan Thomas at QB, it would not surprise me.
  15. I can only imagine what Richie considers "something to do". Maybe he should roll with Shady into Philly next time. Maybe everyone in the country should just move to FL LA and NYC and be done with it. It would be like having 3 Mexico City sized metropolises and we would all then have something to do. Marshawn said he loved partying in Buffalo. Of course that guy can have fun in Oakland so he can have fun anywhere.
  16. Because he was on target and threw great balls. Several dropped that would have been TD's. He completed his first 8. The int was a clear "trust my athletic tall jamming/jumping WR to fight for and catch type of throw" that some little oompa DB somehow out jumped him. Did you watch the game.? EJ played well.
  17. Nice work. Even the maybe is iffy. Steelers and Texans game could be for home field advantage in playoffs. If Bills Pats is for the East lead then look out.
  18. Josh: I know newspapers have a tough time now getting subscriptions in the internet age and are trying to adapt. But as Tiger says $3 here and then $4 for another newspaper and $3 for another etc etc and so on and so on is not affordable for most. And will only have Bills article when Bills play them. Many sports fans would like to follow the local news in the cities of interest related to Bills for example. But a subscription for 32 or 45 diff newspapers is way too much. Until newspapers band together and offer a multiple subscription for on-line content for one reasonable price, I think it is going to get tougher before it gets better. This is what retarded satellite tv for awhile as they previously had all the channels broadcasting raw feeds(also more interesting) picked up by rich guys with garage sized sat dishes for free tuning in obscure local channels half way across the country to watch sports in that area and local news etc etc and when they rolled out Direct TV and Dish etc etc many of us thought we could then get any local TV channel anywhere in US we wanted for one fee. But noooooooo, can't have that, satellite networks developed there own content, restricted everything else, AND, charged more for sports. So no longer could a transplant in LA tune in to his former hometown channels to see what is going on. A very sad human red tape happening. I am a die hard Clipper fan living near Chicago. Why could I not, for one subscription fee for all US channels, watch the local LA tv channel playing the Clippers and watch the local news that day in LA along with local commercials etc etc and the pre and post game shows on that channel. NBA and NFL MLB etc etc plans cuts off all that content.
  19. Buffalo media would kill themselves trying and failing to get quotes from that grunt. He would probably only talk to Rodak. You won't need our forgiveness. Ask God.
  20. Sammy Watkins which would=playoffs. A Rogers would get killed with Bills OL.
  21. Normal people can find plenty to do and have fun doing it anywhere. The world of US people do not ALL live in South Beach or NYC or LA. Majority live in rural and get along just fine. It is shallow narcissistic idiots who constantly complain they have nothing to do that they think is fun. Poor upbringing.
  22. Look at the current lineup. Not likely any will be bumped for a Bills game.
  23. I hope Cam never gets traded to Bills with any talent left in the tank as a starter. McDerma would cut him.
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