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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. bull **** Shuster has no benefit of the doubt. He is a ROOKIE. No one took a cheap shot on Shuster. Punk ass move by punk ass team. You can't put the crown of your helmet into the face of the other player. He crossed the line with the taunting. This was all started by Shazier in playoff game cheap shoting the Bengal.
  2. but but but... he is always injured. Thanks for showing he is a relative ironman with Bills players.
  3. True... On a sad note though. Eagles and Rams picks are turning into dumpster diving range.
  4. Whaley tried hard to get McCown after he had that one good half year in 2013 with Bears and became FA. I believe Whaley offered him more money then McCown accepted from Bucs. Whaley was right to go after him. He would have been a great "b/u" "spot starter" and now shown he is a "bridge guy" also. The trifecta for his talent level. Marrone would have loved him as he would have been better than Manual and Orton would have never been coaxed out of retirement. Bills may have made playoffs that year and he would still be here as a b/u at least unless Beano dumped him for a pizza.
  5. So we have more terrible Beano trades to look forward to in the off season leading up to and during the draft. Great. Can't wait. Beano has make one trade as a Bill employee(Benjamin) that was not anything other than a complete and utter fail/loss. And based on his previous actions and guessing his obvious mindset concerning previous players on roster, he has more than a few blackballed/scarlet letter Rex/Whaley guys he still needs to dump for peanuts.
  6. We get that. But the whole point of a rebuild is to get better by keeping the best good young talent(not dumping them for 10 cents on the dollar) and adding as they did from your list. That list looks very nice I agree. So we have hope then.
  7. slow down Billsy fan. You got your Walts mixed up. It happens. Glad to help.
  8. Rodak you are a hack. Pointing out the obvious. This is the equivalent to grading my love making skills after my first time in the era of no internet porn for referencing the basics and with another virgin also. Nice job dipwad. Now get back to watching Patriots replays from the last 2 decades. Something you are good at. Oh and PS: what the hell is a stat "yds per attempt" even good for or serve any purpose? It should only matter how many yds you avg per completion. They have this little maybe unknown stat to you Rodak called completion % that will tell you more than "yds per attempt". What a BS stat. Who freaking cares about that.
  9. sucker bet 100%. Can Bills even score 7 ?? What is the over under "0" ?? lol.......
  10. Joe B just dislocated his jaw. And by extension his typing fingers. Poor guy.
  11. If I was Tre I would have gone full soccer fake. Literally laid there motionless eyes closed on my back just breathing contently and let them immobilize my head neck spine and have an ambulance take me off. To be safe that would have been a smart move. Being concussed he can't really be sure what is injured and of course may not be aware enough to go full soccer fake. Let Gronk think about how he could have just killed or paralyzed someone. Of course when they break out the smelling salts my gig would have been up.
  12. Did you know comedian Dick Smothers son Dick Smothers Jr was a porn star and did not have to change his name?
  13. so Sammy would be Bills best and most productive receiver at this point.
  14. I hear you, however, My opinion is if they kept Watkins Goodwin Seymour JWill Gillessee Bradham Ragland Dareous they would be vying for 2nd seed in playoffs right NOW just behind Pats or Steelers. They then could have blown things up a little after the season. This 18 year drought needs to be put to bed for all people concerned. Players owners fans coaches. It was right there for the taking in weak AFC this year and Buffalo Punted like losers do.
  15. You bring up an excellent point. McDerma(Beane was not hired yet) should have picked up Sammy's 5th year option regardless if he was going to trade him or keep him. It would have increased his value in trade. Rams must now deal with Sammy contract demands at end of season. They otherwise would have had him for 690k this yr and approx. 13 mill next year. less than 7 mill per yr. avg.. Approx what Woods gets from them now. Stupid move by McDerma.
  16. I would have voted "brawl' in this situation. If that was not enough to warrant a brawl then NFL players should never ever fight.
  17. I'd say all the moves are wrong except the Benjamin trade. And not retaining overpaid non tackling 3 or 4 good games a year Gilmore. Watkins(low cost)and Goodwin(low cost)are the pieces the WR corp misses most. Woods is 1000% better then Matthews. Seymour would be starting. Dareous would be healthy now and plugging the sieve middle of what now loosely is called run defense. Ragland would be a two down run stopping force again for what Bills completely suck at now. Darby would be a low cost fine back up, spot starter, nickel back, better than anyone not named White or Gaines.(Gaines was odd man out in LA and could have been had for a 6th) Bradham better than any current Bills LB except maybe Milano. Gillesse would have been the 2nd best RB on Bills. JWill, see Gillessse. Lee on practice squad would have been a force Bills lack right now. DiMarco is not a good NFL player. Tolbert is the worst 2nd string RB 3rd down RB in NFL.....how can coaches think he is anything other than a situational FB? Milano should be starting. Peterman start was too soon.(I give credit it was a ballsy measured risk to see if anyone can score with this putrid offense) You are delusional if you think all the moves where spot on. Many who think that way think all the traded dropped players were all cancers in the locker room. None of that can be confirmed from any reputable source. They replaced good young talent and now have one of the oldest rosters in NFL. That is not how you do a rebuild.
  18. Pegs did offer him a 5 yr extension and was advised by Marrone he would get back to him . Pegs thought it was a done deal. Next day he resigned. Pegs was blindsided. Marrone never requested changes to make his stay in Buffalo palatable for him. Marrone was never happy in Buffalo. He needed to go.
  19. True....but he also proved you needed to be Drew Brees to play in NFL and they are not readily available.
  20. Yeah. Sammy is worth 7 to 9 mill a year like R Woods and he will want and likely get money like Jeffery got.
  21. Dam history. The hubris of it always repeating itself. Go figure. I bet you hate just like I do the live remotes of local TV reporters on site every late fall/early winter at local hardware stores talking about how snow shovels and ice melt are flying off shelves as the first winter snow arrives. Also the annual reminder to change smoke alarm batteries when clocks change to daylight savings and back. I never got that one. I just wait for alarm to beep and change them then. That beep is there for a reason to let you know now is the time.
  22. He is right handed. He broke the right clavicle.
  23. No Clay's was not worse. It did not come at a time game was in doubt and Bills had a chance. It also was not a pick 6 of a rookies first start and first INT on first drive and he looked good up to that INT. So completely apples to oranges. SD game was different in every way from a standard Bills game with screw-ups. Because McDermott went for it and stakes were high and it failed. Other examples of Bills screw ups that stick in my head: Tuell 99 yard pick 6 when S Johnson was wide open in end zone. That is all I can remember from that Chiefs give away game. Then another giveaway game vs Chiefs when Bryce Brown was going in for TD and fumbled out of end zone when Scott Chandler had the ball bounce right up to his hips in front of him and could not hold it. Dumb dumb dumb.
  24. Well then you will be wrong. The first thing I think about every time I think about that demoralizing sad debacle is DiMarco playing volleyball. It will never ever change. That error caused the ball to roll on that day. I don't forgive him ever. 2nd is how the non calls caused more INT's. 3rd is the ballsy move I like from McDermott making the change. That is probably why I don't think of the 5 int's first as I thought it was a good try to try and spark the O. Of course in retrospect He and I were wrong. Trust me in the very far future when I am with Bills fans and they start talking about this Peterman game and the 5 int's I will be speaking up immediately how DiMarco was a putz. I can't get that perfectly thrown screen pass volleyball out of my head, it was going for some yardage and likely put Bills in FG range or possibly the drive was going for a TD. I have tried and it is stuck. Like !@#$ing groundhog day. That screw up changed the game and it was not coming back. I would inactivate DiMarco right now if I could. You are not wrong. Everyone with a memory knows it was reviewed.
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